Советский космонавт из Вязников.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
Краткая аннотация.
Данная работа предназначена для учащихся 8 - 9 классов общеобразователь-ных школ в качестве материала краеведческой направленности на уроках английского языка.
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Краткая аннотация.
Данная работа предназначена для учащихся 8 - 9 классов общеобразователь-ных школ в качестве материала краеведческой направленности на уроках английского языка. Текст посвящен выдающемуся земляку, лётчику-космонавту СССР В.Н.Кубасову. Работа с текстом направлена на формирование гражданско-патриотической позиции учащихся, воспитание уважительного отношения к прошлому и настоящему малой родины на примере судеб её известных деятелей. Информация о Кубасове поможет пробудить познавательный интерес у учеников к изучению предмета. Предтекстовые задания нацеливают учащихся на прогнозирование содержания текста и снятие лексических затруднений при работе с ним. Текстовые задания направлены на развитие логического мышления, выделение смысловых опор, нахождение ответов на поставленные вопросы. Послетекстовые задания ориентированы на проверку понимания прочитанного текста и помогут подготовиться к монологическому высказыванию.
Part I. Предтекстовые задания.
Task 1. There are a lot of outstanding people in Vyazniki district. Try to guess who these people are (match the portraits and the names):
1. | a) Golyshev Ivan Aleksandrovich (1838-1896)
2. | b) Fatyanov Aleksei Ivanovich (1919-1959) |
3. | c) Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich (1935-2014)
Task 2. Find out what the following words mean in a dictionary:
to be engaged in, to weld, error, mankind, to dock, exploration, conquest, to be awarded, contribution.
Task 3. Match the words with their meanings:
1 | flight | A | a spaceship |
2 | generation | B | fulfill; do as required |
3 | graduate | C | to send off a rocket |
4 | capable | D | difficult to forget |
5 | spacecraft | E | all people of the same age |
6 | memorable | F | a journey through space |
7 | launch | G | manage successfully |
8 | to carry smth out | H | significant, important to be worthy of attention |
9 | cope | I | gifted; able |
10 | epochal | J | to finish studying at an educational institution and get a diploma |
Part II. Текстовые задания.
Task1. Read the text and match its paragraphs (1-7) with their titles (a - h). There is one title you don’t have to use.
a) Respected person
b) Memorable event
c) The famous Soviet cosmonaut
d) The third flight
e) Russian scientist
f) Early years
g) The first space welder
h) Later life
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
The Soviet cosmonaut from Vyazniki.
1. Valery Kubasov was an outstanding Soviet cosmonaut. His name belongs to the first generation of cosmonauts. He is known as a space engineer who made three flights into space. He was one of the participants of the famous "Soyuz-Apollon" program, in which the Soviet and American crews cooperate in experiments.
2. Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov was born in the small Russian town of Vyazniki on January 7, in 1935. He grew up in the family of an employee . Valery Kubasov was a capable pupil and left school with a silver medal in 1952. Since childhood, he dreamed of building planes, so after school he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. After graduating from it, he became an aviation engineer. Valery Nikolaevich was given an opportunity to work at the ballistics design Bureau led by Sergei Korolev. He was engaged in designing of the spacecraft “ Voskhod”.
3. He joined the Soviet cosmonaut programme in the sixties of the previous century and started preparing for space flights. On October 11, 1969 in the spaceship Soyuz-6 Valery Kubasov with another Soviet cosmonaut Georgy Shonin flew into space. They stayed there more than four days. It was not an easy flight, during which he made welding work in space. The equipment for this purpose was developed in one of the Soviet laboratories. The experiment was extremely dangerous. Any error could turn into a disaster, but the crew coped with the task successfully. After this flight Kubasov was named a Hero of the Soviet Union and got the order of Lenin and the first gold Star medal on October 22, 1969.
4. The next flight was an epochal event. Valery Nikolaevich became a participant of the first international project, known as the" handshake in space". The Soviet spaceship Soyuz-19 was launched into orbit on July 15, 1975. A few hours later, the spacecraft Apollo went to the stars in the USA. For the first time in the history of mankind two manned ships from different countries were docked. Valery Kubasov said: "The ships docked. It was approximately over the river Elbe." He carried out work with Alexei Leonov, Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald Slayton. The astronauts spent 46 hours in orbit together making experiments. In 2005, both crews repeated the most legendary handshake. They met and recalled that flight in the Vladimir region.
5. His last space flight took place on May 26, 1980. Kubasov travelled into space with the Hungarian cosmonaut Bertalan Farkas on the spacecraft Soyuz-36. The astronauts made an expedition to the station Salyut-6.They worked on board of the orbital complex "Salyut-7"-"Soyuz - 35- "Soyuz-36" and returned to the Earth on June 3, 1980.
6. Kubasov stopped flying but never lost interest in the space exploration. He was very fond of the work to which he devoted his whole life. In his later years Valery Nikolaevich started writing books about space flights. In 1984 he published the popular book “Touch of space” in 1984. Kubasov visited many cities of Russia and foreign countries, but never forgot his town of childhood . He organized trips for students from Vyazniki to Star city and the Cosmonaut Training Center.
7. Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov died on February 19, 2014 in Moscow at the age of 79. For the successful flights, the courage and heroism he was awarded two Gold Stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union and three orders of Lenin. He is also a Hero of Republic of Hungary. During his lifetime the bronze bust to Valery Kubasov was built up in the home town Vyazniki.
People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in the conquest of outer space, and the name of V.N.Kubasov is one of them.
Task2. Read the text and complete the statements after it.
1. Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov _________
a) was a famous cosmonaut
b) was a space welder
c) was an aviation engineer
2. Kubasov’s progress at school _________
a) was not good at all
b) was excellent
c) was not very good
3. Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov joined the Soviet group of cosmonauts_________
a) after graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute
b) in 1966
c) in the seventies of the previous century
4. During the first flight Kubasov ________
a) made chemical and metallurgical experiments in space conditions
b) exchanged microorganisms with another cosmonaut
c) made welding work in space
5. The Soviet spaceship Soyuz-19 was docked with
a) the American “Apollo”
b) Hungarian spacecraft
c) "Soyuz-36"
6. For the successful flights, the courage and heroism Kubasov was awarded
a) two Gold Stars of the Hero of Socialist Labour
b) Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union
c) two Gold Stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union
Task 3. Look through the text about Kubasov again and a) answer the questions; b) make up questions to match the answers.
A) 1. When was Valery Kubasov born?
2. What was he interested in?
3. When did Kubasov’s “space” biography begin?
4. How many times did Kubasov fly into space ?
5. What book was published by him?
B) 1. In the family of an employee.
2. He worked at the ballistics design Bureau led by Sergei Korolev.
3. In 1969 in the spaceship Soyuz-6 Valery Kubasov with another Soviet cosmonaut Georgy Shonin flew into space.
4. The flight with the American “Apollo” was an epochal event.
5. His last space flight took place in 1980.
6. He is the author of the book “Touch of space”.
7. In 2014.
Part III. Послетекстовые задания.
Task 1.
A) Use the text about Kubasov and prove the following.
1) Valery Kubasov wanted to become an aviation engineer very much.
2) He wasn’t afraid of difficulties during space flights.
3) He was very fond of the work to which he devoted his whole life.
4) Kubasov made a very large contribution to the development of the space exploration.
4) People will always remember the name of Kubasov.
B) Give 3-4 reasons why we’ re proud of Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov.
Part I. Предтекстовые задания.
Task 1.
1-b; 2-c; 3-a
Task 3.
1 | flight | A | a journey through space |
2 | generation | B | all people of the same age |
3 | graduate | C | to finish studying at an educational institution and get a diploma |
4 | capable | D | gifted; able |
5 | a spacecraft | E | a spaceship |
6 | memorable | F | difficult to forget |
7 | launch | G | to send off a rocket |
8 | to carry smth out | H | fulfill; do as required |
9 | cope | I | manage successfully |
10 | epochal | J | significant, important to be worthy of attention |
Part II. Текстовые задания.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
7 | 4 | 1 | 5 | - | 2 | 3 | 6 |
1-a; 2-b; 3-b; 4-c; 5-a; 6-c.
Ссылка на использованные источники
Текст составлен и переработан на основе:
- ru.wikipedia.org›Кубасов Валерий Николаевич
- wiki2.org›ru/Кубасов Валерий Николаевич
- ruspekh.ru›people/item/kubasov-valerij-nikolaevich
- biography.su›…kubasov-valerij-nikolaevich.
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