Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему «Путешествие. Культурный обмен».
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)

Грамма Наталья Александровна

   Учитель: Грамма Наталья Александровна

    Предмет: английский язык

  Класс: 11 Б ( группа 12 человек)

   Тема:  Путешествие

 Форма урока: заочная экскурсия ( с применением ИКТ.)

  Средства обучения: проектор, компьютер, раздаточные материалы, презентация.

Задачи урока: закрепление лексики по теме «Путешествие», развитие навыка предсказывать содержание по представленным иллюстрациям и краткому описанию, развитие коммуникативных навыков.

   Цели урока:  развитие общеучебных  и специальных знаний и умений в рамках темы, умение аргументировать свое высказывание, воспитание чувства гордости и любви к своей стране, воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу.


Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему

«Путешествие. Культурный обмен».

Учитель: Грамма Наталья Александровна

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 11 Б ( группа 12 человек)

Тема:  Путешествие

Форма урока: заочная экскурсия ( с применением ИКТ.)

Средства обучения: проектор, компьютер, раздаточные материалы, презентация.

Задачи урока: закрепление лексики по теме «Путешествие», развитие навыка предсказывать содержание по представленным иллюстрациям и краткому описанию, развитие коммуникативных навыков.

 Цели урока:        развитие общеучебных  и специальных знаний и умений в рамках темы, умение аргументировать свое высказывание, воспитание чувства гордости и любви к своей стране, воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу.

Ход урока

  1. Этап. Организационный момент.


T: Good morning, my dear friends! Nice to see you again!

Cl: Good morning, teacher! Nice to see you too!

T: Sit down, please! How are you today?

Cl: Fine, thank you!

T: I am glad you are fine! Let`s start our English lesson.

Введение в тему.

T: Let`stry to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the wards correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

  1. You should buy it, if you want to go by bus or by plane or by car.

(A ticket)

  1. A small grey animal that likes cheese, it`s bigger than a mouse. ( a rat)
  2. Where can you see a lot of planes? ( In airport)
  3. Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes are … (vegetables)
  4. A big grey animal that lives in India and in Africa. (An elephant)
  5. Name the antonym to the word «hate». (love)
  6. It`s a sour yellow fruit. (A lemon)
  7. You can find it in winter or when you freeze water. (Ice)
  8. It`s a part of a face. (A nose)
  9.  Football, basketball, tennis are … (Games)
























































T: What is the topic of our lesson?

Look at the board and read the saying: «The world is the book. And those people who do not travel read only one page». What do you think about it?

  1. Основной этап. Развитие речевых навыков.

T: Many people are fond of travelling. Let`s make a plan of travelling! What points should we include in our plan?


Where do people like to travel?

P 1: People like to travel to different countries.

P 2: People like to explore their own country.

P 3: They like to go to the Black Sea.

P 4: People like to go hiking into mountains.

T:That`s right! How can we travel? (How?)

P 1:We can travel by car.

P 2:We can travel by plane.

P 3:We can travel by ship.

P 4:We can travel on foot.

P 5: We can travel by train.

T: Right you are! What else can we add to our plan? (Why?)

Why do people like to travel?Give your reasons.

P 1: People like to discover new places.

P 2: People like to see the sights.

P 3: People like tomeet people and make friends.

P 4: People like to know customs and traditions.

P 5: People like to history and culture.

P 6: They want to learn languages.

P 7: People like to visit new places.

T:That`s right! (Things you need)

What things should we take?

Work in pairs. You can see envelopes on your desks. There are a lot of different things into your envelopes. Choose those that you need for travelling and put them into one Colum. Your neighbor will choose things that you don`t need to take with you. Is the task clear for you? I give you 1 minute.

T: What things do you need to take?

T: What things don`t you need to take with you?

Well done! Thank you.

T: What else should we include in our plan?


What can people do while travelling?

P1: People can go sightseeing.

P 2: They can learn languages.

P 3: People can find out information about customs and traditions.

P 4: They can climb the mountains.

P 5: Peoplecan go to the beach, swim and sunbathe there.

P 6: Theycan visit museums and art galleries.

P 7: Peoplecan have a picnic and have a rest with their friends.

T: Right you are!

T:Do you like to travel?

Cl :Yes, we do.

Let`s remember our summer holiday and our trip. Where did we go in summer?

Cl :We went to Moscow in summer.

T:What did you see there?

P 1: I saw Red Squire and the Kremlin.

P 2: I saw St. Basil 's Cathedral.

P 3: I saw Zaryadye Park and the Floating Bridge.

P 4: I saw Alexander Garden and Eternal Flame.

P 5:I saw Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory.

P 6:I saw the Mosfilm Studio, museums, churches, parks.

P 7: I was on Arbat Street and saw the monument to Pushkin and Goncharova.

P 8: I saw the building of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

T:Did you like your trip to Moscow?

Cl :Yes, we did.

T:Let's take a virtual trip to the Pushkin places of Moscow.Look at the screen. What`s this?

  1. Музей современной истории России.

The Museum of Modern History of Russia is located on Tverskaya Street, 21. It is located in a building that is an architectural monument of the late XVIII century, built in the style of late Russian classicism in 1782. This mansion housed the famous English Club from 1831 to 1917. Until 1998, the building was called the Museum of the Revolution. It is one of the world's largest museums dedicated to modern history.

It is a well-known fact that it was in the English club that A.S. Pushkin lost a huge sum of 24 thousand rubles. This money, he could not give up until the end of his life, and the gambling debt for him was paid by Emperor Nicholas I).

T: Thank you. What can you tell me about this place?

  1. Богоявленский кафедральный собор

The Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov is one of the most beautiful and most famous Orthodox churches in Moscow. The famous Moscow fool Basil the Blessed was born in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral and the poet A.S. Pushkin was baptized there).You are right! Thanks! What`s this?

  1. Храм Большое Вознесение у Никитских ворот.

The Temple of the Great Ascension at the Nikitsky Gate.  On February 18, 1831, the wedding of A. S. Pushkin and N. N. Goncharova took place in the temple).

  1. What`sthis? Памятник Александру Пушкину и Наталье Гончаровой.

This is a monument to the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin and his wife Natalia Goncharova. It was installed in 1999 onArbatStreet opposite the house where they lived. The authors of the project are sculptors Alexander and Igor Burganov, architects Evgeny Rozanov and E. K. Shumov).T: Thank you. What can you tell me about this place?

  1. Государственный музей А. С. Пушкина.

The Pushkin State Museum is a Moscow museum dedicated to the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The opening took place in 1961 in the building of the Khrushchev-Seleznev city noble estate).

T: Thank you for the information. Did you enjoy our trip to Moscow?

     Cl: Yes, we did.

Развитие навыков чтения и письменной речи.

T: You can see sheets of paper with the task on your desks.

Read the text and fill in the banks with the suitable words.

      I give you 2  minutes.

I like travelling because it __________ my outlook and helps me to understand other cultures.  I think that I`m already an experienced ___________. First of all everything should be well planned. I am not an adult yet so I travel with my parents or my __________.This year we decided to go to Moscow. At first we went to a __________ that helped us to arrange our journey. They arranged for us an _____________ in a Moscow hotel and booked us  ____________. Then we packed our _________ and _______ at the railway station. We stayed in a big hotel in Moscow. We went sightseeing, visited _______________ and saw __________.

Our trip to Moscow was great!

The Kremlin, traveler, teacher, travel agency, accommodation, tickets, luggage, arrived, Red Square, broadens.

Now let`s check up! Well done! Thank you.

  1. Заключительный этап урока.

T: What were we doing at this lesson?

We were discussing the topic … .

We were making the plan of travelling. Name all points of the plan, please.

We were talking about our trip to Moscow. I see that you like travelling and you know a lot of interesting things about it.

Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view.

Your marks for the lesson are the following …

At home prepare a short presentation about your favorite trip. You may show your photos and tell why you like this trip most of all. Is the task clear for you?

Now stand up, please! Today our lesson is over. Goodbye!

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