внеклассное мероприятие по теме Christmas для 6 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
внеклассное мероприятие по теме Christmas для 6 класса
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konspekt_vneklassnogo_meropriyatiya.docx | 21.84 КБ |
for_students.docx | 15.66 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Цель: расширение и углубление знаний, умений и навыков в овладении иноязычной коммуникационной деятельностью по теме «Рождество»
- способствовать практическому владению речевой деятельностью;
- развивать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся;
- развивать навык сотрудничества со сверстниками в ходе работы в группах;
- развивать языковую догадку, внимание и логическое мышление;
- развивать внимание, воображение, расширение кругозора, образовательного и эстетического потенциала учащихся.
- Активизация и закрепление лексики по теме Christmas;
- Выявление уровня знаний, умений и навыков по пройденным темам;
- воспитать умение работать в команде;
- воспитать чувство взаимопомощи;
- воспитать уважительное отношение к соперникам;
- повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Санта с пустым мешком, дополнить подарок в мешки
План мероприятия:
- Организационное начало мероприятия. Приветствие
- Вступление
- Распределение команд
- Представление команд
Этап 1.
- Реализация проекта
- Video Quiz
- The song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
- Words competition
- Song Quiz
- Sentences with mixed words
- Game “The Rudolph’s nose”
- The letter to Santa
- The song Jingle Bells
- Заключительная часть.
4.1.Подведение итогов
4.2.Завершение внеклассного мероприятия
Конспект мероприятия:
- Организационное начало мероприятия. Приветствие
Good afternoon boys and girls! Good afternoon dear guests! Glad to see you at our Christmas quiz.
- Вступление
- Распределение команд
Christmas is a traditional holiday for such countries as Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada and Australia. (слайд)
And today we are going to play our Christmas game.
Now we start our competition.
2.2. Представление команд
1.Team1, you are welcome to represent yourself.
(Первая команда представляет себя гостям) .
Team 2, you are invited to the stage for your representation.
(Вторая команда представляет себя).
- Реализация проекта
- Video Quiz
We start. The first round is a Video Quiz. Watch the video about Christmas in Great Britain and be ready to do some tasks.
Read the sentences and mark them as T (true) or А (False). Correct the false sentences.
- British people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of January.
- Christmas day is the time for presents, wishes and special meal.
- British people wish each other “Happy Christmas!”
- Children hang their stockings on the fireplace for presents.
- On Christmas children find their gifts under the table.
- Santa lives in the North Pole.
- The British have a special lunch at about 2 o’clock.
- They also pull the crackers at Christmas dinner.
- Traditional Christmas Dinner consists of a roast turkey, a soup and a pizza.
- Christmas is one of the most favourite children’s holidays in Great Britain.
- The song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
Let’s sing a popular English song and wish each other Merry Christmas.
(*We wish you a Merry Christmas song)
3.3. Words competition
We cannot even imagine the Christmas without various symbols and traditions. I’m announcing the second round. Write as many symbols or words connecting with this holidays as you can.
3.4. Song Quiz
There are many popular Christmas songs. Let’s check how well you know Christmas songs.
Song Quiz.
3.5. Sentences with mixed words
Now the both teams are given words at random, you should put the words in the correct order and translate the sentences from English into Russian. Your time limit is 3 minutes.
Snowy it always cold in winter is and.
Red coat Santa’s is and white.
Lives Santa Claus in the Pole North.
Wears on funny a red hat his Santa head.
A sleigh and Santa nine has reindeer.
Presents in Santa puts stockings.
Claus help elves Santa.
To Santa children letters write.
3.6. Game “The Rudolph’s nose”
Do you know who helps Santa to bring presents for children? Or course his reindeer. Do you know how many reindeer does Santa have? But the main one is Rudolph. I will tell you a story about him.
Rudolph was the only reindeer in the world with a big shiny red nose. Everybody used to tease and make fun of him and call him 'Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer'. One day the North Pole was covered with a thick fog, storm and snow. And Santa couldn’t found his way for giving presents to children. But Rudolph saved Christmas and helped Santa as his red shining nose was lighting to Santa’s way to each chimney.
But once Rudolph has lost his nose. Let’s help it to find his nose.
***Game “Pin the nose on Rudolph’s face” (глаза завязаны)
3.7. The letter to Santa
You know that children write letters to Santa and ask him for presents. Let’s complete the letter.
3.8. Jingle Bells song
4. Заключительная часть.
4.1. Подведение итогов
Today we had an unusual lesson. Your work was excellent. We want to give you sweets presents from Christmas stocking.
4.2. Завершение внеклассного мероприятия.
Our party is over. We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Предварительный просмотр:
Read the sentences and mark them as T (true) or А (False). Correct the false sentences.
- British people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of January.
- Christmas day is the time for presents, wishes and special meal.
- British people wish each other “Happy Christmas!”
- Children hang their stockings on the fireplace for presents.
- On Christmas children find their gifts under the table.
- Santa lives in the North Pole.
- The British have a special lunch at about 2 o’clock.
- They also pull the crackers at Christmas dinner.
- Traditional Christmas Dinner consists of a roast turkey, a soup and a pizza.
- Christmas is one of the most favourite children’s holidays in Great Britain.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Put the words in the correct order and translate the sentences from English into Russian. Your time limit is 3 minutes.
Snowy it always cold in winter is and.
Red coat Santa’s is and white.
Lives Santa Claus in the Pole North.
Wears on funny a red hat his Santa head.
A sleigh and Santa nine has reindeer.
Presents in Santa puts stockings.
Claus help elves Santa.
To Santa children letters write.
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