Методическая разработка "Прошедшее простое время" 3 класс с интерактивными играми и дидактическим материалом.
материал по английскому языку
Методическая разработка "Прошедшее простое время" 3 класс с интерактивными играми и дидактическим материалом.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
55 правильных английских глаголов с переводом
Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | Слово | Транскрипция | Перевод | ||
1. | like | [laɪk] | нравиться, любить | 31. | need | [niːd] | нуждаться, быть необходимым |
2. | wash | [wɔʃ] | мыть | 32. | move | [muːv] | двигать, переезжать |
3. | play | [pleɪ] | играть | 33. | remember | [rɪˈmembə] | помнить, вспоминать |
4. | study | [ˈstʌdɪ] | изучать | 34. | promise | [ˈprɔmɪs] | обещать |
5. | travel | [trævl] | путешествовать | 35. | start | [stɑːt] | начинать |
6. | listen | [lɪsn] | слушать | 36. | translate | [trænsˈleɪt] | переводить |
7. | work | [wɜːk] | работать | 37. | worry | [ˈwʌrɪ] | беспокоиться |
8. | [wɔʧ] | смотреть | 38. | save | [seɪv] | спасать, экономить, копить | |
9. | look | [lʊk] | смотреть | 39. | smile | [smaɪl] | улыбаться |
10. | live | [lɪv] | жить | 40. | laugh | [lɑːf] | смеяться |
11. | cook | [kʊk] | готовить | 41. | stay | [steɪ] | оставаться, останавливаться (в отеле) |
12. | help | [help] | помогать | 42. | ask | [ɑːsk] | спрашивать |
13. | visit | [ˈvɪzɪt] | посещать | 43. | appear | [əˈpɪə] | появляться |
14. | finish | [ˈfɪnɪʃ] | заканчивать | 44. | allow | [əˈlaʊ] | позволять |
15. | close | [kləʊs] | закрывать | 45. | offer | [ˈɔfə] | предлагать |
16. | open | [ˈəʊpən] | открывать | 46. | hope | [həʊp] | надеяться |
17. | wait | [weɪt] | ждать | 47. | happen | [ˈhæpən] | случаться, происходить |
18. | prefer | [prɪˈfɜː] | предпочитать | 48. | explain | [ɪksˈpleɪn] | объяснять |
19. | walk | [wɔːk] | гулять, ходить пешком | 49. | knit | [nɪt] | вязать |
20. | decide | [dɪˈsaɪd] | решать | 50. | arrive | [əˈraɪv] | прибывать |
21. | answer | [ˈɑːnsə] | отвечать | 51. | agree | [əˈɡriː] | соглашаться |
22. | change | [ʧeɪnʤ] | менять | 52. | marry | [mæri] | жениться |
23. | cry | [kraɪ] | кричать, плакать | 53. | promise | [prɒmɪs] | обещать |
24. | love | [lʌv] | любить | 54. | [ˈkærɪ] | нести | |
25. | hate | [heɪt] | ненавидеть | 55. | call | [kɔːl] | звонить |
26. | stop | [stɔp] | Останавливать (ся) | ||||
27. | talk | [tɔːk] | говорить, разговаривать | ||||
28. | use | [juːs] | использовать | ||||
29. | want | [wɔnt] | хотеть | ||||
30. | believe | [bɪˈliːv] | верить, доверять |
Предварительный просмотр:
to be (am, is, are)[bi:] | was[wɒz] were[wɜ:] | быть, находиться |
to go [goʊ] | went [wɛnt] | идти, ехать |
to have [hæv] | had[hæd] | иметь |
to learn [lɜ:n] | learnt[lɜ:nt], learned[lɜ:nd] | изучать, учить |
to make [meɪk] | made[meɪd] | делать, создавать |
to see [si:] | saw[sɔ:] | видеть |
to buy [baɪ] | bought [bɔ:t] | покупать |
to come [kʌm] | came[keɪm] | приходить |
to do [du:] | did[dɪd] | делать |
to draw [drɔ:] | drew[dru:] | рисовать |
to drink [drɪnk] | drank[drænk] | пить |
to eat [i:t] | ate[ɛt] | есть |
to find [faɪnd] | found[faʊnd] | находить |
to give [gɪv] | gave[geɪv] | давать |
to leave [li:v] | left[lɛft] | уходить, уезжать |
to meet [mi:t] | met[mɛt] | встречать, знакомить |
to put on [pʊt] | put on[pʊt] | ставить (на сцене) |
to ride [raɪd] | rode[roʊd] | ехать (верхом) |
to sing [sɪŋ] | sang[sæŋ] | петь |
to sleep [sli:p] | slept[slɛpt] | спать |
to swim [swɪm] | swam[swæm] | плавать |
to take [teɪk] | took[tʊk] | брать |
to wake up[weɪk] | woke up[woʊk] | просыпаться |
to win [wɪn] | won[wʌn] | выиграть |
to write [raɪt] | wrote[roʊt] | писать |
Предварительный просмотр:
Особенности чтения окончания –ed
Правило | Примеры |
Окончание –ed читается как [id] – ид после t и d | Correct – corrected Land – landed Suggest – suggested |
Окончание –ed читается как [t] после звуков [k], [p], [s], [ʃ], [tʃ] – к, п, с, ш, ч, то есть после глухих согласных | Look – looked Slip – slipped Dance – danced Dress – dressed Watch – watched Wash – washed |
После остальных звуков окончание –ed читается как [d] В основном это происходит после звонких согласных или после гласных | Smile – smiled Offer – offered Stay – stayed |
Особенности чтения окончания –ed
Правило | Примеры |
Окончание –ed читается как [id] – ид после t и d | Correct – corrected Land – landed Suggest – suggested |
Окончание –ed читается как [t] после звуков [k], [p], [s], [ʃ], [tʃ] – к, п, с, ш, ч, то есть после глухих согласных | Look – looked Slip – slipped Dance – danced Dress – dressed Watch – watched Wash – washed |
После остальных звуков окончание –ed читается как [d] В основном это происходит после звонких согласных или после гласных | Smile – smiled Offer – offered Stay – stayed |
Особенности чтения окончания –ed
Правило | Примеры |
Окончание –ed читается как [id] – ид после t и d | Correct – corrected Land – landed Suggest – suggested |
Окончание –ed читается как [t] после звуков [k], [p], [s], [ʃ], [tʃ] – к, п, с, ш, ч, то есть после глухих согласных | Look – looked Slip – slipped Dance – danced Dress – dressed Watch – watched Wash – washed |
После остальных звуков окончание –ed читается как [d] В основном это происходит после звонких согласных или после гласных | Smile – smiled Offer – offered Stay – stayed |
Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
1. We___________ (to play) computer games yesterday.
2 His sister and brother __________(to walk) in the Zoo yesterday.
3. My mother_________ (to cook) some food yesterday.
4. Lulu _____________(to bake) cakes for breakfast yesterday.
5. Pete _____________ (to help) his grandfather yesterday.
6. They ____________(to watch) a new film on Monday.
7, Larry ____________( to listen) to music yesterday.
8. Her brother ___________( to paint) a picture yesterday.
9. I ______________( to wash) my hair yesterday.
10. My cat ___________( to climb) in the tree yesterday.
Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
1. We___________ (to play) computer games yesterday.
2 His sister and brother __________(to walk) in the Zoo yesterday.
3. My mother_________ (to cook) some food yesterday.
4. Lulu _____________(to bake) cakes for breakfast yesterday.
5. Pete _____________ (to help) his grandfather yesterday.
6. They ____________(to watch) a new film on Monday.
7, Larry ____________( to listen) to music yesterday.
8. Her brother ___________( to paint) a picture yesterday.
9. I ______________( to wash) my hair yesterday.
10. My cat ___________( to climb) in the tree yesterday.
Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
1. We___________ (to play) computer games yesterday.
2 His sister and brother __________(to walk) in the Zoo yesterday.
3. My mother_________ (to cook) some food yesterday.
4. Lulu _____________(to bake) cakes for breakfast yesterday.
5. Pete _____________ (to help) his grandfather yesterday.
6. They ____________(to watch) a new film on Monday.
7, Larry ____________( to listen) to music yesterday.
8. Her brother ___________( to paint) a picture yesterday.
9. I ______________( to wash) my hair yesterday.
10. My cat ___________( to climb) in the tree yesterday.
Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.
1. We___________ (to play) computer games yesterday.
2 His sister and brother __________(to walk) in the Zoo yesterday.
3. My mother_________ (to cook) some food yesterday.
4. Lulu _____________(to bake) cakes for breakfast yesterday.
5. Pete _____________ (to help) his grandfather yesterday.
6. They ____________(to watch) a new film on Monday.
7, Larry ____________( to listen) to music yesterday.
8. Her brother ___________( to paint) a picture yesterday.
9. I ______________( to wash) my hair yesterday.
10. My cat ___________( to climb) in the tree yesterday.
Предварительный просмотр:
Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10.We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. | Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. |
Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. | Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10.. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. |
Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. | Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. |
Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. | Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Simple 1.I ______________ (to help) my mum in the kitchen. 2.We _____________(to walk) in the park. 3.Students-________ (to work) in the class. 4.Tom and his friends__________ (to play) basketball. 5.We ______________ (to open) the window. 6.Children ____________(to smile) happily. 7.Mike _______________(to listen) to music. 8.She ________________(to want) a new phone. 9.Nick _____________(to visit) his mum and dad. 10. We________________ (to paint) the walls. 11. We _________________(to watch) a film. 12.Chuckles ___________(to climb) in the tree. |
Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer.
10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. | Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer.
3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. |
Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. | Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1. I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11. My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. |
Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. | Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. |
Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ago. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. | Упр 3.Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в простом прошедшем времени. 1.I _______ in London last summer. 2. He ______ in his bed ten minutes ago. 3. We ______ at the zoo last week. 4. The weather ______ good yesterday. 5. My bike______ dirty two days ago. 6. She _____ a student three years ago. 7. I _______ at school ten minutes ag. 8. It _______ very hot last week. 9. They _______ happy yesterday. 10. She ________ hungry two hours ago. 11.My favorite color_______ blue a year ago. |
Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple
| Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday
Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday
| Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday
Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday
| Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday 10.Sue _________(to stay) at home yesterday evening |
Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday 10.Sue _________(to stay) at home yesterday evening | Упр 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя правильные глаголы в Past Simple 1.I __________(to work) in a bank many years ago 2.He _________(to live) in Moscow five years ago 3.I__________ (to like) flowers before it happened 4.Tom_______ (to play) the piano yesterday evening 5.I ______________(to love) you many years ago 6.Mike ___________(to study) English last winter 7.You__________ (to enjoy) your last holidays 8.The concert _________(to finish) at 7 o’clock 9.He _________(to plan) to go to the party yesterday 10.Sue _________(to stay) at home yesterday evening |
Предварительный просмотр:
try- ______________ water -____________ play-__ ___________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ |
try- ______________ water -____________ play-__ ___________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ | try- ______________ water -____________ play-_____________ study-____________ drop -____________ arrive-____________ cancel-___________ fix -_____________ call-_____________ carry-____________ close-____________ count-____________ hurry-____________ mix-_____________ paint-____________ want-_____________ travel-_____________ wash-_____________ climp-_____________ stop-______________ stay-______________ plan-______________ |
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В презентации собраны стихотворения о каждой английской букве. Стихотворения на русском языке с английскими словами и транскрипциями.. Каждая буква имеет звук. Данное пособие рекомендуется для ...

Методическая разработка «Организация и проведение школьной интерактивной игры «Бегущий класс»»
Школьная интерактивная игра «Бегущий класс» рассчитана на учащихся 12-14 лет и позволяет занять детей во внеурочное время, организовать Дни здоровья.Методическая разработка рекомендована педагогам доп...

Методическая разработка "Рождество" ( 2-9 класс) с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на сервере LearningApps.
Рождество 2-9 класс.1.ВидеоПраздники Новый год и Рождество. New Year and Christmas in Great Britain. Видеоурок по английскому (2-6 кл)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9cMhFmTrOw&feature=emb_logo...

Методическая разработка "Чтение слов с буквой Tt" с раздаточным дидактическим материалом.
Чтение слов с буквой Tt....

Методическая разработка " Открытый урок "My things" (5 класс) с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на сервере LearningApps.
Методическая разработка " Открытый урок "My things" (5 класс) с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на сервере LearningApps.Аудирование https://prosv.ru/audio/section/spotligh...

Методическая разработка " "Мой дом" (4-6 класс) с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на сервере LearningApps.
Методическая разработка " "Мой дом" (4-6 класс) с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на сервере LearningApps.Видеоуроки:Английский для детей Мой дом Учим Названия Комнат / My House Room...

3 класс Методическая разработка "Глагол to have" с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на общеобразовательном сервере LearningApps и дидактическим материалом.
Методическая разработка "Глагол to have" с интерактивными играми-упражнениями на общеобразовательном сервере LearningApps и дидактическим материалом. Видеоуроки:Глагол have got и has go...
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