Articles with the nouns in the function of apposition
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
УМК "English IX" О.В. Афанасьевой.
Данная презентация поможет учащимся 9 класса (гимназическое направление) наглядно увидеть различия в употребление артиклей с существительными в функции приложения (application) и потренировать их употребление.
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APPOSITION - ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ If a noun is used as apposition, it usually takes the indefinite article. a an
FIND THE APPOSITION IN THE SENTENCES My neighbour, a soft-hearted person, is always busy at weekends. John, a boy of 6, is very eager to play computer games. My neighbour’s car, a very old one, looks rather clean and shiny. His father, a man advanced in his years, is very skillful. I want to invite you, a friend of mine, to my birthday party tomorrow.
YOU NEED THE DEFINITE ARTICLE THE BEFORE THE APPOSITION WHEN…….. The noun in apposition refers to a famous or well-known person ; The noun in apposition stands before the modified noun; The situation shows that the noun in apposition is a definite one
STUDY THE EXAMPLES: Elton John, the popular singer, writes lovely songs. The writer Zola described life in a realistic manner. Copernicus, the medieval astronomer, is known for the Copernicus system. Yuri Gagarin, the first man who flew to space, is widely known in the world. Nikolai Petrov, the man who lives next door, has just gone out. The film director Spielberg got the annual prize “Oscar” this year. Gorbachev, the political leader of the USSR, started the process of political change in the country. The composer Beethoven was contemporary with Napoleon. The car, the stolen one , was found in the wood. Zhores Alferov, the outstanding physicist, won the Nobel Prizi in 2000.
NO ARTICLE IS USED IF A NOUN IN APPOSITION DENOTES A POSITION, A RANK, A POST, WHICH IS UNIQUE AND CAN BE OCCUPIED BY ONE PERSON AT A TIME. King – queen director - principal Colonel - captain doctor - professor Leader - head chief - boss Speaker - chairman president – prime minister Rector- dean manager – secretary When the noun denotes not ranks but people, both articles can be used. The Queen has arrived. This car is fit for a king. When such nouns are followed by a proper name, they are used without any article Queen Elizabeth, King John.
Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them. Remember how articles with nouns in the function of apposition are used. 1. The Dutch painter Rembrandt is considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time. 2. The colonel Sanders developed the recipe for the fried chicken sold by Kentucky Fried Chicken. 3. The president of France is going to speak to the parliament. 4. He became the king after the death of his father. 5. The President Franklin Roosevelt is the only American president to have served more than two terms. 6. She got a job as personal secretary to the company chairman. 7. He was elected the chairman of the education committee. 8. Head is busy at the moment. Could you call back a little later? 9. Johnson was made the President's budget director. 10. My dentist is called Doctor Steel. 11. Jonathan Swift, who wrote Gulliver's Travels, was the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in Dublin. 12. That was a terrible meal; I'm going to complain to the manager. a the a
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