Functional language: Expressing Doubt
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Овчинникова Екатерина Борисовна

План урока и разроботанные мной хэндауты для занятия по функциональному языку, используемому для выражения сомнения.


Предварительный просмотр:

CELTA TP Lesson Plan

NAME: Ekaterina Ovchinnikova



DAY: Tuesday

LEVEL: Upper-Intermediate


TP No.:5

TUTOR: Slava

TOPIC/THEME: (e.g. Holidays, Weather, Sport, etc.)

Mysterious places

LESSON FOCUS: (e.g. Grammar/Speaking, Reading/Vocab, etc.)


AIMS (What do you intend the learners to get out of the lesson?)


  • To present, clarify and practice target functional language (ways of expressing doubt).
  • To provide students with speaking practice by getting them to use TL in speech.


  • To enhance students’ listening for gist skills.
  • To enhance students’ listening for detail skills.


  • To build up a good rapport with the new Ss.
  • To reduce TTT (To STOP REPEATING instructions, to avoid running commentary).
  • To provide Ss with CLEAR instructions.
  • Regrouping mustn’t take forefer!
  • Boardwork has to be performed more neatly.

GROUP PROFILE: (include number of Ss, gender ratio, nationalities, strong vs. weak Ss, motivation, interests, class dynamics, etc.)

There are nine people in the group (8 women, one man). The group is monolingual, their L1 being Russian. Some of them are learning English for extrinsic reasons (work, the necessity to do IELTS), but most of them are learning English for intrinsic reasons such as travelling, socializing with foreigners, reading unabridged books and watching films. All of them have been to English speaking countries. All the students come across as friendly, motivated and responsive people. They also seem supportive of each other when working in pairs or in groups. My overall idea of the group level is that each person’s level is quite the same, with the exception of Nadia, who sometimes struggles to word her thoughts and makes multiple grammar mistakes. Throughout the demo lesson and the ‘ice-breaking’ class I was particularly impressed by phrases ‘to resist the temptation to do something’, ‘teenagers have difficulty to express (expressing is right) themselves’, ‘it’s important to know a lot of collocations’. However, nobody knew the words proper and gear in the meaning ‘clothes’.

ASSUMPTIONS: (what language do you expect students to know that you are (not) planning to teach? What language items have students looked at in previous classes that are relevant to your aims? Students' interest/general knowledge in relation to the material/context? etc.)

  •  I assume that Ss will not face major problems with the TL, as most of the phrases I am going to teach today are quite common for spoken language.
  • The context (mysterious places with magic properties) is rather engaging.
  • Most students seem eager to talk and I assume I will have no difficulty getting them to do the talking task.

TIMETABLE FIT: (how does your lesson link to/build on other lessons? - consider what your fellow trainees have taught or will teach and how it can be relevant to your lesson in terms of language, skills or topic)

My lesson loosely builds on Liza’s lesson (in which the Ss will be talking about the connection between one’s handwriting and their personality) and on Sofia’s lesson (in which they will be listening to a story about psychics). My fellow trainees will thus set the context of mysterious and inexplicable phenomena.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: (List any potential problems for learners with language/tasks/classroom management issues and show how you plan to deal with these potential problems, see the example below)

  • Problem 1: I always face the problem of regrouping people, especially in groups with the odd number of students, which is exactly the case.
  • Solution 1: I can use an extra chair and at some point of the lesson ask one student to sit on the extra chair next to a student on the opposite end of the row of desk, which will enable me to have new pairs and a new group of three.  I can also use cards for grouping Ss.
  • Problem 2: There are some vocabulary items in the text which Ss might be unfamiliar with.
  • Solution 2: I preteach the words.
  • Ss might end up using the same phrase to express doubt during the freer practice activity.
  • I will prepare checkpoint cards in which Ss will have to tick the phrases their partners will use.

SOURCES OF MATERIALS: (What course books, listening materials, texts, internet sites etc. are you going to use?) For the lesson I used  Global Upper-Intermediate SB (p.50), self-designed HO-s plus self-designed Power-Point presentations, for Hos and Power-Point presentations I used pictures from the following websites:,


TP No.:









  • generate students’ interest.
  1. Show students a PowerPoint presentation with some places which are believed to have magical properties.
  2. Have students discuss the questions below the pictures in pairs.
  3. WCF.

4 min

(20.00 – 20.04)





  • To set the context and to prepare Ss for the listening task.
  1. Show Ss the photos of Fountain of Youth and Statue of Daikokuten and ask them if they know the places or not.
  2. Preteach HARVEST and SPRING.
  3. Get Ss to read the extracts about Fountain of Youth and Statue of Daikokuten individually.
  4. Get Ss to discuss the questions about the text in pairs.
  5. WCF.

5 min

(20.04 – 20.09)





Listening for gist.

  • to introduce the TL in a meaningful context.
  • to enhance listening for gist skills.
  1. Ss listen to two conversations and answer the question in ex.3. (about 1.5 min)
  2. Ss discuss their answers in pairs.
  3. WCF.

5 min

(20.09 – 20.14)





Listening for detail.

  • to enhance listening for detail skills.
  1. Ss listen to the conversations again and tick the arguments that the speakers express.
  2. Pair-check.
  3. WCF.

5 min





Language focus.

  • to draw students’ attention to the TL.
  • clarify the form and pronunciation of the TL.
  1. Give Ss HOs and get them to complete the sentences with the right words from the box to make phrases that express doubt.
  2. Paircheck.
  3. Ss listen to the recording and check their answers.
  4. Get Ss to repeat the sentences with the correct intonation.

7 min

(20.19 – 20.26)




Controlled practice.

  • To provide controlled practice of the TL
  1. Give each pair of Ss a scrambled dialogue.
  2. Ss put the phrases in the correct order.
  3. Students look at the correct answers on the board (WCF).

4 min




Freer  practice.

  • To provide freer practice of the TL.
  1.  Tell Ss some lies about myself and encourage them to express doubt and to explain why they are doubtful. (2 min)
  2. Allow Ss two minutes to come up with 5 lies about themselves.
  3. Get Ss to walk around the classroom and to talk with at least two people about their lies, ticking the expressions their interlocutors used. (6 min)
  4. WCF.

12 min




Error correction.

  • To deal with the most common mistakes which students made during the lesson.
  • To raise students’ language awareness.
  1. Write some of the most common mistakes on the board and elicit corrections from the students.

3 min

Note: your procedure plan will usually consist of 1 or 2 pages. Please use TAB to add more lines or copy and paste the whole table to add more pages if needed.


TP No.:



Use this page to decide what you will put on the board, where you will put it (maximising use of the space) and how you will put it up (use of colours, boxes, etc.). Copy and paste the table below to add more pages if you need to illustrate what is going to happen on the board at different stages of your lesson. You can also use pens and pencils to draw the board plan.

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read the extracts from two guidebooks and answer the questions:

  1. What positive effects do they suggest these places can have on its visitors?
  2. What do you think of these claims?

jImage result for Fountain of Youth Florida


Fountain of Youth, St Augustine, Florida, US.

In 1513 the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sailed along the Atlantic coast in search of the legendary Fountain of Youth and came ashore in the vicinity of St Augustine. Dinking from the waters of the spring grants the drinker eternal youth and everlasting vitality.

Image result for Statue of Daikokuten Hasedera Temple


Statue of Daikokuten, Hasedera Temple, Kamakura, Japan.

Daikokuten is one of the Seven Japanese Gods of Fortune. He is considered the God of wealth (or more specifically, the harvest).

Daikokuten’s statue should be rubbed on its head and shoulders for good fortune and wealth.


  1. Listen to two conversations. What are the attitudes of the speakers towards the two places?
  2. Listen again. Tick (√) the arguments that the speakers express:

Conversation 1:

  1. Water from the spring can make you look younger.
  2. The idea that water from the spring can make you look younger is just a trick to make money.
  3. The claims about the water might be partly true.

              Conversation 2:

  1. Rubbing the statue will definitely bring good fortune and wealth.
  2. Rubbing the statue is a harmless gesture.
  3. Rubbing the statue is a way to show respect.


©Adapted from  Global Upper-Intermediate Coursebook

Предварительный просмотр:

5. Put the words in the box in the right sentences from the listening to make phrases that express doubt. Then listen and check.

Think     believe    face     doubt     come

  Image result for doubtful

  1. Oh _______________ on, it’s nonsense.
  2. Do you really _______________ that water can make you look younger?
  3. Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to _______________.
  4. Let’s _______________ it, you could say that about any spring or fountain.
  5. I _______________ it, somehow.


                                                          ©Adapted from  Global Upper-Intermediate Coursebook

5. Put the words in the box in the right sentences from the listening to make phrases that express doubt. Then listen and check.

Think     believe       face     doubt     come

  Image result for doubtful

  1. Oh _______________ on, it’s nonsense.
  2. Do you really _______________ that water can make you look younger?
  3. Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to _______________.
  4. Let’s _______________ it, you could say that about any spring or fountain.
  5. I _______________ it, somehow.




                                                         ©Adapted from  Global Upper-Intermediate Coursebook

Предварительный просмотр:

A: You know, I’ve decided to quit my job and to move to Chile in the near future.            

B: Oh come on, it’s nonsense. You earn such big money here. What are you planning to do in Chile? To watch penguins?

A: Well, I’ve been thinking of working as an English teacher there.

B: Let’s face it, you’ve never taught anybody in your entire life.

A: I could do a CELTA course and get the necessary teaching qualification.

B: Do you really think this course will help you become a good enough teacher? You’re the most impatient person I’ve ever met!

A: I doubt it somehow. Your wife’s far more hot-tempered than me.

B: Ok, ok. She’s always getting angry with me. Anyway, what about your wife? Is she moving to Chile with you?

A: I haven’t discussed this with her yet. I’m sure she’ll be happy to go there with me.

B: Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to believe. She can’t stand hot weather.

A: It’ll be fine if she chooses to stay in England. Actually, I think that the long-distance thing will spice up our marriage.

B: Oh come on! You’ll just end up divorced.


Предварительный просмотр:

Related image

Tick (√) those phrases your partner used when talking with you.Related image


Do you really think that ….

Sorry, but I find that a bit hard to believe.

Let’s face it, …

I doubt it, somehow.

Oh come on, it’s nonsense.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Self-designed ©


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