07/12/2023 Презентация к уроку. Spotlight 10. Системы образования стран мира. Module 3
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
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В настоящее время каждый гражданин КНР понимает, что отсутствие диплома о высшем образовании значит невозможность нормальной, счастливой жизни и самореализации. Это понимание и определило современную ситуацию в стране. В настоящее время получение диплома и востребованной специализации – это цель каждого жителя страны. И добиваться её начинают с раннего детства. Принимая во внимание невероятное усердие и старание, школьники, а потом и студенты безумно много учатся и воспринимают огромные пласты информации каждый день. At present, every citizen of the People's Republic of China understands that the absence of a diploma of higher education means the impossibility of a normal, happy life and self-realization. This understanding has determined the current situation in the country. Nowadays, obtaining a diploma and a sought-after specialization is the goal of every resident of the country. And they begin to achieve it from early childhood. Taking into account the incredible diligence and diligence, schoolchildren, and then students, study insanely much and perceive huge layers of information every day. Advantages of Chinese Education
Features of education in China Концепция заключается в том, чтобы каждый учащийся стал значимым человеком в обществе и добился в жизни всех благ. Поэтому с детства каждый гражданин КНР знает, что такое усиленное изучение материала, способен стойко вынести по девять уроков каждый день и проводит свободное время за изучением книг в библиотеке. И все это сопровождается железной дисциплиной: за 12 пропусков ученика ждёт отчисление, за употребление алкоголя в стенах учебного заведения — отчисление с выговором и значительные сложности при поступлении в другие школы. Из-за высоких нагрузок и железной дисциплины в школах существуют и тихие часы. После обеда у учеников есть 60-80 минут на отдых и восстановление. При этом до ухода на отдых дети изучают точные науки, а после тихого часа занимаются творчеством. The concept is that each student should become a significant person in society and achieve all the benefits in life. Therefore, since childhood, every citizen of the People's Republic of China knows what intensive study of the material is, is able to endure nine lessons every day and spends his free time studying books in the library. And all this is accompanied by iron discipline: for 12 passes, a student will be expelled, for drinking alcohol within the walls of an educational institution — expulsion with a reprimand and significant difficulties in enrolling in other schools. Because of the high loads and iron discipline in schools, there are also quiet hours. After lunch, students have 60-80 minutes to rest and recover. At the same time, before going on vacation, children study exact sciences, and after a quiet hour they are engaged in creativity.
stages of education in china Современная китайская система образования знакома любому европейцу и мало отличается от того, к чему мы привыкли. С трёх до шести лет дети получают дошкольное образование в детских садах. В этом возрасте начинается приучение к строгой дисциплине. Следующие шесть лет ребёнок проводит в начальной школе. Там он получает базовые знания о мире и обществе и впервые пробует себя в качестве работника. Ещё три года занимает обучение в средней школе. На этой ступени дети углубляются в точные науки, изучают политику, информатику и иностранные языки. После окончания средней школы ученики считаются достаточно подкованными, чтобы не идти в старшие классы, а получить среднее профессиональное образование и пойти работать. Последние три года школы – это старшие классы. Там детей готовят к университету. The modern Chinese education system is familiar to any European and differs little from what we are used to. From the age of three to six, children receive preschool education in kindergartens. At this age, the habituation to strict discipline begins. The child spends the next six years in primary school. There he acquires basic knowledge about the world and society and tries himself as a worker for the first time. Another three years are spent in secondary school. At this stage, children delve into the exact sciences, study politics, computer science and foreign languages. After graduating from high school, students are considered savvy enough not to go to high school, but to get a secondary vocational education and go to work. The last three years of school are high school. There, children are prepared for university.
Early Childhood Education In China, as in Russia, preschoolers attend kindergartens. They are divided into two main types: private and public. At the same time, they differ both in the method of financing and in the teaching methodology. In private kindergartens, the emphasis is on an individual approach to the child, develops his creative abilities and introduces him to science and art. In state pre-school institutions, children are taught to work, learn to cope with everyday needs and prepare for primary school. The famous Chinese discipline is instilled in children from kindergarten. Every morning begins with the raising of the national flag, all games are strictly controlled by educators, and there is simply no free time for idleness. Maybe this is the secret of the exceptional diligence and efficiency of the Chinese.
Schooling in China We mentioned the three-stage structure of schooling earlier. In general, it is similar to the Russian one, except that only the first nine years of study are free. You will need to pay for high school. And secondary school is a compulsory stage of education. The program includes basic study of the Chinese language, mathematics, natural history, history, geography and music. Knowledge is assessed on a 100-point scale, and a test system works. In Chinese schools, there is a uniform for all students, the entrance gates open twice a day, and the educational process does not stop even during the holidays. After the rest, students are required to hand over their homework to their teachers. It is a common practice to send children abroad. But not for recreation, but for a more in-depth study of a foreign language. It seems that every free minute in China is spent studying. High school is usually attended by those who want to enter a university. Another important point is that before the start of this stage, students take a profile test and choose a direction - vocational or academic. In the high school of the academic direction, students are prepared for admission to a university. Schoolchildren will be trained in serious and narrow-profile disciplines that they will need at the university. Vocational High School aims to train future workers.
Higher Education in China There are more than two thousand higher education institutions in China. It is worth noting that diplomas from Chinese universities are not only quoted by employers, but are also highly valued on the world stage. And this is all thanks to the fundamental approach to higher education in the Celestial Empire. Not only the state, but also municipalities and private companies in China are interested in the growth of the number of young people with higher education. Hence the variety of grants and scholarships for studying at universities. Student loans are also common. Studying in China is becoming more affordable, but the competition for state-funded places is still very high, so even admission to a fee-paying department is a holiday for the whole family. A diploma from a Chinese university is a guarantee of a successful career in the future.
Structure of Higher Education in China The structure of higher education in China is the same as in Russia or Europe and consists of three levels: bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies. Undergraduate studies take four years and are the main stage of higher education. A bachelor's degree allows you to get a job in leading companies in China and around the world. There are more than two thousand higher education institutions in China. It is worth noting that diplomas from Chinese universities are not only quoted by employers, but are also highly valued on the world stage. And this is all thanks to the fundamental approach to higher education in the Celestial Empire. To enter the university, schoolchildren take a nationwide unified exam, which determines their chances of admission to a university. Not only the state, but also municipalities and private companies in China are interested in the growth of the number of young people with higher education. Hence the variety of grants and scholarships for studying at universities. Student loans are also common. Studying in China is becoming ...
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