28/11/2023 учебный материал к уроку Системы образования стран мира,10 класс Module 3
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
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How does it work? The school year in Japan begins in April. Lessons last from Monday to Friday or Saturday, depending on the school. The academic year consists of three trimesters, each of which is separated by short holidays - in spring and winter, and a rest of one month - in summer. The school system consists of: Primary school ( Japanese: 小学校 sho:gakko :) , 6 years Secondary school ( Japanese: 中学校 chu:gakko ) : 3 years High school ( Japanese: 高等学校 ko:to:gakko) 3 years Primary and secondary school are compulsory. About 96% of Japanese schoolchildren complete high school, although it is not compulsory.
When does it start? Schools in Japan often open at or shortly after 8:00 am , with students arriving between 8:00 and 8:30 am . All levels of schools will have six periods per day , with the first period usually starting after 8:30am. In Japanese elementary school , each period is 45 minutes , while in junior high and high school , each period is 50 minutes . There is typically a small break between periods . Cleaning time , which is when the students clean the school , will be scheduled either in the morning or after the lunch break . Again , this is a very different element of the Japanese school day compared to Western school systems .
Daily routine Most students in Japan will walk to school , though in rural areas , some students may be allowed to take the bus . Once they get to school , students will head to their homeroom and unpack their backpacks . Before the first period begins , they usually have duties to perform like taking attendance , gathering last night’s homework , passing out papers that were graded the previous evening , or getting announcements and paperwork from the teachers ’ room . The Japanese school system is slightly different to the UK & US system , where teachers usually take attendance and collect work . The day will typically finish with students returning to their homeroom for end-of-day salutations , which ends before 4:00 pm . After this time , junior high and high school students will usually take part in club activities (“ bukatsu ”) until about 6:00 pm .
Primary school Primary school education lasts 6 years . It teaches general education subjects : Japanese language ( including calligraphy ), arithmetic , music , art , physical education (1 - 6 years of study ), basic life sciences (1 - 2 years of study ), humanities , natural sciences (3 - 6 years training ), labor (5 - 6 years of training ). Some private schools additionally teach religious studies , secular ethics , etc . There are no national textbooks . Appropriate textbooks , available in a wide range , are selected by educational committees of municipal districts or school management . Schools do not have a set uniform ; students come in home clothes . Cleaning by school students is mandatory .
Secondary school Secondary school education lasts 3 years. Compulsory subjects include: the state language , humanities ( geography , history , social studies ), mathematics ( algebra , geometry ), natural sciences ( physics , chemistry , biology , geology ), music (mastering musical instruments and joint performance), fine arts , physical education , labor , English . Some private schools additionally teach religious studies , secular ethics , etc. There is also a class hour devoted to studying the history of the religion, pacifism , and school events. There are no national textbooks. The appropriate textbooks are selected by educational committees of municipal districts or school management. Students wearing uniforms and cleaning the school are compulsory.
High school Education in senior secondary school lasts 3 years . There is specialization in humanities and natural sciences . The main goal of studying is to enter the university . The disciplines taught in senior high school include : state language ( modern , ancient ), humanities ( geography , history of Japan , world history ), society ( sociology , ethics , political science , economics ), mathematics ( algebra , geometry ), natural sciences science ( physics , chemistry , biology , geology ), art ( music , visual arts , project , crafts ), physical education , labor , English , computer science . Specialized subjects to choose from are agronomy , industry , commerce , fishing , medical training , welfare , foreign languages , etc . Other subjects are additionally taught in private schools . After classes , students participate in extracurricular activities ( clubs ), studying kendo , judo , kyudo , calligraphy , athletics , political economy , etc .
Club activities Japan is often characterized as a country whose society is divided into groups . This is best seen by looking at school life in Japan, where grouping is practically enforced through school clubs . Especially in middle and high school , children in Japan are strongly encouraged to enroll in extracurricular activities , and some schools even make joining a club or sports team mandatory . Because Japanese school clubs are time-consuming and often have a fairly intense training or meeting schedule , it is usually physically impossible to be a member of more than one school club . there simply won't be enough time for this . Therefore , choosing which club to join is an important decision . The most popular clubs : Table tennis , Light music , Tennis , Badminton , Basketball , Art, Concert group , Volleyball , Dance club , Kitaku-bu
Thank you for your attention!
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