Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме "Culture Corner. The United Kingdom"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе Модуль 1 по учебнику Ю.Ваулина, о.Подоляко, Д.Дули "Spotlight"
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Предварительный просмотр:
6 класс
Модуль 1
Урок 6 (1d) стр.11
Тема: Culture Corner. The United Kingdom. Культурный уголок. Объединённое королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.
Организационный момент
Answer my questions, please.
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- What’s your name?
- What’s your surname?
- How old are you?
- Where are you from?
- What’s your home address?
Введение в тему по карте Великобритания
T: Look at the map. What country are we going to talk and read about? – We are going to talk about the United Kingdom.
Рассмотри карту. На ней ты видишь Обьединённое Королевство Великобритания и Северная Ирландия. Это полное название этой страны. Она состоит из четырёх частей: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Скверная Ирландия. Именно эта часть относится к Великобритании. Остальная часть острова – Ирландия – это самостоятельное государство и к Великобритании никакого отношения не имеет. Разве что только как сосед по границе.
Новые слова с использованием карты
England Scotland Wales Ireland London Cardiff Edinburgh Belfast | [[iŋglənd] [skɔtlənd] [weɪəlz] [aɪlənd] [lʌndən] [ka:rdif] [edibbərə] [belfa:st] |
Read some facts about the UK and guess if they are true or false.
1 2 3 4 5 | The UK is in the northeast of Europe. Its official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is made up of two parts. England is a part of the UK. The British flag is white and red. | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
Выполнение упражнения 1 (а) стр.11 (смотреть картинки в учебнике)
What colours are the flags below? How are they related to the map?
to relate – иметь отношение
Т: What colours are the flags below? - The flags are: red, white and blue.
T: How are they related to the map? - The flags are from the countries on the map:
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the UK too.
Задание: Describe the flags.
- The flag of Wales is white and green with a red dragon (дракон) in the middle of the flag.
- The flag of Scotland is blue with a white X-shaped cross (х-образный крест). It is also known as St. Andrew’s Flag. (Флаг святого Андрея)
- The flag of Northern Ireland is white with a red X-shaped cross. It is also known as St Patrick’s flag. (Флаг святого Патрика)
- The Union Jack is red, white and blue. It is the national flag of the UK.
- The flag of England is white with a red cross.
Выполнение упражнения 1 (b) стр.11
- Read the title of the text. What do you think the text is about? - It is about the United Kingdom and its parts.
- What kind of text is it? Is it a letter, a story or a factfile? - It’s a factfile.(резюме)
Аудирование текста
- Which flag does the text describe? – The text describes the Union Jack. It is the flag of the UK.
Выполнение упражнения 2 (a) стр.11
Слова для текста
country capital flag population currency | [kʌntri] [kæpit(ə)l] [flæg] [pɔjuleɪʃən] [kʌrənsi] |
Чтение текста
Повторно вопрос: Which flag does the text describe? - The text describes the Union Jack.
Изучение Study Skills (Учись учиться)
graphic organizers – графические обозначения
Давайте заполним диаграмму ниже Study Skills, пользуясь резюме.
United Kingdom | England | Scotland | ____________ | _____________ |
______________ | London | ____________ | ____________ | _____________ |
Выполнение упражнения 2 (b) стр.11
Задание: Explain the words in bold using the card
| ||||
1_____; | 2_____; | 3_____; | 4_____; | 5_____. |
Задание: Then, look at the map and say where Swansea, Portsmouth, Newcastle and Aberdeen are.
Р1: Swansea is in the west of the UK.
Р2: Newcastle is in the east of the UK.
Р3: Aberdeen is in the north of the UK.
Выполнение упражнения 2 (c) стр.11
Задание: Use the diagram to talk about the UK.
Your answer (образец ответа): England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all in the UK. The capital of England is London. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Выполнение упражнения 3 стр.11
A factfile about my country
Capital: ________________
Flag: _______________________________.
Дополнительно можно взять
Population: 143,000,000
Currency: Russian ruble
A short text about my country (30-50 words)
Вариант 1: (простой) The official name of our country is the Russian Federation. Russia is the largest country in the world. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The Russian flag is a tricolor flag. It is white, blue and red. (48 words)
Вариант 2: (усложнённый) Russia is the world’s largest country in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. The Russian flag includes three colours: white, blue and red. About 143 million people of many nationalities live in Russia. The currency of Russia is the Russian ruble. (50 words)
Выполнение упражнения 1 стр.8 в рабочей тетради
Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order.
A | That’s all about me. What about you? Send me an e-mail. Ben. | |
B | Hello! I’m Ben. I’m seventeen years old and I’m a student. I’m from New York, USA. I’m tall with dark hair and green eyes. | |
C | My father and mother are Adam and Carol. My sister is Karen. She’s two years old. Sam is my brother. He’s eleven years old. Rex is my pet dog. He is white. My favourite colour is purple. My favourite things are my computer and my guitar. |
Выполнение упражнения 2 стр.8 в рабочей тетради
Find words in the text that show: (выполняется по тексту упр.1с.8)
Height (рост):_____________________________________________________
Appearance _______________________________________________________
Family members:___________________________________________________
Выполнение упражнения 3 стр.8 в рабочей тетради
Join the sentences, as in the example.
1 | I’m tall. I’m thin. I’m tall and thin |
2 | He’s short. He’s got fair hair. He’s short with fair hair. |
3 | She’s tall. She’s slim. _________________________________________ |
4 | He’s short. He’s fat. _________________________________________ |
5 | They are tall. They have got dark hair. They have got brown eyes. _________________________________________________________________ |
6 | We have got straight, brown hair. We have got brown eyes. |
Выполнение упражнения 4 стр.8 в рабочей тетради
You’ve got a new English pen-friend. Write him/her an e-mail. In your e-mail write:
| ||
| ||||
Образец такого письма
I’m Olya. I’m fourteen years old and I live in Irkutsk. I’m tall with dark hair and grey eyes. My mother and father are Rita and Ivan. My brother is Vadim. He is sixteen years old. My sister is Polina. She’s eight years old. My favourite colour is green. My favourite things are my mobile phone and my computer. That’a all about me. What about you? Send me an e-mail.
Твоё письмо по образцу
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