№09 Типы контрольных работ и тестовых заданий по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку
Типы контрольных работ и тестовых заданий по английскому языку
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Типы контрольных работ и тестовых заданий по английскому языку
Учитель: Макое Е.Ф.
Test of English for the 3rd class
Date: _______________
Student name: ______________________________
Ex. Make these sentences interrogative: Образуйте общий вопрос из данных предложений:
- Kim and Bill are my elder brothers. __________________________________________
- Tom is my best friend. _____________________________________________________
- He likes to skate and ski. ___________________________________________________
- You drive your red car every day. ____________________________________________
Ex.2 Make these sentences negative: Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными, используя don’t or doesn’t:
- The monkey climbs up the big tree. ___________________________________________
- The bird lives in the bird house. _____________________________________________
- Tim plays golf in summer. _________________________________________________
- Helen and Jake play soccer. ________________________________________________
Ex. 3 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs: Вставь соответствующий глагол (is, am, are, do, does, don’t, doesn’t can):
- ________ Ann and Kate like to play tennis?
- _________ he speak good English?
- Her name ________ Lena. She _______ my younger sister.
- I ________an opera singer in this theatre (в этом театре).
- My dog Rex _________ like to play with a ball. It likes to play with a green balloon.
- I __________ like garlic (чеснок) floating in the soup. I like soup with no garlic.
Ex.4 Write down people’s professions instead of the verbs: Образуй названия профессий или видов деятельности людей от этих глаголов:
- To play - 6. To skate -
- To read – 7. To ski -
- To swim – 8. To sing -
- To jump – 9. To write (писать) -
Ex. 5 Translate these sentences into English: Переведите предложения на английский язык:
- Том читает французские (French) книги. ___________________________________
- Кошки любят молоко? ____________________________________________________
- Она любит животных (animals). ____________________________________________
- Мой папа – шофер, а мама – учитель. _______________________________________
Test of English for 9th grade. Articles
Date: _________
Grade: ___________
Student name: ______________________
Complete the sentences using articles a/an, the, no article
- Jack hoped to live in ___ better place in this state.
- Look at ____ sky! You can see ____ falcon and ____ eagle, I guess.
- Yu. Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in ____ space.
- ____ whole world has changed lately.
- Let’s go to ___ west of ____ country!
- Who was ___first person to invent ____ telephone?
- I’d like to have ____ iPad or ____ new smartphone, Sam.
- ____ Mercury is ______ nearest planet to ____ Sun.
- _____ Browns live in ____ town of Boone.
- What personal qualities are necessary to do such _____ job.
- Frank is _____ computer programmer at ____ Appalachian University.
- ____ USA is ____ large country in _____ North America.
- _____ London stands on ____ Thames River.
- Sue comes from ____ Netherlands.
- Great Britain is situated on ____ British Isles.
- ____ Urals is in _____ Russia.
- ___ whale (кит) is _____ biggest animal in ____ world.
- ____ wolf is ____ common animal in many parts of ____ world.
- ____ spiders can be very dangerous.
- ____ is ____ amazing creature in ____ world.
- Let’s live in ____ peace without _____ wars!
- ___ President of ___ Russian Federation is V.V. Putin.
- ___ King of ___ Great Britain is Charles The Fourth.
Test of English for 9th grade
Gerund and Infinitive
Date: ______________
Student name: ________________________
Ex.1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions:
- Sally couldn’t stop her ________ doing this terrible thing.
- He didn’t apologized ________ coming so late.
- Have you ever dreamt _________ visiting New York?
- Den’s parents kept him _______ becoming an actor.
- Sam, don’t blame me _______ missing the meeting!
- I hope you’ll forgive me _______ telling lies.
- Jack prevented Ted ________ buying cigarettes.
- Derik succeeded _________ learning French and Russian.
- Are you capable ________ doing the chores alone?
- Granny doesn’t object ____________ our visiting Beijing.
- I’m used ______ getting up late on Sunday.
Ex. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple, Present Perfect or Past Simple using these forms: (V; V-s, Have/has V3 (V-ed), V2; V –ed)
- If Nick has (promise) to arrive at 5, I will certainly be at the concert too. Let him keep his word! _____________
- Last week he (forget) to call Bob and say merry Christmas to him. _____________
- When I was a child, my parents (can’t) afford to buy a lot of toys. ______________
- Helen (learn) to play baseball when she lived in Boston. ___________________
- Leo often (agree) to help me with Geometry. He (be) good at this subject. _____________
Ex. 3. Translate these sentences from Russian into English:
- Я всегда мечтала поехать в Британию.
- Боба иногда трудно понять. Он изучал русский один год в колледже.
- Он предложил нам остаться у него. Он собирался обедать и обсудить проект с нами.
- Это была самая классная книга, которую стоило прочитать в 9 классе.
- Я извинился перед другом за то, что сказал ему неправду.
- Я с нетерпением жду весенних каникул. Я очень устала. Мне нужно отдохнуть.
- Кейт интересуется разными культурами. Она собирается стать переводчиком.
Test of English for the 6 th grade. Future Activities.
Grade: ____________
Student name ________________________
Ex.1 Make these sentences interrogative and negative using the model:
Model: He will go to the zoo tomorrow. Will he go to the zoo tomorrow? He won’t go to the zoo tomorrow./ I shall dance next week. Shall I dance next week? I shan’t dance next week.
- Ted will ski tomorrow. _______________________________________________
- You will sing with me.________________________________________________
- We shall play football tomorrow. _______________________________________
- Sally will ride a bike soon. ____________________________________________
Ex. 2 Use Present Simple or Future Simple:
- If it (rain) ___________, I (go) _____________to the park.
- Mary (phone) ____________you as soon as she (get) ____________to London.
- If it be) _________warm tomorrow, He (skate) __________ with Tom.
- Terry (join) ___________us when he (come) to Liverpool.
- They (meet) ___________ after the concert (be) ____________over.
Ex. 2 Use Present Simple, Future Simple, Present Progressive or to be going to:
- Look at this little girl! She (cry). _________________________________________
- Oh, Sam, you are tired. I think I (help) you! _________________________________
- He (leave) tomorrow at 7 p.m. ___________________________________________
- When he (come) _________to Paris, he (email) ________________you.
- Tanya (be) 7 years old tomorrow. I (buy) her a nice present.
- The train (leave) at 6 a.m. tomorrow. ______________________________________
Ex. 3 Translate from Russian into English:
- Если погода (weather) будет хорошей, мы пойдем в зоопарк (zoo).
- Я собираюсь навестить бабушку на следующей неделе.
- Это классный телефон! Думаю, что я его куплю.
- Он завтра уезжает в Нью – Йорк. ______________________________________
Итоговый страноведческий тест по английскому языку для 9 - 10 классов
What do you know About English – Speaking Countries?
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of…
- England, Northern Ireland, Cardiff, Scotland
- England, Northern Ireland, Britain, Belfast
- England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland
- Match the countries and the capitals
| 1.Edinburgh 2.Cardiff 3.Ottawa 4.Washington, D.C. 5.Belfast 6.Canberra 7.London |
- More than…million people live in London
- 7 b.10 c.5
- The largest park in London is
- St. James Park
- Central Park
- Hyde Park
- It was a fortress, a prison, a zoo,
and nowadays it is a museum.
William the Conqueror built it. What is it?
- Westminster Abbey
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- The White Tower of London
- The greatest English architect Christopher Wren built…
- Westminster Abbey
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- The White Tower of London
- …. is the center of London
- The National Gallery
- Westminster Abbey
- Trafalgar Square
- Westminster Abbey is…
- a beautiful church
- the Queen’s home
- the house of Parliament
- Where does the Queen live?
- On Trafalgar Square
- In Westminster Abbey
- In Buckingham Palace
- Canada is the… country in the world.
- the largest
- first smallest
- second largest
- The official languages of Canada are…
- French and German
- English and German
- French and English
- Match the countries and the symbols
| 1. polar bear and maple leaf 2. koala 3. eagle 4. clover 5. rose |
- Canada is world known for its…
- warm climate
- rich natural resources
- ties with Great Britain
- The name of Canadian patriotic song is…
- “O Canada”
- “ The Maple Leaf Forever”
- “ America the Beautiful”
- The lowest point of the USA is…
- Alaska
- Rhode Island
- Death Valley
- The largest state of the USA is…
- Alaska
- Rhode Island
- Death Valley
- The oldest and largest city in Australia is….
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Canberra
- Uluru is…
- a lake
- a rock monolith
- a river
- The Sydney Opera House is…
- the most unusual opera house the world
- the highest opera house the world
- the best opera house the world
- Match the countries and the names
| 1.James Cook 2.General Wolf 3. Christopher Columbus 4.Oscar Wild |
The End!
Контрольная работа для 5 класса за 1 четверть
Раздел 1
Грамматический материал: Past Simple
Упр.1Образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную форму данных предложений:
- He invited me to his party last week.
- We played football with our friends last Sunday.
- She made a big cake for the family.
- Mrs. Brown saw Tom yesterday.
Упр.2. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык:
- (Кто – то) likes the rain.
- Does (кто – нибудь) know this writer?
- I want to eat (что – то).
- (Никто) was at the party.
- I know (все).
Упр.3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в PastSimple:
- We (dance) and (sing) together yesterday.
- Linda (be) in the park two days ago.
- She (see) him crossing the street last week.
- You (can) speak Russian well.
- My brother (have) a very nice girl friend.
Упр.4. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к предложению:
You read the book yesterday.
Упр.5. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
- Я был в Лондоне в выходные дни.
- Вчера он ходил с друзьями в парк.
- Что ты делал на прошлой неделе?
- Том смотрел фильм вчера или играл в бейсбол?
- Мы встречались вчера в магазине.
Test of English for the 5th form
Date: ________
Student name: ________________________
Duration: 45 min.
Вариант 1
- Прочитай текст и реши, какие фразы после текста соответствуют содержанию, а какие нет.
My daughter Nancy
Hi! My name is Mary Smith. I’m from Oxford, Great Britain. I have a daughter, her name is Rose. Rose doesn’t go to school. She is a student. Rose loves music and fantasy books. She reads a lot. Rose doesn’t like sport very much. She doesn’t usually run or jump. Sometimes she plays golf but not very often. She doesn’t usually play tennis. She never rides horses. Rose hates going to the cinema and watching television. But she is a good girl, and I love her very much.
True | False | ||
1 | Rose’s mother is Mary Sanderson. | V | |
2 | Rose lives in America. | ||
3 | Rose goes to school. | ||
4 | Rose never reads books. | ||
5 | Rose loves music and roller skating | ||
6 | Rose loves tennis. | ||
7 | Rose often runs and jumps. | ||
8 | Rose never plays golf. | ||
9 | Rose doesn’t usually play tennis. | ||
10 | She never rides horses. | ||
11 | Rose hates going to the cinema. | ||
12 | Rose loves watching television. | ||
13 | Mary loves Rose very much. |
- Прочитай тексты, сравни их, найди и выпиши семь различий.
John lives in Liverpool. He has a small family. His mum, dad and his sister live in a big house. John is a pupil. He has classes five days a week. John loves pop music. He can play the piano but not very well. He loves sport, and he likes playing on the computer.
Mike lives in Liverpool. He has a big family. His mum, dad and his five sisters live in a big house. Mike is a student. He has classes six days a week. Mike loves rock music. He can play the piano very well. He loves sport, but he hates playing on the computer.
John has a small family, but Mike has a big family.
2. John__________________________________________________________________
3.Допиши предложения, вставив в них нужную форму глагола.
Last month Kate and her brother _________ to the river. go
They __________ Kate’s friend Tom. meet
Tom ________ happy to meet them too. be
They _______and _________ a lot. run, jump
They ________ too. swim
They ________ a good time. have
4.Прочитай текст и вставь слова в пропуски. Запиши ответы в таблицу.
1. them 2. were 3. cheaper 4. hours 5. people
In most towns there 1______open air markers. Things are usually 2______ than in shops. The four biggest supermarket chains are Tesco, Asda, Sainbury and Safeway. They also sell clothes, books, videos and cassettes. Some supermarkets are open 24 3______a day. There are many charity shops in the UK. These sell secondhand clothes that 4______give them. The best time of year to buy things is after Christmas when you can get 5______at lower prices.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
5.Напиши ответ на письмо, полученное по электронной почте. Ответь на вопросы друга и задай сам ему 3 вопроса.
Dear friend,
How are you doing? I’m writing this letter to you and listening to some music. It’s a new disk. The disk was my birthday present and I like it very much. My birthday was last Saturday. It was a warm and sunny day and my birthday party was in the garden. Mother and father cooked and I helped them. My friends and I danced, played games and listened to music. I enjoyed my birthday party. What do you usually do on your birthday? Were you born in spring, summer, autumn or winter? What is the weather usually like on your birthday?
Система оценивания отдельных заданий и работы в целом
КК | Проверяемые навыки и умения | За каждый правильный ответ кол-во баллов | Количество заданий | Всего баллов |
Чтение | Умение читать, понимать связный текст, извлекать необходимую информацию | 2 | 12 | 24 |
Умение анализировать, сравнивать и извлекать нужную информацию | 2 | 6 | 12 | |
Лексико-грамматические навыки | Умение грамматически верно определять время глагола и правильно записывать его форму | 2 | 7 | 14 |
Умение понимать значение слов по контексту | 2 | 5 | 10 | |
Письмо | Умение письменно выражать свои мысли | 10 | 1 | 10 |
Максимальный тестовый балл за выполнение заданий - 70 баллов
Количество баллов | % выполненных заданий | Отметка |
70-60 | 100-85 % | «5» |
59-44 | 84- 62% | «4» |
43-35 | 61-50 % | «3» |
Менее 34 | Менее 50 % | «2» |
Критерии оценивания письма. Максимальное количество баллов – 10.
Решение коммуникативной задачи – 0-3б
Организация текста - 0-2б
Лексико-грамматическое оформление текста – 0-3б
Орфография и пунктуация - 0-2б
Test of English for 11th grade
Countable and uncountable nouns
Ex. 1 Use the expressions to count these uncountable nouns:
Ham, furniture, information, milk, cheese, baggage, water, salt, basketball, work, sausage, chocolate, news, advice, ketchup, vinegar, golf, coffee, love.
Ex. 2 Choose the right word in brackets and complete the sentences:
- I’d like to buy some fresh (fishes/fish).
- The doctor prescribed you to eat a lot of (fruit/fruits).
- In this restaurant they make the worst (coffee/coffees) in the town.
- Ann! Bring him (another/some) tea, please!
- In the shop you can buy different (chocolate/chocolates).
- I’m looking for (strawberry/strawberries) for a cake.
- He noticed red (hair/hairs) on her white blouse.
- The boy brought in (a paper/paper) with the latest news.
Ex. 3 Complete the sentences with the right form in the brackets and the right pronoun:
- Fifty dollars (be) enough to buy a good school bag. Can you give … to me, please?
- Your news always (upset) our mother. Don’t tell her about … now!
- Nancy’s jeans (be) too expensive. Where did she buy …?
- Terry’s holiday (be) a week long. I can use … for camping.
- Three pieces of your luggage (be) here. You can take..
- Your information (be) very useful. Can you share … with her?
Ex. 4 Use a/an or no article:
- Nick gave me … fresh fish. He is good at fishing.
- Usually she has … coffee and … piece of bread with butter in the morning.
- … three – week holiday made them feel happy and energetic.
- I think you need … new furniture for your new house, Jane.
- I’ve lost … pair of keys today! I’m so absent – minded.
- I want … tea with … piece of lovely cake!
Ex5 Translate from Russian into English:
- Дядя Том дал мне один очень хороший совет.
- Дайте мне, пожалуйста, чашку чая и кусочек морковного торта.
- В этом магазине вы можете купить разные сорта чая и кофе.
- Где мои деньги, интересно? Я не могу их найти!
- Энн любит жареную рыбу с овощами на обед.
- Глобализация – это длительный процесс.
- СПИД – смертельная болезнь 21 века.
Test of English for 6th form
Ex. 1 Put in the articles a/an, the and -:
- … Barkers live in … London.
- Last summer we visited … Pushkin Museum in … Moscow.
- … USA is across … Atlantic Ocean.
- … Celebrities are … most famous people in … world.
- I like … roses and … tulips.
- Kate is one of … best students in … class at … Wataga High School
Ex. 2 Fill in the gaps using prepositions: in, with, under, of, at.
- The Browns were … vacation … Leeds.
- He is fond … reading and playing the guitar.
- Tim sat … the big grey chestnut tree.
- I want to go to the stadium … my friend Frank.
- I love Mary. She is a girl friend … mine.
- We danced and sang … the disco.
Ex. 3 Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct forms (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Future Simple):
- Ted (go) fishing yesterday.
- We (have) lunch now at the cafeteria.
- He usually (take) a taxi and (go) to the downtown.
- Linda (learn) French for 5 years at school.
- They (visit) their Granny tomorrow, I hope.
- Helen already (go).
- Rita (be) the best pupil in the class today.
Ex. 4 Translate these Russian sentences into English:
- Какие книги ты любишь читать?
- Вы играете в теннис в парке?
- Что ты делал вчера?
- Что ты делаешь сейчас?
- Мы изучаем историю Англии уже 2 года.
- Он будет сдавать этот (take this exam) экзамен в июне.
Test of English for 7th form
Ex. 1 Put in correct articles where it’s necessary (the, a/an or - ):
- We flew over … Atlantic Ocean to … USA last year.
- Sam Brown is … good student. He gets only … good marks.
- Nancy decided to get into … Cambridge University.
- We enjoyed listening to … music and play … guitar.
- We like to go to …school and do these subjects as: … Maths, … History and … English.
Ex. 2 Put in the correct preposition (on, about, at):
- They were … the bus and couldn’t hear me. I cried, cried and waved my hands.
- We laughed … her. And now I feel ashamed on
- Harry smiled … her and said “good bye”.
- They had dinner … the café last week.
- Lucy was … school yesterday. She didn’t know … this party.
Ex. 3 Put in the correct forms of the verbs:
- We (listen) to hard rock together last week.
- The guy (learn) to play hockey for a year.
- Bob (be) at the disco now. He (dance) with Liza.
- You ever (see) a crocodile? No, never. I (see) a snake and a polar bear in Moscow Zoo.
- She (read) an adventure book while Terry (repair) his old car.
- Philip (be) one of the best student at our college last year.
- We (drink) tea, (listen) to classical music and just (enjoy) the evening yesterday.
- Kate (collect) documents to visit USA.
Ex. 4 Translate these sentences from Russian into English:
- Я изучаю английский уже 6 лет.
- Терри сейчас готовиться к экзамену по математике.
- В прошлом году они ездили в Крым.
- Вчера в 2 часа она готовила обед.
Test of English for 8th form
Unit 2 “Performing arts. Theatre”
Name of pupil: _____________________
Class: _________________
Listening Comprehension
Task 1
You’ll hear an interview with a Russian girl who tells about what she likes and doesn’t like about England. For each question 1 – 4, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
- Tanya is.
A a student at a boarding school
B a student at a language school
C a teacher at a language college
- The girl is from
A a well – known Russian city – Veliky Novgorod
B a famous Russian city – Nizhny Novgorod
C a beautiful Russian city – Veliky Ustyug
- The student like England because
A the people there are can help tourist and they are kind to them
B there are a lot of discount shops where one can buy comfortable clothes
C the drivers are friendly and helpful
- Tanya doesn’t like these things about England -
A the noisy and busy streets
B the climate and different time
C the rainy weather and wind from the sea
Reading Comprehension
“Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
“Romeo and Juliet” is the most famous tragedy of William Shakespeare for us. It’s the story about two teen-aged lovers from two warring households, whose families hate each other. The ancient enmity (вражда) of two families Montigues and Capulettes prevented the marriage of two children in love. Nobody remembered the real reason of this senseless and blind enmity between them. The whole tragedy takes place in just five days.
In the beginning of the play, Romeo is suffering from hopeless love for Rosaline. But when he arrives at Juliet’s birthday party with the intention to see his love, he suddenly falls in love with Juliet and immediately forgets Rosaline. The next day they marry secretly. After that, Romeo experiences several fatal accidents. He rashly kills Tibalt, Juliet’s cousin, when he was only trying to separate his best friend Mercucio from Tibalt. But the struggle turned lethal and caused the death of one of them. And then, Romeo had to leave the city as a wanted murderer. Juliet’s parents are unaware of the secret marriage of their daughter with Romeo and press her to marry young Paris. The Monk Lorenzo, who has married our young heroes, proposes that she drinks a strong soporific (making her appear dead) to avoid marrying Paris, and also offers to write a letter to Romeo, asking him to come back secretly to Verona and visit Juliet’s family crypt. But the letter fails to reach Romeo in time because of an outbreak of the plague. But Romeo hears the tragic news of Juliet’s “death”. As his love is so strong for her and all seems lost, he decides to go and join his love in death. When he arrives and sees Juliet’s lifeless body, he meets Paris next to the grave and kills him with fury (в отчаянии, в ярости). Romeo, in hopelessness, drinks his poison, since he is not willing to live without Juliet. Next, Juliet wakes up from her stupor and sees Romeo’s corpse, so she takes his dagger, stabs herself and ends her life for real, not willing to live without his love. The two families discover their dead children and end their fight. This story will live for centuries because the love was stronger than the hatred.
Choose if it's TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED
- “Romeo and Juliet” is the greatest tragedy written by W. Shakespeare.
- The rich families respect each other and want their children to get married.
- Romeo and Juliet have known each other since they were children.
- At Montigues ball Romeo falls in love with Juliet and forgets his ex – girl.
- The sweet hearts decide to marry immediately after the ball and Monk Lorenzo helps them.
- Tibalt kills Mercucio and then Romeo killes Tibalt.
- Romeo had to flee the city as a killer of Juliet’s cousin.
- Juliet’s parents don’t know about the secret marriage of their daughter with Romeo and make her to marry Paris.
- The monk gives the girl a special herb to fall asleep and she is buried in her family’s crypt.
- Juliet was in a beautiful red dress to tell Romeo that she just sleeps.
- Romeo gets the letter and rushes to the crypt to see his sweet heart.
- When Romeo sees dead Juliet he drinks his poison and dies.
- Juliet kills herself with Romeo’s dagger not living to live without him.
- After their children deaths, they don’t stop fighting.
- Romeo and Juliet are buried together in their stone crypt.
A Story
Here is the beginning of the story. Please, complete the story. Produce your own version.
You should write 100 – 120 words.
One morning I got out of bed and wandered over to the dressing-table to brush my hair. Suddenly I saw an envelope (конверт) addressed to me. Who could write this letter to me and what was inside?
Text for listening
Interviewer: Hello, I’m interviewing people about what they like or don’t like about England. Can I ask you some questions?
Tanya: Yes, of course.
Interviewer: Are you a tourist?
Tanya: No, I’m a student at a college where I study languages.
Interviewer: What’s your name? And where are you from?
Tanya: My name is Tanya Petrova. I’m from Veliky Novgorod, a famous city in Russia.
Interviewer: Really? Oh, I visited this beautiful Russian city three years ago.
Tanya: Sometimes my home city is confused with Nizhny Novgorod.
Interviewer: Yes, I know. I went to this city too. It’s nice too. Thank you. Well, Tanya, what do you like about England?
Tanya: I like the people. They are very helpful and friendly.
Interviewer: What don’t you like?
Tanya: I don’t like the weather. It’s wet and foggy very often. And your times are all wrong.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Tanya: Our time zones are different. In my city I eat at three o’clock and then I have a rest. Here in England I have lessons in the afternoon, but I’m tired and I want to sleep.
Interviewer: I see. Thank you, Tanya.
Final test of English for 11th form
Student name: ___________________
Class: _____________
Date: ____________
Duration: 90 min.
Time: 15 minutes
Listen to a part of audio guide in a museum of modern arts. Decide whether the statements 1 – 10 are True (A), or False (B), according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice.
The narrator says that:
- In the picture Picasso has more eyes than his model.
- Picasso’s mouth is the only realistic thing in the picture.
- artists had to observe certain rules.
- Picasso never learned how to paint by the rules.
- The visitors will see the works of artists who didn’t follow the rules.
- Matisse’s work is a model of a window.
- The star at the top symbolizes Baby Jesus.
- The work is dark and gloomy.
- Matisse didn’t use paint and brushes making his work.
- Matisse’s health was not good when he made his work.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Time: 30 minutes
Read the text and do the tasks after it.
The Development of Museums
- The conviction that historical relics reflect real life of the past is rooted in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, when science was regarded as objective and free of human attitudes. As one writer observes: ‘Although it is now evident that material objects are as easily changed as chronicles, public belief in their authenticity is still very strong: a tangible relic seems real.’ Such conviction was, until recently, reflected in museum displays. Museums used to look – and some still do – much like storage rooms of objectives packed together in showcases: good for scholars who wanted to study the subtle differences in design, but not for the ordinary visitor, to whom it all looked alike. Similarly, the information accompanying the objects often made little sense to the general public. The content and format explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific researcher.
- Recently, however, attitudes towards history and the way it should be presented have changed. The key word in heritage display is now ‘experience’, the more exciting the better and, if possible, involving all the senses. Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and the Imperial War Museum in London. In the US the trend emerged much earlier: Williamsburg has been a prototype for many heritage developments in other parts of the worlds. No one can predict where the process will end. On so – called heritage sites the re – enactment of historical events is increasingly popular, and computers will soon provide virtual reality experiences, which will present visitors with a vivid image of the period of their choice, in which they themselves can act as if part of the historical environment. Such developments have been criticized as vulgar, but the success of many historical theme parks and similar locations suggests that the majority of the public does not share this opinion.
- In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. They already borrow ideas and concepts from one another. For example, museums have adopted story lines for exhibitions, sites have accepted ‘theming’ as a relevant tool, and theme parks are moving towards more authenticity and research-based presentations. Similarly, animals in zoos are no longer kept in cages, but in great spaces, either in the open air or in enormous greenhouses, such as the jungle and desert environments in Burgers’ Zoo in Holland. This particular trend is regarded as one of the major developments in the presentation of natural history in the twentieth century.
- Theme parks are undergoing other changes, too, as they try to present more serious social and cultural issues, and move away from fantasy. This development is a response to market forces and, although museums and heritage sites have a special, rather distinct, role to fulfill, they are also operating in a very competitive environment, where visitors make choice on how and where to spend their free time. Heritage and museum experts do not have to invent stories and recreate historical environments to attract their visitors: their assets are already in place. However, exhibits must be both based on objects and facts as we know them, and attractively presented. Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting history are thus in a difficult position, as they must steer a narrow course between the demands of ‘evidence’ and ‘attractiveness’ , especially given the increasing need in the heritage industry for money-generating activities.
- It can be said that in order to make everything in heritage more ‘real’, historical accuracy must be more and more adapted to today’s reality. For example, Pithecanthropus erectus is depicted in an Indonesian museum with Malay facial features, because this corresponds to public perceptions. Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, Neanderthal man is shown making a dominant gesture to his wife. Such presentations tell us more about contemporary perceptions of the world than about our ancestors. There is one compensation, however, for the professionals who make these interpretations: if they did not provide the interpretation, visitors would do it for themselves, based on their own ideas, misconceptions and prejudices. And no matter how exciting the result, it would contain a lot more bias, or lack of objectivity, than the presentations provided by experts.
- Human bias is inevitable, but another source of bias in the representation of history has to do with the transitory nature of the materials themselves. The simple fact is that not everything from history survives the historical process. Castles, palaces and cathedrals have a longer lifespan than the dwellings of ordinary people. The same applies to the furnishings and other contents of the premises. In a town like Leyden in Holland, which in the seventeenth century was occupied by approximately the same number of inhabitants as today, people lived within the walled town, an area more than five times smaller than modern Leyden. In most of the houses several families lived together in circumstances beyond our imagination. Yet in museums, fine period rooms give only an image of the lifestyle of the upper class of that era. No wonder that people who stroll around exhibitions are filled with nostalgia; the evidence in museums indicates that life was so much better in the past. This notion is caused by the bias in its representation in museums and heritage centers.
Task 1. Questions 1 – 7.
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 1 – 7 on your answer sheet, circle:
A (True) if the statement agrees with the information
B (False) if the statement contradicts the information
C (Not Stated) if there is no information on this
- Many people believe that material objects kept in museums are true relics of the past.
- More people visit museums in the UK than in the US.
- In zoos, animals are kept in the environments similar to their natural habitats.
- Today theme parks tend to avoid serious issues.
- Stories about historical events are specially written by experts in order to attract tourists.
- The boundaries of Leyden have changed little since the seventeenth century
- Museums can give a wrong impression of what life was like in the past.
Task 2. Questions 8-15.
Choose option A, B, C or D which best fits according to the text. Circle the correct letter in boxes 8-15 on your answer sheet.
- The author begins by comparing today’s museums with those of the past and says that the latter
A did not present history in a detailed way.
B were not primarily intended for the public.
C were more clearly organized.
D preserved items with greater care.
- According to the second paragraph, current trends in the heritage industry
A emphasize personal involvement.
B have their origins in York and London.
C rely on computer images.
D reflect minority tastes.
- What process is meant in the sentence 'No one can predict where the process will end' in the second paragraph?
A Vulgarisation of historical events.
B Turning traditional museums into theme parks and heritage sites.
C Computerisation of museums.
D Further involvement of scientists into creating new museums.
- In the third paragraph, the writer says that museums, heritage sites and theme parks
A often work in close partnership.
B try to preserve separate identities.
C have similar exhibits.
D are less easy to distinguish than before.
- The writer concludes the fourth paragraph by saying that in preparing exhibits for museums, experts
A should pursue a single objective.
B have to do a certain amount of language translation.
C should be free from commercial constraints.
D have to balance conflicting priorities.
- In the fifth paragraph, the writer suggests that some museums
A fail to match visitors’expectations.
B are based on the false assumptions of professionals.
C reveal more about present beliefs than about the past.
D allow visitors to make more use of their imagination.
- Historians interpret past events when presenting them in the museums because
A historians don’t want visitors to make wrong assumptions.
B facts can never be presented without judgments.
C historians also have misconceptions and prejudices.
D historians can be legally prosecuted for wrong interpretations.
- In the last paragraph, the writer notes that our view of history is biased because
A we fail to use our imagination.
B only very durable objects remain from the past.
C we tend to ignore things that displease us.
D museum exhibits focus too much on the local area.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Time: 15 minutes
For items 1-15 fill in the gaps in the text choosing an appropriate word from the brackets below. Choose one word once only. There are two extra words in the brackets you don’t have to choose.
Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered that people who live in areas jostling with fast food outlets are constitutionally less able to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. Apparently, it's not just a question of additives and sugar ruining their powers of 1)__: the Toronto research showed that just looking at a photograph of the McDonald's golden arch or KFC chicken is 2)__ to give you the fidgets. As a result, you're less likely to 3)__ images of natural beauty or an operatic aria than if you had dined at home with a proper knife and fork.
The panic around the moral and psychological damage of fast food – 4)__ the obesity debate – is a familiar one. Behind Jamie Oliver’s abhorrence of the Turkey Twizzler’s empty calories was always a much deeper suspicion of what it represented: ignorance, indifference, a wilful 5)__ to imagine a better way of feeding the future. It's for that reason that, back in the early 19th-century, moralists including William Cobbett churned out a whole array of 'cottage economies' and 'penny cookbooks' aimed at stopping the working classes from squandering money in the pie shop. These prim moral primers were full of bright suggestions for turning the scraggy end of lamb and on-the-turn turnips into 6)__ that not only nourished body and soul but also saved pennies for a rainy day.
Fifty years later, Mrs Beeton had the moral dangers of fast food in mind when she announced to her readers her reasons for writing her venerable cookbook: she wanted to 7)__ husbands away from the clubs and taverns into 8)__ they were apt to dive at the end of a long working day, desperate for a quick supper. Beeton's solution was to set 9)__ the weary home comer a series of delicious labour-intensive dishes – the sort of thing no short order cook would contemplate. Her soups often took 15 10)__ and required a 10-hour simmer. The point of all these initiatives, from Cobbett to Oliver, has always been 11)__ about getting nutritious food inside people than to teach them a lesson. Learning how to make and eat slow food is to develop a capacity for delayed gratification that, in turn, fits 12)__ maker and consumer for life under capitalism.
What all those Victorian moralists missed –13)__ as the Toronto report ignores – is that fast food is the emblematic product of maturing and late capitalism. Urban workers, forced to work longer and longer hours, do not have the time to invest in 14)__from scratch. Those who are obliged to live in shared accommodation and rented digs may not have the right equipment for making real food slowly (Agas don't fit into bedsits; microwaves do). When you are 15)__ after a 10-hour shift, then soup is fiddly to consume on the way home. Burgers and kebabs, by contrast, are easy to eat with one hand and require neither plates nor knives. Far from being the refuseniks of capitalism, unable to master its first principle of delayed gratification, the people who rely on fast food outlets are its honourable foot soldiers. We should salute them.
(appreciate, before, both, concentration, cooking, enough, exhausted, fine, forget, inability, ingredients, just, less, lure, publicity, something, which)
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 |
Time: 30 minutes
Write a short review of your favourite film for your school magazine. Write the title of the film at the beginning on a separate line (words are not counted in this line).
Remember to mention in your review:
why you like the film;
which character in the film you would most like to describe and why;
what good things the film teach you.
Write 200 words.
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку.
5 класс
1 вариант
I. Write what subjects the children like (+) and what they don’t like (—).
Example: Sam: I like Literature, Biology and History, but I don’t like Science.
Name | Sam | Peter | Elizabeth | Ruth |
English | + | |||
Literature | + | — | + | |
Science | — | + | ||
Biology | + | — | ||
ICT | + | + | ||
PE | + | |||
Maths | + | |||
History | + | — |
Peter: ___________________________________________________________________
Elizabeth: ________________________________________________________________
Ruth: ___________________________________________________________________
II. Read Rita’s e-mail to her new friend from Canada and write T (true) or F (false).
Dear Jack,
My name is Rita and I’m 11. I’d like to tell you about my family. I’ve got a sister, Svetlana and two brothers, Igor and Slava. Svetlana is three years older than me. She is fourteen. My brothers are twins. They are six years younger than me and nine years younger than my elder sister. In our family we are all tall and slim, but Svetlana is a bit shorter than we are. My brothers look the same! They look like dad. They have blue eyes and dark hair. I look like my mummy. I’ve got long wavy fair hair. And my sister Svetlana looks like dad’s mother, our granny! Daddy has got a sister and a brother. They are our aunt and uncle.
What about your family? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Write me back soon.
1. Rita’s got two brothers and two sisters.
2. Svetlana looks like mum.
3. Rita’s sister is three years older than her.
4. The twins are eight.
5. My brothers look like grandmother.
6. My granny has got three children.
7. Our father’s hair is dark.
8. I’ve got no aunt, but I’ve got an uncle.
III. Ask questions on the sentences using the key words.
1. I usually have five or six lessons a day. (they/ What/ are/ ?)
2. The pages of the book look nice. (designs/ the/ Who/ pages/ ?)
3. The photos are really great! ( take/ Do/ photos/ always/ you/ ?)
4. My father helps me to draw pictures for our school newspaper. (newspaper/ doesn’t/ helps/ My/ pictures/ our/ father/ to/ for/ me/ school/ draw/ he/ ?)
IV. Read the text and draw what time it is!
Sasha gets up at quarter to seven.1 She has breakfast at seven a.m.2 and after that goes to walk her dog at twenty-five minutes past seven.3 She comes to school at ten minutes past eight.4 The lessons start at half past eight.5
1.2. 3.
V. Match the words with the phonetic script.
1 ['hIst(ə)rI] | a) school |
2 ['taimֽteibl] | b) teacher |
3 [ֽɑ:ftə'nu:n] | c) clock |
4 ['ti:ʧə] | d) timetable |
5 [sku:l] | e) History |
6 ['saiəns] | f) afternoon |
7 ['ju:nɪfɔ:m] | g) uniform |
8 [klɔk] | h) Science |
I. Peter: I like Science and PE, but I don’t like History.
Elizabeth: I like English and ICT, but I don’t like Literature.
Ruth: I like Literature, ICT and Maths, but I don’t like Biology.
II. 1. – F
2. – F
3. – T
4. – F
5. – F
6. – T
7. – T
8. – F
III. 1. What are they?
2. Who designs the pages?
3. Do you always take photos?
4. My father helps me to draw pictures for our school newspaper, doesn’t he?
1 – e
2 – d
3 – f
4 – b
5 – a
6 – h
7 – g
8 – c
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку.
8 класс
Variant 1.
- В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect.
- She is taking the dirty plates from the table.
- The children are putting on their coats.
- The pupils are writing the dictation.
- My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem.
- I am learning a poem.
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous или Present Perfect.
- She has (to tell) them some stories about dog.
- We have (to have) two lessons today.
- They are (to have) a meeting.
- She has not (to speak) yet.
- They have (to ask) me several questions.
- Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect илиPresent Continuous.
- Он все еще делает свои уроки.
- У нас сегодня было три урока.
- У них только что было собрание.
- Она еще не читала этой книги.
- Она все еще читает.
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.
- I just (to meet) our teacher.
- The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.
- Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother.
- Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France.
- She (to live) there last year.
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present или Past Indefinite.
1) My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it.
2) You (to change) so much.
3) They (to read) «Ivanhoe» by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you?
4) What you (to do) at such a late hour?
5) What the weather (to be) like? It (to stop) raining
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Perfect
1) The boy (to give) the goats the grass which he (to bring) from the field.
2) Mother (to see) that Nick (not to wash) his hands.
3) The teacher (to understand) that Lena (not to do) her homework.
4) I (to know) that my friend (not yet to come).
5) Tom (to return) from the cinema by 5 o'clock.
7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous илиPast Perfect.
1) I (not to eat) ice-cream since summer.
2) I understood that she (not to read) my letter.
3) She (to do) the rooms when I (to come) home.
4) It is all right, she (to find) the way out of the situation.
5) He (to come) home late yesterday.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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