Олимпиадные задания для школьного этапа ВСОШ по английскому языку
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9 класс)
Олимпида по английскому языку для 9 класса для школьного этапа ВСОШ раасчитана еа 90 минут. Состоит из 4 разделов . В комплет входит: задания, ключи, аудиофайл, скрипт , лист ответов и керитерии оценки раздела "Письмо"
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Предварительный просмотр:
(школьный этап)
возрастная группа (9 классы)
Время выполнения заданий письменного тура 90 минут
Уважаемый участник олимпиады!
Вам предстоит выполнить письменные задания.
Выполнение заданий целесообразно организовать следующим образом:
- не спеша, внимательно прочитайте формулировку задания;
- напишите правильный вариант ответа в бланке ответов;
- после выполнения всех предложенных заданий еще раз удостоверьтесь в правильности ваших ответов;
- если потребуется корректировка выбранного Вами варианта ответа, то неправильный вариант ответа зачеркните крестиком и рядом напишите новый.
- Предупреждаем Вас, что:
- при оценке тестовых заданий, где необходимо определить один правильный ответ, 0 баллов выставляется за неверный ответ и в случае, если участником отмечены несколько ответов (в том числе правильный), или все ответы;
- при оценке тестовых заданий, где необходимо определить все правильные ответы, 0 баллов выставляется, если участником отмечены неверные ответы, большее количество ответов, чем предусмотрено в задании (в том числе правильные ответы), или все ответы.
Максимальная оценка – 50 баллов.
LISTENING (10 points)
Time: 10 minutes
For items 1–10 listen to a man talking about a boy called Michael who crossed the Atlantic in a sailing boat and decide whether the statements 1–10 are TRUE according to the text you hear (A), or FALSE (B), or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text (C). You will hear the text twice. |
- Michael Perham, a teenage boy from the south of England, became the only person to sail across the Atlantic alone.
- Michael started his voyage across the Atlantic when he was seven.
- The Cheeky Monkey is a 9-metre yacht which was designed for the cross-Atlantic voyage.
- During his voyage, Michael ate food which had been presented to him by a local supermarket.
- Burgers and crisps were the things Michael missed most during his voyage.
- One day during the trip, Michael's father contacted him to say that a part of Michael’s boat was broken.
- Michael didn’t play his guitar during the trip.
- Once he managed to catch a flying fish which had jumped into his boat.
- Michael contributed a lot of money to the fund Children in Need.
- Michael and his father would like to do their next trip in bigger and faster boats.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet
READING (12 points)
Time: 30 minutes
Task 1.
These people want to book a holiday with a travel agency. Read the information and find the best holiday for each person. |
A) Sam Crow wants to go somewhere romantic for his honeymoon.
B) Mr. and Mrs. Snow prefer mild climate and fresh air.
C) Jane's husband and two sons like diving and watching coral reefs.
D) Mr. Smart wants a single room with a view on the sea.
1. Bungalow in Tunis for only 299 pounds a week. A nice view on the ocean and wildlife. Good air conditioning and shower will help you to put up with the afternoon heat. The bungalow is a ten-minute walk from the hotel where you'll have your meals. Excursions are not available at this time of the year.
2. Mediterranean cruise on board an ancient-looking yacht. During these unforgettable ten days you'll have a wonderful chance to see the most of the European coast. There is everything you need in all five double cabins, and our well-trained crew will do their best to make your dreams come true.
3. A week in Egypt in a cosy small hotel only two hundred meters from the sea. We provide half-board meals and various excursions to lots of places including the famous pyramids and the beautiful towns. You can also hire the equipment and explore the bottom of the sea on your own. Single rooms not available.
4. Our four-star hotel is an ideal place for getting away from the crowds. Situated in a lonely place on the Mediterranean coast of France it can provide everything you need from dressing gowns to a cup of your favourite tea at eight in the morning. No noisy groups allowed. We provide all sorts of lodging including apartments and cottages.
5. Exotic China. From the hotel in Shanghai you'll travel by bus to all the places most unusual for European eyes. During this fortnight we'll try to help you get acquainted with one of
the oldest civilizations of the world. You'll see Chinese customs, traditions and ways are something worth exploring and spending your money on.
6. Come to our rest house near Lausanne, Switzerland, and you'll never be able to forget our healing climate and breath-taking landscape. Situated right on the bank of the lake, our hotel is a luxurious shelter for those who value quietness and peace. There are lots of routes to walk or ride. Offer valid until September, 30.
Task 2
Read the text and decide whether the statements 1–8 are TRUE according to the text you read (A), or FALSE (B), or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text (C). |
History of the Rouble.
The rouble has been the currency in Russia for 500 years. The name “rouble” is thought to come from the Russian for “chop”, literally referring to the way a section was cut off a silver ingot, each section had a different value according to its weight.
Since December 2013 the official symbol of the Russian rouble is the Cyrillic letter P with a single added horizontal stroke.
In 1710 the rouble was first divided into kopeks, 100 of which made up a rouble. Ten roubles are sometimes referred to as chervonets. Historically, it was the name for the first Russian three-rouble gold coin issued for general circulation in 1701. The current meaning comes from the Soviet golden chervonets issued in 1923. All these names are no longer in use, however.
In the 18th century half a kopek or a single kopek were made from copper, while five kopeks up to 50 kopeks and one rouble coins were originally made from gold.
After the Russian civil war, silver was used for lower value coins with gold chervonets minted in 1923. In 1961 new materials such as aluminium and bronze were introduced, along with nickel and zinc.
Between 1769 and 1917 there were only Imperial issued bank notes, or assignats. After 1917 the provisional government issued bank notes, called kerenki. Soon after, in 1918 state credit notes were issued, followed by currency notes the following year.
- Russian rouble has a long history.
- Several centuries ago one of the tsars introduced rouble as Russian currency.
- In old times only merchants used roubles.
- The symbol of the rouble is double “P”.
- In the 18th century rouble was divided into kopeks.
- The names are still used when shopping.
- Gold, silver and bronze are used to make coins nowadays.
- Banknotes appeared in the Soviet period for the first time.
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
USE OF ENGLISH (20 points)
Time: 20 minutes
Task 1
Using the words from the box fill in the gaps with opposites of words underlined |
Attack deny lower lose keep forget hit lengthen receive enter |
1. Only Robin’s arrow…. the target. All the others missed.
2. I think we should…. the intervals rather than shorten them.
3. She never…. her promises, she breaks them as soon as she gives them.
4. This statement was neither confirmed nor…. so we don’t know what to think.
5. You can only expect them to rise prices, they never…. them.
6. Our team…. wonderfully but defended weakly, which cost them victory.
7. The waiting-room was crowded: as soon as one passenger left two more…. .
8. I try to remember anecdotes but next day I completely…. them.
9. Unfortunately our team…. last game, but we hope they’ll win the next one.
10. We…. the postcard our friends sent from a resort in Spain.
Task 2.
Read the text and choose the right options. |
When (1) _____ happens that people don’t like, some of them exaggerates the problem (2) _____ making generalizations. (3) _____ starting sentences with, “You always”, and “You never”, as in, “You always come home late!” or “You never (4) _____ what I want to do!” Stop and think (5) whether or not this is really true. Also, don’t bring (6) _____ past conflicts and stir up more negativity. This stands in the (7)______ of true conflict resolution, and (8)_______ the level of conflict.
- A someone B anything C something D nothing
- A by B for C to D over
- A Keep B Never C Stop D Avoid
- A make B act C perform D do
- A over B about C for D on
- A forward B to C up D on
- A route B manner C way D work
- A lessen B strengthens C increases D upsets
Transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
WRITING (10 points)
Time: 30 minutes
There are many ways of spending summer holidays. Some people prefer to stay home, and others are extremely active. Write a letter to your friend in Britain telling him/her how you have spent your summer holidays this year.
Follow the pattern:
- salutation
- reasons for writing
- personal information
- other relevant information
- closing remarks
- saying goodbye You should write 90-100 words
Используемые ресурсы
1.Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языка
2.Тесты по английскому языку. В,В. Логинов. Издательство АСЕ 2001
Предварительный просмотр:
Всероссийская олимпиада школьников
2023-2024 учебный год
I (школьный) этап
Английский язык
9 класс
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
B | B | A | C | B | B | A | C | A | A |
A | B | C | D |
2 | 6 | 3 | 4 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
A | C | C | B | A | C | B | B |
Use of English
1 | hit |
2 | lengthen |
3 | keeps |
4 | denied |
5 | lower |
6 | attacked |
7 | entered |
8 | forget |
9 | Lost |
10 | Received |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
C | C | C | D | A | D | C | B |
Критерии оценивания и подсчёт баллов.
Listening – максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Reading - максимальное количество баллов 12. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Use of English - максимальное количество баллов 18. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов. В вопросах 1-10 учитываетсяправильная грамматическая форма.
Writing - максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание оценивается по Критериям оценивания.
При подведении итогов баллы за все конкурсные задания суммируются.
Максимальное количество баллов за все конкурсы – 50 баллов.
Предварительный просмотр:
Audioscript Listening comprehension
(pause 20 seconds)
Now we begin
In 2007, Michael Perham, a fourteen-year-old boy from the south of England, became the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic alone. Michael set off from Gibraltar on the 5,600 kilometre voyage which took forty-seven days. It was a long and, some may say, dangerous adventure, but Michael was determined to get there.
Michael started sailing when he was seven, and says the idea of an Atlantic crossing had been floating around in his head for a few years. Then one day, his father, Peter, who’s a keen sailor, decided that the time was right. Michael helped with the design of a new 9-metre yacht which was built for them and to which Michael gave the name the Cheeky Monkey.
They say that for a real sailor, crossing the Atlantic isn’t a big deal, but people imagine that sharks and huge waves would be the greatest dangers. In fact, Michael’s father sailed alongside his son in his own boat to make sure he was OK. They worked in shifts throughout the night: an hour on, then an hour off, because one of them had to be on watch, in case large ships came too near to them.
Are you wondering what Michael ate during his voyage? Well, he says he and his father filled two supermarket trolleys with things like sausages, spaghetti and stews, which could be easily heated in a pan. Everything had to be in tins, though, because that type of food keeps fresher than stuff in packets or jars.
So what did Michael miss most? He says he sometimes missed human contact and having a face-to-face conversation. He got used to his limited food supply but says what he really longed for was hot toast. Knowing what teenagers are like, I’d been expecting him to say burgers or crisps, but then Michael is no ordinary teenager!
When asked how he communicated with his father, Michael explains that it was all done by radio, though for Michael nothing compared with the pleasure of following his father’s progress through his binoculars. Michael also communicated with his family at home by satellite phone. One day his father contacted Michael to tell him a part of his own boat was broken, which really disappointed Michael
because it might mean that they would have to go slower. But, in the end, that wasn't necessary.
I asked Michael how he entertained himself on the boat. He told me he’d taken his guitar with him but it had stayed in its case throughout the trip. He couldn’t play because the boat was always rolling about! He loved to read and he also had an iPod that his sister had lent him. This he plugged into portable speakers and it was on pretty much all the time.
Was there anything that frightened Michael? He says the weather was a bit of a worry at times, and once he got caught in a force-nine storm, but managed to handle the boat OK. The one event that really shook him was when a flying fish jumped into the boat and hit him on the shoulder. But mostly things were great, like sailing alongside dolphins and seeing the bluest skies anyone could ever imagine.
Everybody is really proud of Michael’s achievements. And a remarkable thing about the trip is that he also raised thousands of pounds for the charity known as 'Children in Need'. His school has been very supportive - the head teacher allowed Michael to miss school, saying that a few weeks on the ocean would be an amazing learning experience.
It’s quite likely that Michael's next challenge will be to sail non-stop around the world. His father would do the trip in another boat, but it would be a very different experience because they would be in 20-metre boats which travel much faster, so they would never really be in sight of each other. Michael says next time he’ll remember to pack some photos, to remember friends and family if he feels lonely, but he'll leave the guitar at home!
You have 20 seconds to check your answers. (pause 20 seconds)
Now listen to the text again. (text repeated)
This is the end of the listening comprehension task.
Предварительный просмотр:
1 | A | B | C |
2 | A | B | C |
3 | A | B | C |
4 | A | B | C |
5 | A | B | C |
6 | A | B | C |
7 | A | B | C |
8 | A | B | C |
9 | A | B | C |
10 | A | B | C |
A | B | C | D |
Task 2
1 | A | B | C |
2 | A | B | C |
3 | A | B | C |
4 | A | B | C |
5 | A | B | C |
6 | A | B | C |
7 | A | B | C |
8 | A | B | C |
Use of English
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
1 | A | B | C | D |
2 | A | B | C | D |
3 | A | B | C | D |
4 | A | B | C | D |
5 | A | B | C | D |
6 | A | B | C | D |
7 | A | B | C | D |
8 | A | B | C | D |
Предварительный просмотр:
Writing критерии оценивания.
Максимальное количество баллов 10.
При оценки 0 по критерию «РКЗ» выставляется общая оценка 0.
Решение коммуникативной задачи (максимум 3 балла) | Организация и языковое оформление текста (максимум 7 баллов). | |||
3 балла | Организация текста (максимум 2 балла) | Лексика (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Орфография и пунктуация (максимум 1 балл) |
Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена. Участник соблюдает особенности написания письма. Объём работы соответствует заданному либо отклоняется от заданного не более или менее 10% | ||||
2 балла Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Однако в работе не выполнен 1 аспект. | 2 балла Текст правильно разделён на абзацы, логика построения текста не нарушена. | 2 балла В работе имеются 1-2 лексические ошибки. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление грамматических структур. В работе имеются 1-2 грамматические ошибки. | 2 балла |
1 балл Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Однако в работе не выполнено 2 аспекта. | 1 балл Имеются отдельные нарушения логики или членения на абзацы (1-2) | 1 балл В работе имеются 3-4 лексические ошибки. | 1 балл В работе имеются 3-4 грамматические ошибки. | 1 балл В работе имеются 1-4 орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки. |
0 баллов Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Текст не является письмом. Или не выполнены 3 аспекта. Или объём менее 70 слов. | 0 баллов Имеются многочисленные нарушения логики или членения на абзацы. | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные лексические ошибки. | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные грамматические ошибки. | 0 баллов В работе имеются многочисленные орфографические или пунктуационные ошибки. |
Протокол оценки конкурса «Письмо»
Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить за конкурс Writing – 10 (десять).
Эксперт №_____________________________________________________(ф.и.о.)
ID участника | К1 РКЗ | К2 ОТ | К3 лексика | К4 грамматика | К5 орфография и пунктуация | Сумма баллов (максимум 10) |
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