The Tula Kremlin
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Слайд 2

One of the most ancient fortresses on Russian soil, the Tula Kremlin , has been perfectly preserved to this day, and continues to delight the travelers not only with architecture but also with its special beauty. Being built back in the 16th century, the Kremlin became a reliable outpost of Russia. fortress- крепость preserve- сохранять delight- радовать reliable - надежный outpost – форпост (передовой пост)

Слайд 3

The Odoevskaya Tower . XVI в. Tula Museum of Samovars The Spasskaya Tower . XVI в. The Angular Tower . XVI в. The Water Gate Tower . XVI в. The Cellar Tower . XVI в. The Assumption Cathedral . XVIII в. The Epiphany Cathedral . XIX в. The Ivanovskaya Tower . XVI в. The Ivanovo Gate Tower . XVI в. The Nikitskaya Tower . XVI в. Pyatnitsky Gate Tower . XVI в. The Assumption cathedral Bell . reconstructed in 2014 The Tula Kremlin Quiz

Слайд 4

Башня Одоевских ворот The Odoevskaya tower is the visiting card of the Tula Kremlin, which has no analogues in Russian architecture. The first name for the tower was given by the road passing through it to Odoev. Now the tower is crowned with a dome with a spire with the emblem of the city of Tula. tower – башня road – дорога crown – венчать spire - шпиль emblem - герб

Слайд 5

Башня Пятницких ворот The Pyatnitsky Gate Tower The name of the building was due to the nearby Paraskeva Friday church. The tower has small vaulted chambers where weapons were stored. In the 16th century, during a fire, the arsenal exploded and the tower was badly damaged. This is confirmed by the absence on the tower of white stone details that are inherent in all other towers of the Kremlin. church – церковь vaulted chamber – сводчатая камера weapons – оружие explode – взорваться confirm – подтверждаться absence – отсутствие inherent - присущий

Слайд 6

Наугольная башня The Angular Tower is a round blank tower of the Tula Kremlin. The first name is explained by the fact that this tower was closer to the Upa River than others. Another name - Myasnitskaya - is explained by the fact that nearby were the shopping arcades. round - круглый blank – глухой explain – объяснять shopping arcades – торговые ряды

Слайд 7

Башня Водяных ворот The Water Gate Tower The Square travel tower in the northeast wall of the Kremlin. The tower is not connected with the walls of the Kremlin and you can get on it only from a combat move, which adjoins the walls. In the XVII century, Orthodox holidays traditionally marched through the tower to the embankment of the Upa River for the blessing of water. square – квадратный combat move – боевой вход adjoin – примыкать orthodox – православный bmbankment – набережная Blessing - освящение

Слайд 8

Башня На погребу The Cellar Tower The only of the five blank towers of the Tula Kremlin is square in shape. Inside it is divided by bridges into two tiers. Under it was a cellar. Near the tower, in the wall of the Kremlin, there is a passage through which you can go to the banks of Upa River. bridge – мост tier – ярус cellar – погреб passage – проход bank - берег

Слайд 9

Ивановская башня The Ivanovskaya Tower It is the eastern corner tower. The lower of the three tiers had an underground passage - a "cache" - about 70 m long, which is why the tower is also called Tainitskaya ( Secret) Tower. The passage went to the banks of the Upa River and was intended to replenish fresh water during the siege. cache – тайник intend – предназначать replenishment – пополнение siege - осада

Слайд 10

Башня Ивановских ворот The Ivanovo Gate Tower Inside the wall adjacent to the tower, there is an arched opening leading to an internal staircase that goes to the loopholes on the walls of the Kremlin. In the past, the tower had three wooden gates that were attached to iron hooks. Later, as unnecessary, they were removed and now the lattice iron gates block the passage in the tower. adjacent – примыкающий internal – внутренний staircase – лестница loophole – бойница remove – снять lattice – решетчатый iron - железный

Слайд 11

Никитская башня The Nikitskaya Tower It is the corner and the most sinister tower in the Tula Kremlin. The name received due to its location. The area adjacent to the tower was once called the Nikitsky end. The lower tier has a hemispherical vault, which is fully preserved. At the end of the XVII century, the powder and lead treasury was located here. corner – угловой sinister – зловещий area – район tier – ярус vault – свод powder – порох lead - свинец treasury - казна

Слайд 12

Успенский собор The Assumption Cathedral The construction of the cathedral began on May 7, 1762 at the expense of the Tula merchants. The building was built in two years. The name of the architect, the author of the cathedral project, is unknown. The construction of the temple was done by Tula bricklayers, and Tula blacksmiths; and was painted by Yaroslavl craftsmen. The four-tier bell tower of the Assumption Cathedral was reconstructed. In 2015, on the day of the city, the grand opening of the bell tower and the entire restored cathedral took place. expense – средства merchant – купец temple – храм blacksmith – кузнец craftsmen - мастер

Слайд 13

Богоявленский собор The Epiphany Cathedral In 1817, after a visit to the city of Tula by Emperor Alexander I, the city society decided to build a cathedral in the name of St. Alexander Nevsky, who liberated Russia and Europe from Napoleon. The cathedral was built in three years. Donations for the construction of the cathedral were made by the bishops of Tula, nobles, merchants, and gunsmiths. In the 1960s, it was decided to place a weapon museum in the former cathedral. In 2012, most of the exhibition was moved to the building of the new museum. Liberate – освободить Donation – пожертвование Bishop – епископ Noble – дворянин Gunsmith - оружейник

Слайд 14

How many towers does the Tula Kremlin have ? на основе шаблона Г.О. Аствацатурова , г. Армавир Check yourself!

Слайд 15


Слайд 16

Which tower has an emblem of the city of Tula ? на основе шаблона Г.О. Аствацатурова , г. Армавир Check yourself !

Слайд 17

The Odoevskaya Tower

Слайд 18

Which tower is the most sinister? на основе шаблона Г.О. Аствацатурова , г. Армавир Check yourself !

Слайд 19

The Nikitskaya Tower

Слайд 20

Which tower is also called Tainitskaya? на основе шаблона Г.О. Аствацатурова , г. Армавир Check yourself !

Слайд 21

The Ivanovskaya Tower

Слайд 22

Welcome to the Tula Kremlin!!!

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