Презентация "Famous People of Tula Region"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
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Tula is rich in intelligent, interesting and gifted people. Batashov A.I.- the samovars- maker Beloborodov N.I.- the inventor of Russian accordion Belousov P.P.- a doctor, a creator of Tula park Yartsev S.A., Stechkin I.Y.- the inventors of weapons Famous writers
L.N.Tolstoy(1828-1910) Count L.N. Tolstoy was born on the ancestral estate of his family Yasnaya Polyana on August 28,1828. L.Tolstoy began to write when he was twenty-four years old. His masterpieces are « War and Peace » and « Anna Karenina ». L.Tolstoy knew English very well. L.Tolstoy lived in Yasnaya Polyana 60 of his 82 years.
V.A.Zhukovskiy(1783-1852) V.A. Zhukovskiy is the great poet of the 19th century. He was born not far from Tula in the village of Mishenskoye. Many years of his time he spent in Tula.
K.D.Ushinskiy(1824-1870) K.D. Ushinskiy was born in1824 in Tula. K.D. Ushinskiy is the great Russian educator. He spoke German and knew English, French and Italian. His works, which influ- enced Russian education, were published many times.
V.V. Veresaev(1867-1915) The author of stories and sketches, whose works were dear to progressive Russian intellectuals of modern times. Veresaev’s language is clear, simple and refined. The monument to V.Veresaev was installed in 1958 near the entrance to Belousovskiy park.
A.S. Dargomyzhskiy (1813-1869) Alexander Dargomyzhskiy’s life was connected with our region. His father lived in Belyov district. Dargomyzhskiy made a great contribution to the development of Russian music. He was a truly national composer. There exist five compositions of the young Dargomyzhskiy we know, among them « To Mary » , « The Melancholic Waltz » , « Kazachok » .
P.N. Krylov(1902-1990) He showed his talent in different genres of painting and drawings, book illustrations. Krylov’s art is based on different topics, genres of painting-portrait, landscape, still life. Krylov’s native town Tula was the dearest place for him and a lot of his paintings are dedicated to Tula .
V.D. Polenov(1844-1927) V.Polenov was a most interesting and versatile man, a talented painter, a gifted musician and architect. Autumn, Polenov’s most favourite season, was the theme of his best landscapes. Polenov called his art « the light of the truth » for its humane character.
A.T. Bolotov(1738-1833) A.T. Bolotov was a remarkable scientist-agriculturist, thinker, investigator, physician healer, writer and poet. He raised a lot of fruit-trees of high quality and gave the description of more than 600 sorts of apples and pears. A. Bolotov is famous for his good translation belles-lettres from foreign languages.
N.D. Demidov (16 56 - 1725) N. Demidov is a famous metal-working factory-owner He was buried in the Demidov’s Necropolis. In Tula Necropolis you can learn about the development of metal in the region, and about famous masters- descendants of legendary Levsha.
S.I. Mosin(1849-1902) S.I. Mosin is the creator of the famous three-single line rifle, which was used by military men for many years. The monument to the famous constructor was installed in 1958 near Tula Gun Plant.
V.F. Rudnev (1855-1913) In 1903 on 27 January the Russian cruiser « Varyag » under the command of V.Rudnev the captain of first rank, together with the gunboat « Korean » had the unequal fight with the Japaneses-quadron. Russian sailors scuttled their ship, not to surrender to the enemy.
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