МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА ВНЕУРОЧНОГО МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ “The Fifth Element (The Tula Kremlin)” Учебно-игровое мероприятие для обучающихся 11-х классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
“The Fifth Element (The Tula Kremlin)”
Учебно-игровое мероприятие для обучающихся 11-х классов
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Предварительный просмотр:
“The Fifth Element (The Tula Kremlin)”
Учебно-игровое мероприятие для обучающихся 11-х классов
Разработала: Исаковская М.В., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Центр образования №7 имени Героя Советского Союза Сергея Николаевича Судейского» города Тула
Цель мероприятия: формирование навыков работы в коллективе при решении определённых задач и повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка.
1) Практическая. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме занятия, формировать навыки говорения, довести до обучающихся значение Тульского кремля в истории становления Российского государства; расширять лингвистический кругозор. Повысить интерес к предмету изучаемого языка, расширить кругозор учащихся.
2) Развивающая. Способствовать развитию языковой и контекстуальной догадки, развитию речи, развитию долговременной и кратковременной памяти, мышления, развивать умения взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя различные роли в пределах речевых потребностей и возможностях, развивать коммуникативные способности, умение выбирать адекватные языковые и речевые средства для успешного решения коммуникативных задач. Развивать умения мыслить, анализировать.
3) Воспитательная. Способствовать воспитанию чувства уважения к изучаемому языку, воспитание умения работать в команде, чувства взаимопомощи, уважительного отношения к одноклассникам, воспитанию культуры общения, формированию гражданской идентичности, чувства патриотизма и гордости за свой край и свою страну, осознание своей национальной принадлежности.
Форма мероприятия: культурно-просветительская
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: групповая и индивидуальная.
Средства обучения: наглядные (карта Кремля, эмблемы команд и оформление рабочего места каждой из команд, презентация с заданиями викторины),
раздаточный материал (фотографии достопримечательностей Тулы, виды башен Тульского Кремля, карточки с заданиями).
Система контроля: сочетание контроля учителя, взаимоконтроль.
Этапы занятия:
1. Организационный момент.
А) представление видеороликов (Трейлер к кф «Пятый элемент» и «Тула»
B) Объявление темы, цели и правил занятия:
-What can be in common in these two videos?
- What is the name of the film?
- Do you know that four symbols of Tula can be associated with four elements from the film?
- Water – tea- samovar.
- Fire- weapons
- Air – sound- accordion
- Land- food- gingerbread. And they all make a business card of our city.
Today we will have 4 teams that will symbolize these four element.
Welcome to our lesson, its topic is “The fifth element” and it’s closely relates to Tula and to one of its most amazing attractions.
It’s a great chance for all our participants to demonstrate their knowledge.
First of all, let me introduce our teams, team 1 (название), team 2 (название), team 3 ( ), team 4 ( ).
Основная часть
- Задание. Ребус
-What comes to your mind when you see this puzzle?
Of course, it’s Tula Kremlin.
How is Tula Kremlin connected with the theme of our lesson? Try to explain.
And it is the Kremlin that is the fifth element that unites all four elements we have mentioned above. Let’s prove it!
The Tula Kremlin. One of the most ancient buildings on the territory of our city. Nowadays, the Kremlin is a popular attraction of Tula and is visited by tourists from Russia and all over the world. It’s main places of interest are the Cathedral of the Assumption, Tula State Museum of Weapons located in Epiphany Cathedral and nine towers.
2. Задание.
- Each symbol of Tula has its own museum. On your desks there are cards with the pictures of the museums and short descriptions of each museum that are divided into two parts. The teams should find the pictures of their museums and find proper parts of the text.
-Let’s check what you’ve got.
3. Quiz (викторина)
- It’s high time to see how you know the history of the Tula Kremlin. Let’s do the quiz.
-Well, you are real experts in the history of the Kremlin. And even if you didn’t know anything now you minds are full of knowledge.
4. Watching with video
- One more challenge for you is to watch an authentic video and do some tasks after you’ve watched it.
- – Before watching videos match the words to make word combinations. What will the video be about?
- Match the words to make word combinations:
Tula Military Grand The approaches The most visited 500 years | campaigns of peace and war Duchy of Moscow museum Kremlin to Moscow |
- – Put in the missing words and read the text. (Video1)
1. The Tula Kremlin is the 16th century fortress. From the age of the Crimean and Tatar raids, fierce battles and military campaigns and that’s where Russia’s frontiers ever began. The fortress defended the Grand Duchy of Moscow’s southern boundaries and was the main stronghold in the famous Great Zasechnaya Cherta along defensive line of barricades, palisades of fortresses. Here 5 centuries ago Russian warriors heroically defended the approaches to Moscow . The Tula Kremlin is now one of Russia’s most visited museums it holds many secrets from 500 years of war and peace.
c) – Watch video 2 and answer the questions:
- What defended Russia’s southern borders?
- What is the Great Zasechnaya Cherta? How did it work?
-You may consult each other and then answer.
‘The Great Zasechnaya Cherta was built to defend Russia’s southern borders. A defensive line of fortified cities and forest and water barriers stretching for more than thousand kilometers. The backbone of the line was forested debris deep in the woods, known as Zaseki or abates, trees were not completely cut down but sawn at roughly human height so that failed trees remained partially on their stems cleaning that kind of debris extremely hard and it could be at the 60 meters deep or even more. That was a world first using whole forest to defend borders that stretched a hundreds of kilometers.’
5. Watching mute videos.
- -Watch videos and predict what they will be about. Why do you think so?
- – You’ve got 3 texts on your desks. Find a suitable text to each video. One text is extra.
Video 1 (Text 2)
Tula’s Kremlin was one of Russia’s first regular forts. In the 16th century, Crimean Tatars and Nogais began raiding the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Selling captured Russians as slaves provided the Crimean khanate with one of its main income sources. So, in 1507, Moscow’s Grand Prince, Vasily III, ordered that ‘a city of stone’ be built in Tula on the left bank of the Upa River.
Tough it’s just over a kilometre around, natural barriers made it impossible to circumvent the fortress or take another route to Moscow. There were rivers, swamps and the famous dense forests that later formed our famous line of defence called the ‘Great Zasechnaya Line’. The new stone fortress in Tula became its main headquarters.
Video 2 (Text 3)
Tula’s Kremlin is built from two materials. The bottom is white stone, and the top is made of red brick. This is limestone, a very strong material, but building with it took a long time, and the fort had to be completed quickly, as raiders were coming more and more often, so it was necessary to use wood. But a fort made of oak and stone can’t repulse attacks very well, so, as soon as the raids decreased a bit, they began replacing the wooden part with large red bricks. It was much faster to build with red brick than white stone, and, by 1520, the kremlin was fully completed.
Video 3 (text1)
The Tula Kremlin walls are topped by ‘swallowtail’ merlons. You can see similar battlements on Moscow’s Kremlin and castles in northern Italy. Some say the Tula Kremlin’s battlements were simply copied from Moscow’s, but it’s more commonly thought that its architects may have been Italians.
Unlike all other Russian forts, it’s not built on high ground, but in a low place between hills. This can be seen by looking up Lenin Avenue, which rises sharply from the kremlin. But, despite this strategic disadvantage, the fortress was never taken by invaders and never surrendered.
- – Prepare the reading of text 1.
- Read the text as if you were a reporter.
6. Задание «Воздух»
- There is no accordion without a song. So, your teams will compose a song about Tula. You know the tune and the lyrics of this song in Russian. On the sheets of paper that are on your table you will find the basis of your song in English. You should invent the missing rhymes.
- После выполнения задания дети зачитывают свои варианты, сверяют его с вариантом учителя. Далее они исполняют песню под фонограмму. (На мотив песни «Тула земля моя»)
From the sacred walls of this ancient place
There appeared on Earth our native land,
Among woods and on banks of the Upa
From the capital’s very far.
Tula’s my native land, you’re incomparable
I see you in my dreams every night.
Your every corner is so desirable
You’re like invincible shining knight.
No enemy’s ever conquered you,
Through hard blizzards and with God deep in heart
Our land stood up and its song is true
Always merciful, sparkling in moonlight.
Tula’s my native land, you’re incomparable
I see you in my dreams every night.
Your every corner is so desirable
You’re like invincible shining knight.
And when I come back to my Motherland
I’ll bow all my thanks to the glorious dame.
Meet me with hot tea and sweet gingerbread!
An accordion its songs will begin.
7. Итог Рефлексия.
- What new things about the Kremlin have you learnt? What was the most interesting task? Was our today’s practice interesting? Why?
-Look at the map of Tula region. What does our region look like? Yes, it resembles a human heart. There is one theory that the name of our city comes from two Russian words : ‘тело, душа”. If we take the vowels from one word and the consonants from the other word we’ll get the name ‘Tula’.
So, really, it used to be the heart of Russia and the Tula Kremlin is the heart of our region.
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