Английские пословицы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Proverbs and sayings introduction : Proverbs and sayings are a huge part of English culture, they help to express your thoughts doing it beautifully, colorfully and tastefully. They bring color and variety to a conversation, they emphasize that you have a good vocabulary, and they express the sharpness of your mind.
A bad workman blames his tools. A bad workman blames his tools is not a bad proverb. It means: a man bad at something blames everything but himself, emphasizing the stupidity of the whole situation.
All good things must come to an end. All good things must come to an end - this proverb explains that not all good things last forever and in any case sooner or later comes to an end.
Haste makes waste . Haste makes waste - a proverb about how people who want to get things done quickly do not notice their mistakes. It reminds you not to rush because you can make a lot of mistakes while you're doing it.
Time is money Time is money - usually this proverb is used in a dialogue with a person with whom you do not want to continue a long dialogue, you do not want this person to keep you for a long time stressing with this phrase that he needs to express himself faster.
To each his own. To each his own- a very interesting saying, it is said when you compromise with someone or when you run out of arguments.
Actions speak louder than words . Actions speak louder than words - a very nice saying, its meaning is that people are often easier said than done, and this proverb is used precisely to such people.
A man can die but once . A man can die but once - the proverb explains that you have to be careful and we have only one life, you must understand that there will not be a second attempt, life - not a video game.
A word spoken is past recalling . A word spoken is past recalling - a phrase said to people who have no control over their speech flow, again in life we are given one try, even to say the right words.
I created a scheme on the subject of translating English proverbs and sayings into Russian, since not all of them can be translated into Russian, but many have a Russian equivalent. have no analogues have an analogue literal translation
Bottom line: I have acquainted you with a few English proverbs and sayings and as a result I want to say: the dialogue of the English is 20 percent proverbs, in Russia this practice is not often observed, although proverbs are very colorful examples of emotions that can only be described by proverbs, which is why they are so important in the conversation.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Английские пословицы и поговорки. Этимология, русские аналоги, трудности перевода.
Статья об особенностях употребления английских пословиц и поговорок, их русских эквивалентах и о трудностях, с которыми встречаются учащиеся при переводе....

английские пословицы
английские пословицы и их русские эквиваленты.английские пословицы я использую на уроках по разным темам, особенно нравится уч-ся использовать пословицы в своих работах: сочинениях. презентациях, выск...
Английские пословицы и поговорки с переводом
Английские пословицы и поговорки, которые необходимы для уроков....

Проект «Пословица недаром молвится» (Взаимосвязь русских и английских пословиц)
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Необходимость изучения английских пословиц на уроках английского языка в рамках введения ФГОС.
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Статья "Английские пословицы, поговорки, идиомы в качестве грамматического иллюстративного тренировочного материала на уроке английского языка".
В данной статье рассматривается использование пословиц, поговорок и идиоматических выражений в качестве дополнительного материала для изучения грамматики на уроках английского языка, а также материала...
Методическая разработка «Использование английских пословиц и поговорок в изучении английского языка»
Пословицы и поговорки хранят в языке крупицы народной мудрости. В них отражается история и мировоззрение создавшего их народа, его традиции, нравы, обычаи здравый смысл и юмор.В английском языке живут...