конференция слэнг в жизни подростка
проект по английскому языку (6 класс)

Абрамова Светлана Викторовна

в данной работе рассмотрена проблема "загрязнения" речи подростков в английском языке, изучается история возникновения слэнга, приводятся конкретные примеры слэнга, делается вывод хорошо это или плохо употряблять слэнг в своей речи и  в каких случаях можно это себе позволить



Предварительный просмотр:

Ministry of Education of the Saratov region

Municipal autonomous institution “Lyceum No.37”

Frunzensky district MAOU “City of Saratov”

Youth slang in speech

Author: Linda Haggui

A student of the 5th “B”

Class of MAOU “Lyceum No.37”

Supervisor: Abramova S.V.

English teacher

Saratov 2023



INTRODUCTION                                                               3                                            

THE CONSEPT OF “YOUTH SLANG”                                  4

HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF                                       YOUTH SLANG


THE INFLUENCE OF SLANG ON                                         THE SPEECH OF ADOLESCENTS


SLANG TYPES                                                                         7

DEBATES ABOUT SLANG                          




SURVEY AMONG CLASSMATES-PRACTICAL PART                                        








Youth slang is special words and expressions peculiar to teenagers. Their own language, incomprehensible to others, is one of the signs of a youth subculture.

Slang is popular among young people, because when they come up with words, they try to stand out from the crowd in this way, to assert themselves.

 Young people use slang to impress others.

Youth slang differs from other types of slang in that it is based on the realities of young people and their words are understood only by them.

It gives speech emotional expressiveness, rough-familiar coloring.

The relevance of the problem: the study of youth slang lies in the fact that youth slang contributes to the replenishment of the language, its development and diversity.

Hypothesis: it is important to know the modern language of young people, to replenish their vocabulary in order to understand their speech.

Tasks and goals of scientific work:

  1. Study the impact of speech on the speech
  2. talk about slang words with real examples
  3. study the history of the development of slang
  4. learn about slang through student opinion



The use of slang is not a new phenomenon, it occurs all the time. With its help, young people are trying to express themselves, protest against the foundations of society, the likelihood of persecution and capture of migrants. This is a series of words and expressions that originated in a separate group of people.

Even within the same city, slang varies from region to region, speaking about slang from different countries. It is usually referred to as protests. 

The term “slang” usually denotes something that does not coincide with the norm of the literary language, but at the same time,

many words and phrases that began their existence as slang are now firmly established in the literary language.

Slang is used everywhere without social,

age and professional restrictions. These words are used not only by young people, but also by older people, not only with a criminal past, but also decent, quite intelligent people.

Slang is a way of communicating between people, which is a set of special words or a modification of existing ones.



According to most linguists and lexicographers,

the origin of the word "slang" is very vague. It comes from the English slang - "jargon".

The word has been found since the middle of the 18th century in the meaning of “the vocabulary of thieves and vagabonds.”

In English lexicography, the term “slang” became widespread around the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, slang was called the dictionary of commoners and marginal personalities.

A number of linguists believe that the word "slang" comes from the English word sling, which means to throw, throw, scientists attribute it to the expression to sling one, s jaw.

The term slang has become well known since the fifties of the 19th century and denoted colloquial, reduced vocabulary. The main reason for the appearance of slang in the language is an attempt to shorten words for more convenient communication.

Around the first half of the 20th century, the term acquired its modern meaning. Slang began to be understood as words and expressions, new or previously used in other meanings, which are found in the speech of persons of certain age, social, professional groups or interest groups.



the process of shaping the thinking of young people cannot be underestimated.

Teenagers like to use internet slang. They are delighted by messages written in the same language.

Such communication liberates, allows you to freely discuss any topic. Slang makes speech more concise, emotionally expressive; the speaker can most fully and freely express his feelings and emotions. 

Due to the fascination with Internet slang, teenagers write with errors that distort oral and written speech not only on forums, but also in everyday life.

The speech of a modern schoolchild, or teenage slang, undergoes the greatest changes at the time of personality formation, namely from 13 to 17 years. Values ​​and attitudes towards others, behavior in various situations and ways of overcoming difficulties are formed, which will finally be fixed in adulthood.



Unlike colloquial expressions, slang is actively used in their speech by educated people, representatives of a certain age or professional group:

Army slang, Journalistic slang, Computer slang, Gaming slang, Youth slang, Amateur radio slang, Theatrical slang, Prison slang and many others. -familiar coloring.

Slang itself is a variation of the "secret language" and is synonymous with words such as jargon or slang.


Some critics believe that when slang becomes more commonplace it effectively eradicates the "proper" use of a certain language. However, academic linguists believe that language is not static but ever-changing and that slang terms are valid words within a language's lexicon. While prescriptivists study and promote the socially preferable or "correct" ways to speak.




  • LOL — Laughing out loud 
  • OMG — Oh my god!
  • IDK — I don't know
  • THX — Thanks
  • Ace – is used to describe something that is awesome.
  • Dive – is used to describe a place that isn’t very nice.
  • Kip – means sleep
  • Miffed – is another way of saying you are confused or annoyed.
  • Mood - A word to signify agreement
  • noob - A person who doesn't know what they're doing or who is bad at something; in other words, a newbie
  • Fit - Short for outfit
  • Lit - Amazing, cool, or exciting
  • YOLO - "You Only Live Once"
  • Dead - Something is so funny that the speaker has"died" of laughter
  • Extra - Over-the-top, extreme



Students of 5th grade of MAOU Lyceum No. 37 participated in the sociological survey.

According to the results of the survey 20% of respondents don’t care if they use slang,

other 20% don’t know the meaning of the word,

10% of students interested in literary speech,

also 10% don’t use slang,

and what is not surprising to understand from our conference as much as 40% of students use slang regularly. 



Youth slang is special words and expressions peculiar to teenagers. Their own language, incomprehensible to others, is one of the signs of a youth subculture.

Slang is popular among young people, because when they come up with words, they try to stand out from the crowd in this way, to assert themselves.

Unlike colloquial expressions, slang is actively used in their speech by educated people, representatives of a certain age or professional group. The process of shaping the thinking of young people cannot be underestimated. Teenagers like to use internet slang. They are delighted by messages written in the same language. Some critics believe that when slang becomes more commonplace it effectively eradicates the "proper" use of a certain language.

The use of slang is not a new phenomenon, it occurs all the time. With its help, young people are trying to express themselves, protest against the foundations of society, the likelihood of persecution and capture of migrants.


To write this work, the resources of the Internet were used.


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