Sydney.Упражнение на заполнение пропусков.
занимательные факты по английскому языку (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Perched on__ East Coast of Australia, Sydney is __capital of the state of New South Wales and home to 4 and a half million people.
- Surrounded by ___rolling Pacific Ocean, two headlands stand as a gateway to ___harbor.
- Blessed with over 100 beaches, __Sydney is hard to top.
- Sydney’s heart is___ harbor. What began as___ penal colony in 1788, would be transformed into __ paradise.
- Sydney threw off its convict shackles and blossomed into ___gracious city.
- The city expanded into suburbs like __ Paddington, harbor neighborhoods like __ Rose Bay, and into beachside communities.
- Take the trip to the top of ___Sydney Tower. The observation desk offers 360 degree view of___ city.
- Head to ___Circular Quay. From Circular Quay you can get just about anywhere by __ ferry, __water taxi or __ train.
- Just to __right, like white sails blowing in the breeze is___ Sydney Opera House. You don’t need __ticket or tuxedo to explore it.
- Just behind___ Opera House are___ Royal Botanic Gardens and ___ Sydney Domain. Here you’ll find Government House, ___ Art Gallery of New South Wales and some of___ leafiest views.
- To __left of Circular Quay stands the famous “Coat Hanger”, the Harbour Bridge. ..Paul Hogan, the star of Crocodile Dundee, was __painter on __ bridge before he hit the big time.
- But you don’t need to work on __ bridge to enjoy the views from__ top, simply strap on a safety harness and join a Bridge Climb Tour.
Perched on the East Coast of Australia, Sydney the capital of the state of New South Wales and is home to 4 and a half million people.
Surrounded by the rolling Pacific Ocean, two headlands stand as a gateway to the harbor.
Blessed with over 100 beaches, __Sydney is hard to top.
Sydney’s heart is the harbor. What began as a penal colony in 1788, would be transformed into __ paradise.
Sydney threw off its convict shackles and blossomed into a gracious city.
The city expanded into suburbs like _ Paddington, harbor neighborhoods like _Rose Bay, and into beachside communities.
Take the trip to the top of the Sydney Tower. The oobservation desk offers 360 degree view of the city.
Head to _ Circular Quay. From Circular Quay you can get just about anywhere by _ ferry, _water taxi or _ train.
Just to the right, like white sails blowing in the breeze is the Sydney Opera House. You don’t need a ticket or tuxedo to explore it.
Just behind the Opera House are the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Sydney Domain. Here you’ll find Government House, the Art Gallery of ___ New South Wales and some of the leafiest views.
To the left of Circular Quay stands the famous “Coat Hanger”, the Harbour Bridge. ..Paul Hogan, the star of Crocodile Dundee, was a painter on the bridge before he hit the big time.
But you don’t need to work on the bridge to enjoy the views from the top, simply strap on a safety harness and join a Bridge Climb Tour.
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