Внеклассное мероприятие The Star Hour ( викторина по истории и культуре англоязычных стран)
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Я работаю над темой:«Интерактивные технологии на уроках английского языка как средство развития познавательного интереса, мотивации к изучению предмета и расширению кругозора учащихся».Данная разработка является одной из форм работы над вышеупомянутой темы поскольку выполнена для стимулирования интереса к культуре и истории англо-говорящих стран. Викторина и презентация к ней, в качестве наглядности, была опробирована на внеурочном мероприятии и вызвала у учащихся большой интерес.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
“What we know about English speaking countries”.
“ From London to NY
“FLAGS” 1 2 3 4 5 6
“LONDON SIGHTS” Westminster Abbey St. Paul’s Cathedral Tower of London Trafalgar square Buckingham Palace The Houses of Parliament 1 2 3 4 5 6
“SYMBOLS” rose thistle shamrock daffodil The bald eagle 1 2 3 4 5
“KEY DATES AND EVENTS” 1. 1800 2. 1605 3. 1840 4.1666 5.1603 6. 1066
1. shall/will + V 2. V 1 -V s 3. Am, is, are + Ving 4.V ed /V 2
Предварительный просмотр:
Мероприятие «The Star Hour»
Разработала: учитель английского языка высшей категории Каримова Гузель Фаиловна.
Красноусольская башкирская гимназия- интернат.
Игра состоит из раундов. Ведущие – два ученика старших классов. Накануне оформляется зал для проведения игры.
Необходимый материал:
На протяжении всей игры карточки с цифрами от 1 до 6 для каждого участника соревнований. Каждое изображение и картина имеет свой номер.
Достаточное количество звезд.
Подарки для участников.
1-ый раунд.
1-ое задание. Изображения флагов стран США, Канады, Великобритании, Шотландии, Австралии, Англии.
2-ое задание. Изображения достопримечательностей Лондона..
3-е задание. Изображения символов..
4-е задание. Названия праздников.
2-й раунд.
1-ое задание. Даты
2-ое задание. Имена известных людей и их портреты.
3-й раунд.
1-е и 2-е задания. Формулы образования английских времен.
3-е задание. Модальные глаголы.
4-й раунд.
1-е задание. Названия комнат с их изображениями.
2-е задание. Имена и портреты писателей.
3-е задание. Имена литературных героев.
Финал. Слово «SPORTSMEN»
Leader 1: Good evening, dear girls and boys, guests and teachers. We hope that you have a nice time this evening.
Leader 2: What do you think what we shall speak about?
Yes, you are right this game is devoted to the history,
culture of GB.
L1: Have you read anything about GB, London and the English? We sure, that all of you have read something about this country.
L2: Today we are having a competition «The Star Hour».
There are will be 4 rounds and each of them has several tasks.
L1: You have got cards with the numbers which you must use answering our questions.
L2: For each right answer you will get the star.
L1: We shall be speaking about flags, symbols, London and other many interesting things.
L2: Now, the participants will introduce themselves. Please, begin.
The first round.
L1: The first round is called «What we know about English speaking countries».
Task 1. “Flags”.
L1: These are 6 flags of different countries:
1. The USA 2. Canada
3. The UK 4. Scotland
5. Australia 6. England
You must show the number of right answer. Please, ask my questions:
1. Which is the flag of Australia? (5)
2. What country consists of 4 parts? (3)
3. What country lies to the north of the US? (2)
4. What country lies to the north of England? (4)
5. What country lies to the south of Scotland? (6)
Task 2. “London sights”.
L2: On the blackboard there are photos of some English sights and you must call what building it is.
1. Westminster Abbey 2. Trafalgar Square Houses 3. St. Paul s Cathedral 4. The Tower of London
5. The Houses of Parliament 6. Buckingham Palace
1. Big Ben is only one part of this building? (5)
2. It has built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror as а fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasure. (4)
3. What is the residence of the Queen of GB? (6)
4. It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people in it. It is a place where the coronation takes place. (1)
5. In the middle of it there is Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue on top of a column. (2)
6. It is the work of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. (3)
Task 3. “Symbols”.
L1: We begin the third game. It is called “Symbols”.
There are symbols of Great Britain’s countries in the pictures: 1. red rose 2. a thistle
3. a shamrock 4. a daffodil
5. the bald eagle
You must answer the questions.
1. What is the national symbol of Scotland? (2)
2. What is the national symbol of Wales? (4)
3. What is the national symbol of England? (1)
4. What is the national symbol of Ireland? (3)
Task 4. ”Holidays”.
L2: The next task is called “Holidays”
You can see the names of holidays. They are:
1. Christmas 2. St. Valentine’s Day
3. Easter 4. Mother’s Day
5. Halloween 6. Father’s Day
You’ll hear the description of some holidays and you must guest which of them I shall be speaking about.
1. This holiday is celebrated on the 14-th of February as a day of love and friendship. (2)
2. People buy presents, cards and send them to their friends and relatives. They decorate streets, rooms and a tree. Parents put their presents into the stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding on this holiday. (1)
3. Children usually eat chocolate eggs on this day. (3)
4. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghosts and go from house to house and say “Trick or treat?” (5)
The pupil who has got the less number of stars must go away from the game. He (she) is … Please, take the present for your taking part in our competition. The first round is over.
The II-nd round.
Тhe second round is devoted to the history
Task 1. “Key dates and events”
L1: The dates are written on the blackboard. You must answer my questions. Let’s begin.
1. “1800” 2. “1605”
3. “1840” 4. “1666 ”
5. “1603” 6. “1066”
The first question:
1. When was the Norman conquest of England under William I (William the Conqueror) ? (6)
2. When did the first stamp «Penny Black» appear? (3)
3. When was Scotland and England united under one king? (5)
4. When did the Great Fire of London take place? (4)
5. When did Guy Fawkes plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament and to kill James I? (2)
6. When did Prime Minister Pitt William carry through the Act of Union with Ireland? (1)
Task 2. “Famous people”.
L2: These are the names of well-known persons.
1. Nill Armstrong 2. Alexander Bell
3. Isaac Newton 4. Arthur Conan Doyle
5Agatha Christie 6. William Shakespeare
I hope all of you know these people.
1. Who wrote many plays and sonnets? (6)
2. Who is the author of detective stories about Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot? (5)
3. Who invented the telephone? (2)
4. Who was the first spaceman on the Moon? (1)
Let’s count your stars.
The III-d round.
L1: We begin the III round. It is called «Grammar». You can see cards on the blackboard with such contents:
Task 1. “English Tenses”.
1. V, Vs 2. am
is } Ving
3. shall
} V 4. Ved, V2
5. have 6. had V3, Ved
} V3, (ed)
There are tasks for you:
1. Show the formula of the Future Simple Tense. (3)
2. Show the Present Perfect Tense. (5)
3. What number is the Past Simple Tense? (4)
4. Show the Present Simple Tense. (1)
Task 2. “Key words”.
L2: And now I’ll call the words, which usually are used with certain tense. You must give the right answer.
1. now, at this moment. (2)
2. yesterday. (4).
3. every day, usually, often, always. (1)
4. tomorrow, next year. (3)
5. already, just, not yet. (5)
Task 3. “Modal Verbs”.
L1: The next task’s name is “Modal verbs”. You can see cards on the blackboard with modal verbs on them.
1. should 2. can
3. could 4. must
5. may
Which of them are used to translate from Russian into English the following sentences.
1.Не могли бы вы передать мне соль. (3)
2. Можно задать вам вопрос? (5)
3. Я умею кататься на роликах. (2)
4. Улицу следует переходить на зеленый свет. (1)
Let’s count the stars you have got.
The IV round.
It was called «At Home».
Task 1. “Rooms”
L2: There are cards on the blackboard and each of them has certain word.
1. dining room 2. bedroom
3. living room 4. kitchen
5. bathroom 6. study
You must find which of this description is suitable to the name of the room.
1. In this room there is a table, a mirror, a chest of drawers and beds. We sleep here. (2)
2. In this room there is a table, chairs or armchairs, a fireplace, a television and a carpet. (3)
3. In this room there is a desk, chairs, shelves of books, a computer. You may do your homework there. (6)
4. You may wash your hands and face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower in it. (5)
5. There is a dishwasher ,a fridge, a stove, a microwave oven, plates, cups and other things there. We usually cook here. (4)
Task 2. “Home library writers”.
L1: We know a lot of English writers. That’s some of them.
1. Arthur Conan Doyle 2. Lewis Carrol
3. Travels 4. Alan Milne
5. Daniel Defoe
1. Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? (5)
2. Who wrote for his little son about the bear Winnie-the-Pooh? (4)
3. Who is the author “Jane Eyre”? (3)
4. Who made the adventure stories of the girl Alice in the magic country Wonderland? (2)
Task 3. “Home Reading Characters”.
L2: These are the names of literature heroes:
1. Alice 2. Gulliver
3. Peter Pan 4. Sherlock Holmes
5. Doctor Doolittle 6. Robinson Crusoe
Now, listen to the descriptions of these heroes very attentively. 1. He took care of animals because he loved them very much. Many different animals lived in his house. (5)
2. He was a very clever man and has a good friend Dr. Watson. (4)
3. He was a boy who did not grow. He could fly as a bird. (3)
4. He was a sailor. One day there was a storm in the sea and his ship was wrecked. He swam to an island and lived on the island alone for a long time. He had a friend called Friday. (6)
………… must leave our game, because he (she) has the less number of stars. Please, take your present.
L1: The final is.
We have only two participants. It’s task for them –make as many words as you can out of the word “SPORTSMEN”. It may be nouns, verbs, prepositions not only proper names.
Let’s look what you have done. Read, please, your words .
L: The winner of our game is…………….(wishes)
Do you have anything to tell us?
The game is over. We think you liked the game very much and enjoyed yourselves. Thank you for your attention.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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