Лексика к уроку английского языка
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Гадалова Наталья Владимировна

В  разработке дается клише и лексика необхоимая для проведения урока на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Во время занятия

Are you ready?

We’ll learn how to …

Open your books at page …

Turn to page …

We are at page (23) to do exercise (6).

Read the directions to exercise (3).

Listen to this tape.

Say after me.

(Denis), will you repeat it?

One more time, please.

Say it again, please.

Again, please.

Everybody …

You have five minutes to do this.

Who’s next?

Like this, not like that.

First …


After that…



Are you ready?

Are you with me?

Are you OK?

Do you get it?

Do you understand?

Do you follow me?

What did you say?

I don’t understand.

I don’t get it.

Like this?

Is this OK?

Come to the front of the class. 

Make groups of four.

Move your desks into groups of four people.

Turn your desks around.

Make a horseshoe shape with your desks.

Make a circle with your desks.

Make a line of desks facing each other.

Sit back to back.

Work together with your friend

Find a partner

Work in pairs/threes/fours/fives.

Work in groups of two/three/four.

I want you to form groups.

Form groups of three.

Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups of four.      

There are too many in this group.

Can you join the other group?

Only three people in each group.

I asked for four people to a group.

Everybody work individually.

Work by yourselves.

Work independently.

Ask your neighbor for help.

Work on the task together.

Ask other people in the group

Ask others in the class.

Interview someone else.

Ask everyone in the class.

Stand up and find another partner.

Have you finished?

Do the next activity.

Move on to the next activity.   

Giving instructions.

Open your books at page 52.

Come out and write it on the board.

Listen to the tape, please.

Get into groups of four.

Finish off this song at home.

Everybody, please.

All together now.

The whole class, please.

I want you all to join in.

Could you try the next one?

I would like you to write this down.

Would you mind switching the lights on?

It might be an idea to leave this till next time.

Who would like to read?

Which topic will your group report on?

Do you want to answer question 3?    

First of all, today, …

Right. Now we will go on to the next exercise.

Pass around these handouts, please.

Two students share one sheet.

Pass these to the back.

Could you share with your partner?        

Is there anybody who hasn’t got a copy?

Take one and pass them on.

Pass out the exercises.

Have you lost yours?

Take out your books.

Have you finished?

For the last thing today, let’s …

Whose turn is it to read?

Which question are you on?

Next one, please.

Who hasn’t answered yet?

Let me explain what I want you to do next.

You have ten minutes to do this.

Your time is up.

Finish this by twenty to eleven.

Can you all see the board?

Have you found the place?

Are you all ready?

Look this way.

Stop talking.

Listen to what … is saying.

Leave that alone now.

Be careful.      

Yes, that’s right.


Try again.

What about this word?

What’s the Russian for «background»?

Explain it in your own words.

It’s spelt with a capital «J».

Can anybody correct this sentence?

Fill in the missing words.

As I said earlier, …

Let me sum up.           

Is there anything you don’t/ didn’t understand?

Is/ was everything clear?

Anything not clear (to you)?

Let’s see if you’ve understood.

I’ll just check how well you’ve understood.

Let me ask you some questions about/ on this passage.

Can you briefly summerize the main ideas?

Did you get the main/ general idea of the passage?

Let’s see if you remember what happened.

How much do you remember (of the story)?

Read the passage silently.

Prepare the next three paragraphs.

Read through the conversation on your own.

Study the chapter by yourself.

Have a look at the next section in your own time.

If there are any words you don’t know, please ask.

Look up any new words in the dictionary.

Try to answer these questions.

While reading, try to answer the questions.

As you read, try to find answers to the following questions.

Try to get the main idea.

Read it through quickly to get the main ideas.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.

Just try to get the gist.

Jot down some key ideas.

Skim the text (through).

Can anyone guess/ predict/ suggest what will happen next?

Before you read the next section, can you guess how the story will end?

How might the story go on/ continue?

Look it up in the index/ in the grammar section/ the bibliography.

Check it in the appendix/ the footnotes/ an encyclopedia/ a thesaurus.

Look it up on Google/ the Internet.

Why don’t you Google it?

Let’s act out this dialogue.

Now we can act this conversation (out).

Let’s dramatize this story/ dialogue.

How would you act this scene out?

Come out to the front and show everybody else.

Come out and mime (your favourite sport).

Who wants to be the (reporter)?

Any volunteers to be/ to play/ for the (interviewee)?

Who wants to play/ read the part of (Julia)?

You are to be/ will be (Watson).

You can read this part/ the narrator.

Who will swap with/ take over from (Semyon)?

You have five minutes to practise.

Let’s rehearse.

Let’s go over some words/ phrases that might be useful.

You can use the book (this time).

Try to learn your lines by heart.

Give yourselves a clap.

A round of applause for everyone.

A big hand for the actors and actresses.

Some applause for the stars of the show.

That was a great performance!

Check now.

Fix the answers.

Everybody, read together.

Each student reads 2 sentences.

Copy this.

Take notes.

Make a sentence.

Write the English sentence.

Read the question and answer in English.

Choose an answer and fill in the blanks.          

Draw a line and match.                                     

Circle the answer.

Underline this word/sentence.

Count the points.

Please say it again.

Please give us an example.

Please speak more slowly/faster.

Please speak louder/softly.

Please speak in English.

Please help the other students.

Please go downstairs and make a copy.

Please share the book.

Let’s review.

Do up to page (20).          

Look at the sentence model and make a sentence.

Preview this.    

Memorize this. 

Finish this.

Try to come up with another word.

Step aside, please, so that the class can see what you have written. Move to one side, please, so that we can all see.

Go and fetch some chalk from the office. I’ve run out of chalk. Would you please go and see if there’s any next door. Would you go and look for some chalk for me, please.

Work in twos / in threes / in groups of two, three / together with your partner / in pairs. Get into groups of three. Find a partner. Here is a task (an exercise) for you to work on in groups / pairs / threes.

That will do, thank you. That’s enough for now. All right, you can stop now. You will have to stop / finish in a minute. Your time is up now, I am afraid.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Статья: Дополнительные возможности при изучении и активизации лексики на уроках английского языка в начальной школе.

Статья на тему : Дополнительные возможности при изучении и активизации лексики на уроках английского языка в начальной школе...

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Преподаватель Багрей Е.А. обобщила опыт преподавателя английского языка Паншиной О.Н, по вопросам обучения лексики на уроках. Работа с новыми словами и словосочетаниями включает три этапа: 1) ознакомл...

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