Подготовка к ВПР по английскому языку в 11 классе. Описание фото.
тренажёр по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Борискина Ильсияр Морисовна

подробный план описания фото в 11 классе, подготовка к ВПР


Файл opisanie_foto_11klass_vpr.docx13.63 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Signal phrase

I’ve chosen photo 1 / 2 / 3 


-You know my parents presented me a camera on my birthday. Would you like to see my holiday photos?

-Please, have a look at this photo. Isn’t it nice?

-As you know, I took up photography last year. I’ve taken a lot of photos and here is one of them.

Where and when the photo was taken

- I took it 3 months / 2 years ago. It was in autumn / in September / during my winter holidays.

-The photo was taken by my mother/ brother/ friend.

-At that time I was travelling in Europe. My parents and I were spending holidays in Sochi. We were celebrating my sister’s birthday.

-I took it last weekend when I was having a walk in the park. -I had a busy week preparing for exams and decided to have a little rest.

What/ who is in the picture

-The picture shows a girl / boy sitting at the table / standing near the car. She is my sister / He is my brother.

-In the foreground you can see a group of people. This is my family: my mother, my father, my brother and me.

-She / He is dressed casually. She / He is wearing ….

-She / He looks happy / tired / pretty / surprised / interested.

-In the background there are mountains / trees.

- On the left / right of the photo there is a road / a building.

- You can also see a bridge / some houses in the photo.

What is happening

-We are walking / playing / watching…

-My sister is smiling at the camera / walking towards me.

-We are having fun / enjoying ourselves.

Why you keep the photo in your album

The reason I keep the photo is because I wanted to remember this wonderful moment forever.

This photo reminds me of the great holidays that we had that time.

 My sister is studying in Moscow now and I don’t see her very often so I look at this photo when I miss her.

I keep the photo in my album to use it later in my portfolio / to show to my friends.

I keep this photo because I like taking pictures and I keep the best photos in my album.

Why you decided to show the picture to your friend

 I decided to show you this photo as I know you always like to look through my holiday pictures.

 I wanted to show it to you because I wanted to share the wonderful memories of the trip with you.

… because you have never seen my sister and it can help you understand what she is like. Do we look alike? I think we do.

… because this is one of my best photos.


That’s all for now. Do you like the photo? Will you show me some photos from your album next time we meet?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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