краткий конспект письменных заданий с пояснениями для подготовки к ЕГЭ 2023
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
в помощь преподавателю.краткий конспект по выполнению письменных заданий с пояснениями для подготовки к ЕГЭ 2023 (электронное сообщение и письмо)
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1 Личная переписка 39
- Приветствие
Dear Ronny,
- Благодарность
Thank you for your e-mail! I am glad to hear from you again. I'm sorry I couldn't answer earlier because I was busy with my exams.
- Ответы на вопросы
In your message you asked me about summer. You know, the weather here is different in this season. It can be hot in the south of the country and cool in the north. As for me, I prefer summer, this is the season when we have vacations. This summer I am planning to go the summer camp, then my parents are going to take me to the country.
- Вопросы о…
By the way, I'd like to know more about your uncle. Where does your uncle live? Has he got a family? How long is he going to stay with you?
- Выход из письма
I have to go now, as I've got lots of homework to do.
- Заключительная фраза
Keep in touch,
- Подпись
Yours, Alice
2. Эссе
Imagine that you are doing project on what books genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject- the results of the opinion polls ( see the table below)
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project (! Данные собирали не Вы!)
Book genre | Number of readers (%) |
Adventure | 55.4 |
Detective/War/Spy stories | 55.3 |
Sports stories | 49.2 |
Animal stories | 27.2 |
Romance | 17.6 |
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
-make an opinion statement on the subject of the project
-select and report 2-3 facts
-make 1-2 comparisons where relevant
-outline a problem that can arise with reading and suggest a way of solving it
-conclude by giving your opinion on the importance of reading for teenagers
- Вступление: показать, что Вы выполняете проектную работу и суммируете найденные данные, так же подчеркните важность проблемы:
Reading books is one of the most useful and enjoyable ways of spending free time. For my project on the book genres popular among teenagers in Zetland I have analysed the opinion polls results.
- Основная часть-2 пункт плана: показать 2-3 факта по результатам опроса с цифрами - большая средняя и малая цифры
According to the results of the opinion polls from the table, more than 55% of young people prefer adventures stories. Slightly less than 50% of respondents (49.2%) choose sports stories as their favourite genre. The percentage of readers who prefer animal stories is much smaller-only 27.2%.
- Основная часть-3 пункт плана - здесь необходимо привести 1-2 существенных сравнения цифр из таблицы
The data analysis shows that the romance is the least popular book genre with teenagers nowadays. Another conclusion which can be drawn from the results of the polls is that the number of young people whose favourite genre is adventure is nearly the same as the number of those who prefer detective/war/spy stories (the difference is 0.1%)
- Основная часть,4 ый пункт плана –указать, что проблема реальо существует и как можно ее решить
I believe that the main problem with reading today is that teenagers do not think that reading books is worth their time. They would rather watch films or play computer games or chat in social media than open a book and read it. In my opinion, this problem can be solved if social media popular with teenagers motivate them to read more.
- Заключение,5ый пункт плана -четко выразить и обосновать точку зрения по указанному аспекту проектной работы. Не одно короткое предложение!
In conclusion, I think that reading books is very important for teenagers. In my opinion, it is the best entertainment and it also develops a person’s imagination and broadens theis horizons. Through works of literature readers understand themselves and others better.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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