Урок-викторина "Страна изучаемого языка ( the USA) .
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс)
Урок-викторина "Страна изучаемого языка ( the USA) .
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Урок-викторина «Страна изучаемого языка ( the USA)
Good afternoon everybody! We are happy to see you at our competition. It is devoted to the
USA. I’m sure you’ve read a lot of books and got useful information about this country. This
competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success.
Be active, honest and helpful.
One right answer is one point. Who get the biggest number of points will be the winner. You
can take a part in this competition too(обращение к сидящим в зале). I have a lot of red
circles here. For the right answer you’ll get a curcle. At the end of the competition we’ll count
all the curcles you’ve received. Who get the biggest number of the circles will be the winner.
Now it’s time to introduce yourselves. Teams, take your places, please.
We listen to the first team.
We listen to the second team.
(представление команд)
As there is no computer I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of the
jury are...
We glad to see you here.
The first round of the game called “ Further and furter”
(за 2 минуты команды должны правильно ответить на большее количество вопросов. Если
не знают ответа , капитан должен сказать “Further”
1. What is America’s symbol of Freedom? ( The statue of Liberty).
2. Who was the founder of Disneyland? ( Walt Disney).
3. What is the national symbol of America? ( The Bald Eagle).
4. Who was the “king “ of rock’ n’ roll? ( Elvis Presley).
5. What is the capital of Georgia? ( Atlanta)
6. Who built the first car? ( Henry Ford).
7. What university is the oldest in the USA? ( Harvard, 1636).
8. What was Mark Twain’s real name?( Samuel Clemens).
9. Who wrote ta large part of the Declaration of Independece? ( Thomas Jefferson).
10. What do the fifty stars represent on the American flag? ( 50 states).
11. Who invented the telefone? ( Alexander Bell).
12. Where are laws made in the USA? ( In the Capitol)
13 . Who was the first American president ? ( Gerge Washington).
14. Who was the first man on the Moon? ( Neil Armstrong).
15. What is the official language of the USA? ( English)
16. How many stripes has the American flag? ( 13 stripes).
17. Name the coldest region in the USA? (Alyska).
18. By what oceans are the USA washed? ( the Pacific and the Atlantic ).
19. Count the main mountains.
1. Who is known as the “king” of jass? ( Louis Armstrong)
2. What is the flag of the USA called? ( Stars and Stripes)
3. Who created Donald Duck?( Walt Disney)
4. What place is the center of the American film industry? ( Hollywood)
5. Who is the head of the state and the government of the USA? ( The president)
6. Where does the American President live anfd work? ( In the White House)
7. What is the tallest building in Washington? ( the Capitol)
8. What is the largest library in the USA? (The library of Congress)
9. What river is the capital of the USA situated on? (The Potomac)
10. What is America’s national sport? (Baseball)
11. What is the capital of the USA? ( Washington D.C.)
12. What is the largest American state? ( Alyska)
13. Who created “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”? ( Mark Twain)
14. Who wrote the Emancipation of Proclamation? ( Abraham Lincoln)
15. What city is the home of CNN? ( Atlanta)
16. Who discovered America? ( Christopher Columbus)
17. When do America celebrate Independence Day? ( July 4)
18. Where is the USA situated?
19. Count the main rivers.
While the jury has been counting the points let’s play with pupils sitting in this hall.
Choose the correct answer:
1. When people travel to the USA they want to see:
a) Big Ben b) Baker street c) the Statue of Liberty
2. The biggest river is: a) the Mississippi b) the Colorado c) the Thames
3. These famous people lived in the USA
a) Christopher Columbus b) William Shakespeare c) Mark Twain
4. The Declaration of Independence was signed in
a) 1831 b) 1799 c) 1776
5. When did the Pilgrims arrive in North America?
a) 1725 b) 1620 c) 1861
6. Hollywood is situated near:
a) San Francisco b) Los Angeles c) Boston
7. The Pilgrims’ ship was called
a) Discovery b) Mayflower c) Titanic
8. This holiday is celebrate only in the USA
a) Valentine’s Day b) Halloween c) Fourth of July.
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the first round.
The next competition is called “ Cities” I want the captains to come here. I’ll speak you about the
city , you must guess its name.
1. It is the largest city and port. It is the financial and business centre of the world. It is famous
for its skyscrapers. ( New York)
2. It’ s an important port and a cultural centre. It has three universities. ( Boston)
3. This city is one of the biggest industrial cities in the USA and the second largest after New
York. ( Chicago)
4. This city is in the Great Lakes region. It is a port and one of the biggest centres of the
automobile industry. ( Detroit)
5. It is a big port on the Pacific Coast and ship- building centre. ( San Francisco)
6. This city produces agricultural machines and locomotives. Light industry is highly developed
here. ( Philadelphia)
The second part of this round you must speak about one of the American cities, using these
pictures. Choose the list with name of the city.
( Капитаны выбирают название города и готовятся к рассказу о нем)
While the captains has been preparing for the task let’s play the game.
Form as many names of the towns and cities of the USA using the following word parts
1. San Francisco 5. San Diego
2. Salt Lake City 6. Philadelphia
3. Las Vegas 7. New York
4. Los Angeles 8. Denver
( капитаны рассказывают об одном из американских городов)
While the jury has been counting the points let’s play with you, my friends. Give me the Russian
1. Birds of a feather flock together
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed
3. He who laughs last laughs best
4. Live and learn
5. Think before you speak
6. Practice makes perfect
7. The early birds catches the worm
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the second round.
The third round is called “Holidays”. In front of me there are some describing of the American
holidays and there are pictures- the symbols of these holidays. Read the text, name the holiday
and find the picture with this holiday
1. On the 17 th of March, Americans celebrate an Irish religious holiday. On this
day they decorate their houses, schools and streets with green shamrocks.( St.
Patrick’s Day)
2. Americans honor their mothers on the second Sunday in May. Children usually
buy them a nice greeting cards and flowers. ( Mother’s Day)
3. It is one of the best holidays for children, which is celebrated on October 31.
Children wear masks and colorful costumes, especially costumes of ghosts,
witches. The children walk door to door and shout “trick or treat” ( Halloween)
4. Americans celebrate this holiday on the fourth Thursday in November. This is a
family holiday. They make a big turkey dinner and give thanks for all the good
things in their lives. ( Thanksgiving Day).
5. In 1776 Americans founding fathers declared the united States would be free
and Independent from England. Every Year on the 4 th of July Americans
celebrate this holiday. They have a big picnic and watch a fireworks display at
night. ( Independence Day)
6. Though the celebration actually begins on the 31 st of December Americans
celebrate it on the first day on January. They blow horns and whistles at
midnight, shake hands, kiss, hug and sing. ( New Year’s Day).
7. This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February. Americans send greeting
cards to their sweethearts [ swi:tha:ts] and friends. ( St. Valentine’s Day)
8. This holiday is celebrated on Sunday in April or May. The week before it
Americans color eggs. ( Easter)
While the jury has been counting the points let’s play with you , my dear friends. There are
some differences between British English and American English. Do you know it? I’ll say
the word and you must give an American version of this word.
A flat an apartment
A tin a can
A sweet a candy
A form a grade
A cinema a movie
Holidays vacations
Autumn fall
Let’s ask the jury to give us the results of the third round.
Friends! Do you like music? I see. Could you name any British or American singers, pop
groups? Well done! Your task is to show us how you can sing English songs. Who will
(песенный конкурс)
Dear friends! It’s a pity but our competition has just finished. Thank you for coming and
taking an active part in the game. You can do different kinds of work. You know a lot about
the USA. And I’m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future
Remember 10 steps to success:
1. Reserve – сдержанность
2. silence – молчание
3. order – порядок
4. resolution – решительность
5. moderation – умеренность
6. industry – трудолюбие
7. frugality – бережливость
8. sincerity – искренность
9. justice –справедливость
10. cleanliness – чистоплотность
Now add the circles and find the winner from the puple sitting in this hall.
Let’s give the word to our jury
We congratulate our winner.
Thank you for your attention
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