Сценарий дебатов на английском языке "Следует ли запретить мобильные телефоны в школе для всех участников образовательного процесса"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Голякова Екатерина Геннадьевна

Для формирования развития критического мышления очень эффективным является использование технологии дебатов на английском языке в урочной и внеурочной деятельности.


Package icon golyakova_scenariy_debatyi_mobil-nyietelefonyivshkole.zip685.75 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

      Levels of Performance for AFFIRMATIVE Team







1. Organization & Clarity: 

Main arguments and responses are outlined in a clear and orderly way.

Completely clear and orderly presentation

Mostly clear and orderly in all parts

Clear in some parts but not overall

Unclear and disorganized throughout


2. Use of Argument: 

Reasons are given to support the resolution

Very strong and persuasive arguments given throughout

Many good arguments given, with only minor problems

Some decent arguments, but some significant problems

Few or no real arguments given, or all arguments given had significant problems


3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal

Identification of weakness in Negative team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack. 

Excellent cross-exam and defense against Negative team’s objections

Good cross-exam and rebuttals, with only minor slip-ups

Decent cross-exam and/or rebuttals, but with some significant problems

Poor cross-exam or rebuttals, failure to point out problems in Negative team’s position or failure to defend itself against attack.


4. Presentation Style: 

General literacy of English

Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s attention and persuading them of the team’s case.

All style features were used convincingly, the speech is literate

Most style features were used convincingly, 1-3 lexical and grammar mistakes

Few style features were used convincingly, a lot of lexical and grammar mistakes

Very few style features were used, none of them convincingly, the speech is illiterate












                                                                Levels of Performance for NEGATIVE Team







1. Organization & Clarity: 

Main arguments and responses are outlined in a clear and orderly way.

Completely clear and orderly presentation

Mostly clear and orderly in all parts

Clear in some parts but not overall

Unclear and disorganized throughout


2. Use of Argument: 

Reasons are given against the resolution

Very strong and persuasive arguments given throughout

Many good arguments given, with only minor problems

Some decent arguments, but some significant problems

Few or no real arguments given, or all arguments given had significant problems


3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: 

Identification of weakness in Affirmative team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack. 

Excellent cross-exam and defense against Affirmative team’s objections

Good cross-exam and rebuttal, with only minor slip-ups

Decent cross-exam and/or rebuttal, but with some significant problems

Poor cross-exam or rebuttal, failure to point out problems in Affirmative team’s position or failure to defend itself against attack.


4. Presentation Style: 

General literacy of English

Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s attention and persuading them of the team’s case.

All style features were used convincingly, the speech is literate

Most style features were used convincingly, 1-3 lexical and grammar mistakes

Few style features were used convincingly, a lot of lexical and grammar mistakes

Very few style features were used, none of them convincingly, the speech is illiterate











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