Science Day
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Оюн Сабина Вячеславовна

Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Science Day"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Spades for digging , Ears for hearing , Teeth for biting. Eyes for seeing, Legs for walking, Tongues for tasting, And for talking.

Слайд 3

Round 1 Do you know about Great Britain ?

Слайд 4

What is the official language in Great Britain? English French Russian Chinese

Слайд 5

Big Ben is … a clock a horse an animal in the zoo a famous name

Слайд 6

Great Britain is divided into … three parts five parts four parts two parts

Слайд 7

The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is … the Tower of London the White House the Windsor palace the Buckingham Palace

Слайд 8

The Princess Diana was the wife of … Prince John Prince Robert Prince Wilhelm Prince Charles

Слайд 9

What is Queen’s name of UK? Margaret Thatcher Elisabeth II Ekaterina II Maria

Слайд 10

Government type is … democracy constitutional monarchy capitalism republic

Слайд 11

In what country do men wear skirts? France England Scotland Norway

Слайд 12

Round 2 Crossword puzzle

Слайд 13

Famous inventors and scientists ACROSS 1.He created the table of chemical elements. 2. …invented the radio. 3. He invented the television. 4. Who invented the telephone? 5. He opened X-rays. 6. He discovered some important Iaws of physics. 7. She was a physicist, chemist and a pioneer in the study of radiation. She and her husband, Pierre, discovered the elements polonium and radium. DOWN 8. He is the inventor of paper. 9/10. KEYWORDS The difference between these two terms can be explained simply in the following manner. The first can be called a systematic knowledge base developed through observation and experiment of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world; The second is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. 9. 10. 4. 8. 3. 6. 5. 1. 2. 7.

Слайд 14

Round 3

Слайд 15

Which scientist proposed the three laws of motion? Isaac Newton Thomas Alva Edison Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking

Слайд 16

Which system of the body controls the senses? Circulatory system Digestive system Nervous system Skeletal system

Слайд 17

Which is the largest animal on earth? Shark Elephant Blue whale Giraffe

Слайд 18

Which is the strongest sense in a dog? Touch Hearing Smell Taste

Слайд 19

Which biologist proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection? Charles Darwin Stephen Hawking Francesco Redi Alexander Fleming

Слайд 20

A single piece of coiled DNA is called… Nucleus Ribosome Cytoplasm Chromosome

Слайд 21

A lion is most closely related to which of the following animals? Dog Raccoon Wolf Leopard

Слайд 22

Which pigment gives the leaves its green color? chlorophyll bilirubin carotene lycopene

Слайд 23

What part of the skeletal system protects the brain? Spine Thigh Pelvis Skull

Слайд 24

What is the boiling point of water? 25°C 50°C 75°C 100°C

Слайд 25

Who invented the first functional telephone? Albert Einstein Nikola Tesla Thomas Alva Edison Alexander Graham Bell

Слайд 26

Round 4 "Think a word ! "

Слайд 27

Round 5 «Riddles» - over the head and under the hat; - it runs all day but never runs away; - is it eats it lives, if you give it a drink life goes away from it; - it moves without legs and flies without wings; - every evening we can see all the planet…; - it lives in winter and dies in spring.

Слайд 28

1. There are much cars in this street. 2. I had’t got a bike last year. 3. Sorry, I’m not understanding you! 4. Be carefull ! It’s hotter than you think. 5. Kate watchs TV every day. 6. Browns’s dog is barking. 7. Do you be German? 8. I saw Jane in saturday . 9. We don’t go to school in 1 st January. 10. My father is liking basketball. 11. He is a best football player in his team. 12 . Susan is a tall. 1 3. Sam isn’t very tallest. 14. The baby is playing with it’s toy. 15. My brother don’t have a car. 16. They are smileing . 17. My room is bigger then yours. 18. I live in Brighton at the moment. 19. He must to study harder. 20 . She don’t can swim. Round 6 Correct mistakes if any

Слайд 29

Thank you very much! 25 15 21 1 18 5 20 8 5 2 5 19 20

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