Youth crime in the UK Задание на чтение для 11 класса (Spotlight 11)
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
Youth crime in the UK Задание на чтение для 11 класса (Spotlight 11)
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Youth crime in the UK
The criminal justice system treats children and young people differently from adults and significant weight must be attached to the age of the suspect if they are a child or young person under 18.
Age of criminality (1)
The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. This means that children under 10 can’t be arrested or charged with a crime. There are other punishments that can be given to children under 10 who break the law. Children between 10 and 17 can be arrested and taken to court if they commit a crime.
Identity of children accused of a crime (2)
The identity of a child aged between 10 and 17 charged with a crime will not be disclosed outside the court.
Reporting restrictions include not revealing the name, home address or school of any young person, or particulars – including photographs.
They will remain anonymous throughout proceedings but these restrictions can be challenged – usually by the media – after proceedings have ended.
Process of youth court (3)
The Youth Court is a type of magistrates' court which deals with young people. This type of court differs from adult criminal proceedings. They are designed to be less formal, the public are not permitted to enter the court and defendants are addressed by their first name.
Youth courts deal with offences including theft and burglary, anti-social behaviour and drugs offences. More serious offences are usually transferred to Crown Court but can be dealt with in Youth court
How young offenders are dealt with in court (4)
Young offenders are dealt with differently in the courts compared to adults with defendants referred to by their first names. If they are 16 or under, their parents, guardians or carers must attend court. In more serious cases that come to Crown Court, prosecuting and defending counsel as well as the judge, may take off their wigs and robes during proceedings to put the defendants at ease.
Youth cautions (5)
Children aged 10 – 17 years old can be given a youth conditional caution if they admit a criminal offence. It allows an authorised person to decide to give a caution with one or more conditions attached.
Special measures for youth witnesses (6)
Special measures include a range of measures to support victims and witnesses (other than the accused) to give their best evidence and help reduce some of the anxiety of attending court.
Child witnesses under the age of 18 are automatically eligible to apply for special measures the court just has to satisfy itself that the special measure is likely to maximise the quality of the witness’s evidence before granting an application.
The special measures potentially available include examination of the witness through an intermediary at the police interview and at court; giving evidence “in private” by clearing the courtroom of members of the public; removal of wigs and gowns by judges and lawyers; giving evidence in court from behind a screen; the use of video recorded evidence in chief; giving evidence via live video link from a separate room; the use of pre-trial video recorded cross-examination; and, the provision of aids to communication by means of an interpreter, computer or other device.
- Read the text and find the equivalents of the following word combinations.
- (1)Уголовная ответственность
- Обвинить в преступлении
- Привлечь к суду
- (2)Раскрывать, разглашать, обнародовать
- Ограничение
- Рассмотрение дела в суде, судебная процедура
- (3)Суд по делам несовершеннолетних
- Мировой судья
- Подсудимый, ответчик
- Суд присяжных
- (4)Обвинитель
- (5)Вынести предупреждение
- (6)Давать показания
- Удовлетворить ходатайство
- Посредник
- Mark sentences True/False/ Not Stated
- Criminal justice system doesn’t make distinctions between young and adult offenders.
- Children between 10 and 17 can’t be accused of a crime.
- A child between 10 and 17 has a right not to be revealed outside the court.
- Young criminal can’t be arrested for the period of investigation.
- There is no public at the young court proceedings.
- The Youth court magistrates are women only.
- Judges may take off their wigs and robes to make the defendant fell more comfortable.
- There is a special protective system for young witnesses of crimes.
- Young defendants must attend court.
- Young criminals can’t be imprisoned for more than 2-years sentence.
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