Отработка употребления infinitive/gerund
тренажёр по английскому языку (8 класс)

Отработка употребления infinitive/gerund


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ex1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

A: Good afternoon, madam. Can I1) ...help... (help) you?

B: Yes, please. I want 2)to buy (buy) a new washing machine.

A: I see. How much money would you like 3)to spend (spend)?

B: I don't want anything too expensive.

A: Alright then, I can 4)show (show) you this model over here. It's reliable, and it doesn't cost too much money.

B: Is it very difficult 5)to use (use)?

A:Not at all, but you must 6)read (read) the instruction manual before you try to turn it on.

A: Oh, I always have difficulty in 7) understanding (understand) manuals. Could you 8) explain  (explain) how the machine works?

B: Certainly. You'll soon learn how 9) to operate (operate) it. It's very simple.

A: That's good, because, as a working mother, I don't have much time to spare for things like this.

A: Don't worry, madam. First, you must 10) put (put) the clothes in the machine ....

 Ex. 2  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

  1. I would like ...to qo... (go) out tonight.
  2. He hates  playing (play) cards.
  3. She is too excited to sleep (sleep).
  4. You must get up (get up) early in the morning.
  5. I regret spending (spend) so much money last weekend.
  6. They go  running (run) every Tuesday evening.
  7. I started  learning/to learn (learn) French two years ago.

Ex3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

Last weekend. Toby's parents let him (1) ...go... (go) to the funfair with his friends. When they arrived, they didn't know which ride (2)to try(try) first, but

someone suggested (3)starting  (start) with the ghost train. Everyone agreed that this was a  very good idea. After they had finished (4)riding (ride) the ghost train, they moved on to the other  rides. Toby admitted (5)being (be) afraid on the fast roller-coaster, but he was still happy enough (6)to go (go) on it three times! He and his friends wanted (7)to try (try) all of the rides but they were too exhausted (8)to do  (do) everything in one day. Toby suggested (9)coming (come) back the following weekend. Then, they all decided (10) to go (go) home. They all loved (11) visiting  (visit) the funfair and

they are looking forward to (12) returning(return) this weekend.

Ex.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1        A: Are you busy ...reading... (read)?

B: Yes. but I don't mind  helping (help) you. What do you want?
A: Do you know the answer to this question?
B: Yes. Look. I'll show you how
to do (do) it yourself.

2        A: I've decided to get (get) a part-time job.

B: Really? What kind of job do you want to find (find)?

A: Well, I really enjoy looking after (look alter) animals, so I wouldn't mind working(work) in a pet shop.

3        A: The police caught the man who burgled my house last month.
     B: Really? How did they manage        
to catch (catch) him?
   A: I don't know, but he admitted  
stealing (steal) things in our  neighbourhood.
  B: Well, I'm happy
to hear (hear) that the thief was caught.

Ex.5 Correct the mistakes.

  1. I'm not  tall enough to reach the top cupboard.
  2. He is fast enough  to win the race.
  3. I'm old enough to travel alone.
  4. You must get up now.
  5. She suggested  going  to the cinema on Friday night.
  6. He promised to send me a postcard.
  7. It's no use  trying  to change her mind.
  8. She knocked before  opening  the door.

9     He is too tired  to come to the party.
10      I am
too poor  to buy a new sports car.

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