Внеклассное мероприятие "Once upon a time at Madam Tussauds..."
материал по английскому языку (6 класс)
Внеклассное мероприятие, целью которого является обобщение и систематизация культурных знаний по теме "London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Автор | Фадеева Ирина Владимировна |
Место работы | ГБОУ Школа 199 |
Предмет | Английский язык |
Класс | 6 класс |
Название материала | Спектакль-путешествие «Once upon a time at Madame Tussauds…» |
Вид ресурса | Внеклассное мероприятие |
УМК, авторы образовательной программы | Ориентирован на использование УМК К.М. Баранова, Д.Дули “Starlight”, но можно использовать и с другими УМК |
Цель, задачи авторского материала | Обобщение, систематизация социокультурных знаний по теме “London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, повышение уровня мотивации; стремление познать новое. |
Среда, редактор, в котором выполнен продукт | Microsoft Office Power Point |
Как реализуется на уроке | Презентация является основным компонентом внеклассного мероприятия |
Краткое описание, методические рекомендации по использованию | Данный спектакль проводится в рамках внеклассной работы по предмету с целью систематизации знаний. Место действия – Музей Мадам Тюссо Действующие лица: Экскурсовод, Турист, Алиса, Мери Поппинс (Мери), Джеймс Бонд (Агент), Королева Елизавета II (Елизавета II) Гарри Поттер (Гарри), Граф Дракула (Граф), горничная 1, горниная 2, Трубочист, Шерлок Холмс (Шерлок) |
«Once upon a time at Madame Tussauds…»
Слайд 1- Вступление
Слайд 2 - Герб + Гимн
Экскурсовод: Follow me! Please, stay close to me!
Турист: Wow! James Bond! Alice in Wonderland! Marry Poppins! Like the living! It`s really impressive.
Экскурсовод: So, Madam Tussaud`s is the most popular wax museum in the world. We hope you`ll like it and we`ll glad to see you here again. But now it`s 7 o`clock, time to go. Please, don`t split up.
Турист: What a pity! It`s no big deal. I`ll go here tomorrow! (Уходят)
Слайд 3- Флаг Англии
Алиса: Ooh, I`m so tired! I have no feeling in my legs and face.
Мери Поппинс: Me too, Alice!
Слайд 4 - Карта
Джеймс Бонд :England is the main country in northern Europe. It is situated to the east of Wales and to the south of Scotland.
Слайд 5 - Роза +Англия
Гарри Поттер: England is one of the most famous and reachest countries in the world. The official currency of England is the pound sterling Слайд 6 - Фунты that is equal to one hundred pence.
Елизавета II: Stop doing naughty things Harry! Don`t enjoy it too much guys, it`s fake money.
Гарри Поттер: Yes, your Majesty, please forgive me! I just love England so much, especially London.
Слайд 7 - Лондон ночью
Елизавета II:You are right, London is the capital of England. Harry, you are the magician, show us where it is.
Гарри Поттер (взмахнув палочкой на экран) :Show screenmus Слайд 8 - Лондон днем
Елизавета II: London is not only the capital of England, it`s also the capital city of the United Kingdom. It `s one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. If London was a separate country, it would be the greatest power of Europe!
Гарри Поттер:One more interesting fact. London is situated on the British islands and it is settled down on a zero meridian Слайд 9 - Меридиан which is also called Greenwich.
Граф Дракула : And it`s your neighborhood, Harry
Слайд 10 - Туристы на площади
Джеймс Бонд:With about 270 nationalities London is considered the most international city in the world. At least, most of the British think so. One third of Londoners, are foreign born.
People speak in 300 languages in England.
Слайд 11 - Дождь
Мери Поппинс: If you want to live in England, buy an umbrella and rubber boots. And I bet, many of you didn`t know that the English came up with idea of using an umbrella as a protection against the rain.The first man to appear in the streets of London with an umbrella more than a hundred and fifty years ago was Jonas Hanway. Слайд 12 - Зонты Before that umbrella was used in the East as a protection against the sun.
Слайд 13 - Макинтош
Граф Дракула:Mary, do you know that the raincoat was invented in 1836 by Charles Macintosh. Because of his inventions, all raincoats are called Mackintoshes or Macs. Most modern day raincoats are inspired in one way or another by Macintosh's brainchild. In fact, the English don`treact on cold weather.
Слайд14 - Старое метро
Трубочист: The world’s first underground was built in London in 1863.
Граф Дракула:Steam engines pulled the trains, so it wasn`t so nice to go somewhere by train because smoke filled the stations and tunnels.
Трубочист:Passengers always had soot on their faces and clothes, like me .
Слайд 15 - Тунели
Шерлок Холмс:The Tube is a nickname for the subway that went from cylindrical tunnels, Слайд 16 - Метро while the Underground — its official name.
Алиса (восторженно) : Each line on the underground Слайд 17 - Метро и музыканты has a name and its colour coded to make it easier to plan your route. There is a total of 12 different colored lines in the London Underground system. There are special places for musicians on the Tube.
Слайд 18 - Королева в метро
Елизавета II: Quite right, Alice! I was on the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the tube or underground.
Джеймс Бонд: In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Слайд 19 - Красный автобус There are a lot of versions why , but I prefer this one the most people are right handed they use their right hand to keep their weapon , leaving the left hand on the steering wheel to drive.
Граф Дракула - Under other version, Слайд 20 - Старые кэбы in England, the driver of a coach-and-four sat on the right side of the seat so the whip wouldn't hang up on the load behind him when he flogged the horses. Since, they continued to drive on the left in England.
Алиса: It brings luck if you`ll meet a black cat. Слайд 21 - Черная кошка You can see Black Cats on many good luck greetings cards and birthday cards in England.
Шерлок Холмс: It`s not surprising! THE BRITISH LIKE PETS! In fact one in two families in the UK has a pet. Слайд 22- RSPCA There are many animal charities in Britain, including the RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and many homes for abandoned dogs and cats. So you can`t see homeless animals in the streets.
Алиса: Although, Слайд 23- Лиса sometimes you can meet real foxes which looking through the Dumpsters for food.
Шерлок Холмс:But Wild foxes are not pets; but rather objects of hunting. Слайд 24 - Охота
Алиса: Really?
Шерлок Холмс: Yes, fox hunting is still popular in England
Граф Дракула: Oooh! I really love hunting.
Елизавета II: Dear Dracula, calm down! On average half the people on the main streets of GB are tourists. Слайд 25 - Фото с туристами у БигБена
Мери:Each Englishman is daily photographed on 50 street surveillance cameras and at least 15 photos of tourists, so residents try to smile more often.
Гарри Поттер:Now I know that thereare many good things to see in London.
Граф Дракула: For instance, the Tower. Слайд 26 - Тауэр The Tower of London has played the different roles in British history. It was a fortress, Слайд 27 - Тауэр сверху a Royal palace
Елизавета II:The home of the Crown Jewelsand arsenal
Шерлок Холмс- And a Royal Mint, and observatory
Джеймс Бонд: And a prison
Алиса: And a Royal zoo
Трубочист:And tourist mecca Слайд 28 - очередь в Тауэр
Граф Дракула:It`s truly amazing, isn`t it? Today, the Tower of London is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions. I`ve had my fun there.
Слайд 29 - Колесо ночью
Алиса:The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. Also known as the Millennium Wheel. Слайд 30 - Колесо днем The London Eye stands 135 metres (443 feet) high. And it`s lovely! you don`t have to drink something to be bigger or smaller.
Слайд 31 - Кабинка
Джеймс Бонд: Each of the 10-tonne capsules represents one of the London Boroughs, and holds up to 25 people, who are free to walk around inside the capsule.
Трубочист: The London Eye can carry 800 passengers at a time on a thirty-minute ride.
Слайд 32 - Посадка в кабинку.
Елиавета II: It doesn`t usually stop to take on passengers. It is, however, stopped to allow disabled or elderly passengers time to embark and disembark safely.
Слайд 33 - Праздник трубочиста.
Трубочист: Do you know that every year In May a huge festival for chimney sweeps takes place?
Мери Поппинс :Don`t brag, dear!
Слайд 34 - Дом
Шерлок Холмс: Now in England there are about 600 chimney sweeps, who work in areas where there are still old houses with fireplaces and stoves.
Слайд 35 - Трубочист
Гарри Поттер:When you meet a chimney sweep in the street touch him and you will be in luck.
Слайд 36 - Трубочист на свадьбе.
Алиса:In the UK, there is still another interesting tradition – to invite the chimney sweep at a wedding.
Елизавета II:Harry, do me a favor, show us something interesting!
Гарри Поттер: Show screenmus Слайд 37 - Танец
На экране видео, а все встают в круг и танцуют.
Трубочист:You are lucky. I`ll bring you good fortune.
Слайд 38 - Букингемский дворец
Елизавета II: I have my own Palace, Buckingham Palace. The Palace has around 600 rooms, including 19 State rooms, Слайд 39 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 78 bathrooms, Слайд 40 92 offices, a cinema and a swimming pool. It also has its own post office and police station.
Алиса: Wow! It`s so great!
Слайд 41- Обслуживание дворца.
Граф Дракула: About 400 people work at the Palace, including domestic servants, chefs, footmen, cleaners, plumbers, gardeners, chauffers, electricians, and two people who look after the 300 clocks.
Слайд 42 - 5 часов на башне.
Елизавета II: It`s time for tea!
Слайд 43 - Королева пьет чай.
Мери Поппинс: One of the well-known English traditions is 5 o’clock tea. This tradition was introduced in England by Anna, Слайд 44 - Пьют чай the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. Nowadays due to social changes and work schedules, afternoon tea is now mainly saved for special occasions. Слайд 45 - Сладости However, taking a cup of tea and a slice of cake at afternoon tea time is not uncommon.
Выходит девочка с подносом, на нем кружки и чайник, ставит на стол жюри и разливает чай.персонажи замирают.
Горничная 1: According to tradition the English prefer drinking tea with milk. Please, help yourself!
Елизавета II: We would like a cup of tea, too
Горничная 2: It`s 5 o`clock in the morning! We need to tidy up here. Hurry up!
Алиса: Why can`t she hear us?
Граф Дракула:I wouldn`t like a cup of tea, I would like to drink some blood.
Елизавета II My dear Dracula, calm down .
Слайд 46 - Биг Бэн
Шерлок Холмс :Do you know that Big Ben is not the clock tower of Westminster Palace?
Слайд 47 - Колокол
Джеймс Бонд: Big Ben is not the clock which decorated the tower of Westminster Palace.
Елизавета II: In fact, Big Ben is the largest of the six bells of Westminster Palace in London.
Гарри Поттер: Showscreenmus Слайд 48 - ПЕСНЯ
Играет музыка и дети поют песню.
Big Ben is not a person
Big Ben is not a clock
Big Ben is not a tower
It’s a bell: ding dong
Гарри Поттер - A Science museum, to learn about space
Astronauts, rockets, awesome place
Мерри Поппинс - At the British Museum you can see
Egyptian mummies; it’s free!
Big Ben…(вместе)
Шерлок Холмс - 700 species in London Zoo
Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates too
Джеймс Бонд - Penguins waddle, crocodiles snap
No you can’t stroke a crocodile on your lap!
Big Ben…(вместе)
Алиса - Round and round goes The London Eye
It’s 130 meters high
Елизавета II- Buckingham Palace is where The Queen sleeps
And The Prime Minister at Downing Street.
Заходит экскурсия.
Слайд 49- Музей Мадам Тюссо
Экскурсовод: Madame Tussauds is a world famous waxworks museum, which is situated in London.More than 1000 wax figures are exhibited there.Madam Tussauds is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.
Слайд 50 - England
Турист: We are pleased to invite you to England – one of the most beautiful interesting and fascinating countries in the world! Please don`t hesitate to come and see!
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