Урок "Культурные столицы мира"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Чечулина Наталья Николаевна

Открытый урок на английском языке


Предварительный просмотр:

Meeting with the participants of the International Conference

Открытый урок : «Культурные столицы мира» в 7 «А»  28.10.2020

Ведущая 1: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our talk show. Today our guests are the participants of the international conference “Cultural capitals of the world”. (зал приветствует гостей-участников программы).

Ведущая 2: Hello, everybody! We are very glad to be here and take part in this show (участники по очереди представляются).

  • Hi! My name is … I’m 14. I’m from Scotland (England, Wales, Australia, Canada, America, New Zealand).

Ведущая 1: You’ve stayed in Moscow for 2 days and what have you already seen?

Зарубежный участник: We visited the Red Square, saw the Kremlin, the Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell. I found the Kremlin very impressive and was surprised by the churches near it.

Московский участник: Did you see the monument to the Unknown Soldier?

Зарубежный участник: Sure. We came to the Tomb and stood still and silent and saw the eternal flame burning at the tomb.

Зарубежный участник: Yesterday we went to the Tretyakov Gallery. It was wounderful!

Московский участник: What paintings did you see there?

Зарубежный участник: We saw a lot of works by Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Repin and other artists. The pictures were amazing  and we all enjoyed the time there.

Московский участник: Have you ever heard about our famous Arbat Street?

Зарубежный участник: Yes, we have. We know that there are a lot of souvenir shops.

Московский участник: You know, there is a well-known wall devoted to Victor Tsoi, a famous Russian musician. A lot of tourists who come there, can write wishes on it.

Зарубежный участник: Oh, it’ll be interesting. We hope that we’ll go there the other day.

Московский участник: I’d recommend you to visit the Ostankino TV Tower, the third highest building in the world. If the sky is clear, you’ll see entire Moscow. By the way, part of the floor is made of glass.

Зарубежный участник: Really? I think it would be interesting and amazing.

Московский участник: And there is a restaurant right under the observation deck, called “The Seventh Heaven”. It allows you to see Moscow through the glass walls while enjoying your meal.

Зарубежный участник: It would be very convenient to go to the restaurant after the excursion.

Московский участник: Yes, it would be great to have a snack.

Московский участник: What about Moscow Metro? I think the journey by Metro will be unforgettable.

Зарубежный участник: Oh, yes… We were there after our excursion around the Red Square. It was rush hour, and we had a lot of fun. It was exotic.

Московский участник: I think, in the Metro you don’t feel as you’re in the underground. This is due to the unique design of stations, which are more like  palaces.

Зарубежный участник: Yes, you’re right… No two stations are alike.

Зарубежный участник: When we were at the airport, I took a booklet where I saw beautiful pictures of VDNKh. What is it famous for?

Московский участник: It is used to show the world achievements of the Soviet People. Not it’s a wonderful place to spend free time and have fun.

Зарубежный участник: It would be great to visit VDNKh today evening. Are there any attractions in this park?

Московский участник: You can enjoy many attractions such as the Big Wheel which is the longest in Europe and visit the largest oceanarium.

Ведущая 2: It’s a pity but our time is over, thank you very much to everyone. And we’ve prepared a surprise, a famous national Russian song “Moscow Suburb Nights” in English. Would you like to join us and sing together?!

(все участники вместе с ведущими встают и поют песню «Подмосковные вечера» на английском языке и завершают программу)

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