Тема: «Семья и семейные отношения».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «Семья и семейные отношения».
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний и формирование умений и навыков.
Планируемые результаты | ||
Предметные: Развитие умений и навыков чтения (аудирования) с целью детального понимания содержания. | Метапредметные: познавательные — понять основные грамматические признаки;; регулятивные — в соответствии с поставленной учебной задачей производить необходимые действия и операции; коммуникативные- развить и совершенствовать знания и умения, анализировать материал и отвечать на вопросы, применять полученные знания на практике; | Личностные: формирование готовности и способности к самостоятельной деятельности. |
Тема: «Семья и семейные отношения».
Ход урока:
1Teacher. Hello, my dear students! How are you? I am glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about «My family ».
2Phonetic activities.
1)Students read the following words:
Family Семья
mother мать
mum мама
father отец
dad папа
parents родители
Mum and Dad родители (раз.)
sister сестра
brother брат
son сын
daughter дочь
child ребенок
children дети
husband муж
wife жена
cousin двоюродный брат/ двоюродная сестра
aunt тетя
uncle дядя
grandmother бабушка
granny бабушка (разг.)
grandfather дедушка
grandpa дедушка (разг.)
grandson внук
granddaughter внучка
2) Read the text and translate.(Прил.1).
Our family is neither big nor small. It consists of my father, my mother, my brother, and me. My father, a tall man with dark short hair, is 40 years old. He works as a manager at the firm. He likes his work and spends a lot of time there. My mother, a tall and thin woman with big blue eyes and fair hair, is younger than my father, she is 38. My mother is a teacher at the secondary school. She teaches her students foreign languages: German and English. She also spends much time at school, but she finds time to cook, sew, knit, and even to help my brother and me with our homework. My brother is only 10, and he is a schoolboy.
I am 14. I am a student of the college. My college is far from our house, and it takes me half an hour to get there by bus. We are studying different subjects there, but my favourite ones are History and English. As to my appearance, I am slim and slender. Му hair is fair, my eyes are blue. 1 look like my mother. I like to dress in a modern style. Music is my hobby. I am fond of dancing at the disco. I like to buy and read English books too. Twice a week, I go to the swimming pool.
We live in Rostov-on-Don, the biggest city not only in the North Caucasus, but in the entire South of Russia. It is located on the right high bank of the Don river. We have a three- room flat in a new block of houses. There is a nice green park near our house, where we spend a lot of our free time. There are many different shops not far from our house. My brother and I often go shopping.
Our family is nice, and everybody is easy to get along with. We take care of each other. We spend much time together. Recently, we have bought a car, and now we often go down to the country to have a rest on weekends. In the evening, all members of our family watch TV, discuss everyday problems. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to the concert.
We live in a comfortable flat in a new house. It is on the fifth floor. It is neither large nor small. There are three rooms in it: a living room, two bedrooms. We have also a kitchen, a bathroom, and a hall. It is a great pity that we have no balcony.
Our living room is large and light because there are two wide windows in it. The walls of the room are blue, the curtains on the windows, and the carpet on the floor are of the same colour. There is no much furniture there: a sofa, a table with four chairs, two armchairs, and a TV-set in the corner. All the members of our family spend a lot of time there.
Our parents occupy one bedroom which is not large but very cosy. There are two beds, a wardrobe, two armchairs, and a TV-set in it. There is a large thick carpet on the floor, and a nice picture on the wall above the beds.
My brother and I share another bedroom. There, you can see two beds, a small desk near the window, two chairs at the desk: for me and my brother. The bookcase is near the door. There are many books in it. Besides, we have many shelves on the walls. There is a musical centre on one of them. We have a lot of friends. And when they come to see us, we invite them into our room. We usually listen to music or play different games.
Our kitchen is big enough. As a rule, we have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen together. Our mother is cooking for us, but sometimes we prepare some tasty things with my brother for our parents.
The hall of our flat is not narrow. There is a big wardrobe there. And besides, there is a telephone on a small round table.
We like our flat very much. We are happy when our relatives and friends visit us.
4) Translate the dialog. (Прил.3).
Fiona: Hello.
Jack: Hi! How are you?
Fiona: I’m OK. And you?
Jack: I’m fine. This is my brother, Ted.
Fiona: Nice to meet you, Ted. I’m Fiona.
Ted: Nice to meet you, Fiona.
Jack: Do you fancy going for a coffee?
Fiona: Good idea. Let’s have coffee and talk about our plans.
Jack: This looks good. Let’s sit by the window, shall we?
Fiona: OK. Let’s. Your grandfather has a boat, is that right?
Jack: Yes. He says we may use it from Monday to Friday.
Fiona: What about the weekend?
Jack: He needs it then. Aunt Molly and uncle Brian want to go sailing with their three daughters.
Fiona: I see. Monday to Friday is five days. Only us and the sea. Great!
Jack: My grandpa’s boat is great, too. What about the weather? Fiona: No rain, please!
Do you fancy...? He хотите...?
good idea хорошая идея
talk about поговорить о
boat лодка, яхта
Is that right? Правда?
we may мы можем
he needs ему (зд. будет) нужно
want to хотеть
go sailing кататься на парус ном судне
only us только мы
the sea море
great прекрасный, красно
the weather погода
rain дождь
no rain без дождя
please пожалуйста
Соответствуют ли следующие высказывания содержанию диалога?
1Ted is Jack’s brother. (+ Jack: I’m fine. This is my brother, Ted).
2They go home; (-This looks good. Let’s sit by the window, shall we?)-cafe
3They have tea. ( - Good idea. Let’s have coffee)- coffee
4They talk. (talk about our plans).
5. Jack’s grandfather has a boat. (+My grandpa’s boat is great)
6. They need rain. (No rain)
5)Grammar activities
Множественное число существительных
Множественное число существительных чаще всего образуется прибавлением окончания -s или -es. Окончание -es прибавляется, если существительное оканчивается на -ch, -tsch, -sh, -ss one chair - two chairs один стул - два стула one watch - two watches одни часы — двое часов
Если существительное оканчивается на -у, окончание -у перед - s меняется во множественном числе на -ie: diary - diaries
man - men мужчина - мужчины woman — women женщина - женщины child - children ребенок - дети fruit - fruit фрукт (нс изменяется) vfish — fish рыба
Некоторые слова, обозначающие группу людей, обычно согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе, например:
Му family are / have моя семья является (находится)/ имеет The police are / work полиция является (находится)/ работает The team are / win (спортивная) команда является (находится)/ выигрывает
Запишите словами числа и поставьте существительные во множественное число, например: chair — chairs.(работа у доски).
- man -men 2. Child-children
3. woman-women 4. City-cities
5.pen-pens 6.pencil-pencils
4) Аудирование. (прочтите диалог и переведите) (Прил.4.)
Послушайте диалог и переведите.
Изучим лексику для диалога.
speak - to поговорить c
She’s away.- Она в отъезде.
to be back - вернуться
in two days - через два дня
message - сообщение
tell сказать, передать (словами)
саn - мочь
pick up- забрать
any time - в любое время
repair – ремонт
cost- стоить
extra money - дополнительные затраты
spare parts- запчасти
hard to get - трудно достать
work - работать (зд. о приборе)
as good as new - как новый
call- звонить
Hello, Ann Brown. (Прил.5).
Hello, it’s Mark Smith. Can I speak to Betty Brown, please.
I’m afraid she’s away.
When’s she back?
In two days, I think. Can I take a message?
Yes, please. Tell Miss Brown the printer is OK now.
All right. When can she pick it up?
Any time when she’s back. But the repair costs extra money. Right. The printer’s ready. Extra money? Why?
Spare parts for this model are hard to get.
Does it work now?
Of course it does. It’s as good as new.
OK. Thank you for calling.
Thanks. Bye.
Соответствуют ли следующие высказывания диалогу:
1Betty isn’t at home.
2She can pick the printer up on Friday.
3The man doesn’t have spare parts for this model
4I he printer works now.
5Betty is as good as new.
Упражнения в РЭШ.
Домашнее задание: составьте диалог на тему: «В магазине».
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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