Конспект открытого урока в 6 классе на тему "Building big – Вершины мира"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Building big – Вершины мира.
Цель урока: сформировать и совершенствовать речевые умения чтения, говорения, аудирования, письма, повысить культурный уровень учеников.
Учебные задачи:
направленные на достижение предметных результатов:
- отработка лексического материала по теме;
- активизация употребления в речи фраз и выражений по теме;
- развитие общего кругозора;
- развитие филологического кругозора;
направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов:
- развитие внимания, памяти;
- развитие мышления и воображения;
- развитие культуры общения;
- формирование коммуникативных компетенций;
направленные на достижение личностных результатов:
- воспитание внимательности, трудолюбия, активности;
- воспитание умения дать самооценку;
- воспитание отношения к чтению и говорению как к способу усвоения и закрепления фонетических знаний.
Педагогические технологии: ИКТ-технологии; индивидуальная система закрепления полученных навыков и умений, коллективная система обучения.
Методы и формы работы:
1. наглядный метод (видеоматериал, рисунки);
2. самостоятельная работа (решение заданий по карточкам, самостоятельное чтение);
3. словесные методы;
4. самоконтроль, взаимопроверка (проверка самостоятельной работы);
5. использование разных источников знания.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Building big – Вершины мира.
Цель урока: сформировать и совершенствовать речевые умения чтения, говорения, аудирования, письма, повысить культурный уровень учеников.
Учебные задачи:
направленные на достижение предметных результатов:
- отработка лексического материала по теме;
- активизация употребления в речи фраз и выражений по теме;
- развитие общего кругозора;
- развитие филологического кругозора;
направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов:
- развитие внимания, памяти;
- развитие мышления и воображения;
- развитие культуры общения;
- формирование коммуникативных компетенций;
направленные на достижение личностных результатов:
- воспитание внимательности, трудолюбия, активности;
- воспитание умения дать самооценку;
- воспитание отношения к чтению и говорению как к способу усвоения и закрепления фонетических знаний.
Педагогические технологии: ИКТ-технологии; индивидуальная система закрепления полученных навыков и умений, коллективная система обучения.
Методы и формы работы:
1. наглядный метод (видеоматериал, рисунки);
2. самостоятельная работа (решение заданий по карточкам, самостоятельное чтение);
3. словесные методы;
4. самоконтроль, взаимопроверка (проверка самостоятельной работы);
5. использование разных источников знания.
Универсальные учебные действия:
∙ проявляют способность к самооценке на основе критерия успешности учебной деятельности;
∙ умеют сотрудничать с учителем и товарищами;
∙ в предложенных ситуациях, опираясь на общие правила поведения, делают выбор.
∙ определяют, формулируют тему и цель урока;
∙ совместно с учителем формулируют учебную проблему;
∙ составляют план решения проблемы (задачи) совместно с учителем;
∙ планируют, контролируют и оценивают свои учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями ее реализации;
∙ учатся высказывать свое предположение;
∙ учатся совместно с учителем и учениками давать эмоциональную оценку деятельности класса на уроке.
∙ умеют закреплять полученные навыки и умения;
∙ делают предварительный отбор источников информации;
∙ закрепляют приобретенные знания: находят ответы на вопросы, используя свой жизненный опыт и информацию, полученную на уроке;
∙ перерабатывают полученную информацию: делают выводы в результате совместной работы всего класса на основе обобщения знаний.
∙ слушают и понимают речь других; вступают в диалог, работают в группе и индивидуально;
∙ доносят свою позицию другим: оформляют свои мысли на иностранном языке в устной речи; высказывают свою точку зрения и пытаются ее обосновывать, приводя аргументы.
Планируемые результаты:
Предметные: формирование умения оценивать учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей.
Личностные: формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка и целенаправленной деятельности.
Метапредметные: формирование умения слушать и понимать других, аудиозапись; формирование умения строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с поставленными задачами; формирование умения работать в группе; планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками.
Компьютер, учебник, раздаточный материал, индивидуальные карточки, видео.
Ход урока
1.Организационный этап (2 мин.)
- Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down! My name is Fakiya Shamilyevna and I’m your English teacher for today. I’m glad to see you here. And how are you? Good! I see you are ready for the lesson. So welcome to our adventure.
Before we start, I want to know more about you. I tell a sentence what I like or dislike to do. And you agree or disagree with me and say: “I like it too” or “I dislike it”. Are you ready? Let’s begin:
- I like an ice-cream.
- I like to play board games.
- I dislike very cold weather.
- I like to listen to music.
- I dislike to be unhappy.
- I like to travel.
So hope that that it was interesting for you and you have some information about me too.
2.Постановка цели урока, мотивация (2 мин.)
Now I want you to look at my hand. I’ve got something to show you. Look! What are these?
Yes, they are binoculars. There are many different types of binoculars. Some of them we can find at the highest place of the town or city. But these are magic. Look through them. Binoculars show us something special. How do you think what are they?
You’re right. These are buildings. But what is so special about these buildings?
- They are skyscrapers / big, high and tall.
Take your magic binoculars. What places do they show us? Look at the blackboard where are we going? There are some flags. What countries do they belong to?
The USA, France. Do you know any tall buildings?
Now look at these photos. What do you see? (buildings)
Do you know/ recognize them? Can we say that they are famous? Yes.
What topic is for today’s lesson? Today we learn some facts of famous big buildings.
Today we are going to
- – learn new words
- – read
- – listen and watch video
- – speak about famous big buildings.
- – create
These buildings are symbols of their cities. Today we have own symbol of the lesson. This is a tower. We will move up and up after each task that we do.
3. Введение новых знаний (2 мин.) Well, students, let's learn new words to our topic. Repeat after me.
- Tower [ˈtaʊə] – башня
- Total height [təʊtl haɪt] – общая высота
- Office spaces [ˈɒfɪs speɪs] – офисные помещения
- Top floor [tɒp flɔː] –верхний этаж
- Metre [ˈmiːtə] – метр
- Observatory [əbˈzɜːvətrɪ] – смотровая площадка
- Situated in [ˈsɪʧʊeɪtɪd ɪn] – расположенный в
- Occasion [əˈkeɪʒən] – случай
(depending on occasion – в зависимости от ситуации)
- Consist of [ˈkɒnsɪst ɒv] – состоит из
- Ground [graʊnd] – земля (ground floor - наземный этаж)
5. Совершенствование речевых навыков (чтения и письма) (5 мин.)
Take your magic binoculars and look at the screen. Where we are going? Name the country please.
You absolutely right. Let’s know some facts about the Eiffel Tower. We have questions and answers. But they are mixed. So you should choose the paper and read questions and answers in right order. Listen attentively each other.
You have texts and map to do next task. Now you should listen and read then complete your maps with necessary information. I hope that it doesn’t be difficult for you.
1 A: - Where is the Eiffel Tower situated in?
8 B: - Yes. The second and third floors of the Eiffel Tower are observatory which offers the best view of Paris. You have to go there by stairs or the lifts.
2 B: - The total height of the tower is 324 meters. It was the tallest structure in the world for 41 years.
3 A: - Who was the architect of the tower?
4 B: - The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. It became (становиться) the world's tallest man made structure for that time.
5 A: - What for was the tower built?
1 B: - It is situated in Paris. The Eiffel Tower is an icon of France and attracts (привлекает) millions of tourists to Paris every year.
2 A: - What is the height of the Eiffel Tower?
3 B: - Gustave Eiffel was the architect of the tower. Then the tower took the name of his creator.
4 A: - When was the tower built?
5B: - The Eiffel Tower was built to commemorate (в память/в честь) 100 years since the French Revolution. It was entered (вошла) into the world fair (выставка).
6 A: - What is the main purpose (цель) of the Eiffel Tower?
6 B: - The tower became an important element in radio transmission (радиопередача). The first public radio program was broadcast from the Eiffel Tower in 1925.
7A: - How many floors are there?
7B: - There are three floors for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. They are usually the busiest places of the attraction.
8A: - Is there any observatory places?
4. Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации.(10 мин)
Let’s create fact file -brochures of these buildings. Use all of the information that you learn today. You have papers, glues, high liners and
If you are ready, you can show and present your brochure. Don’t be shy.
Amassing. I like all of your projects.
6. Рефлексия Итоги урока (4 мин.) So, what did you learn today?
- we learnt about the famous tall buildings (The Eiffel Tower and ESB)
- What of these places would you like to visit? Why?
Look at your progress cards. As I see you haven’t any difficulties. I’m glad to know that kind of results.Today you were very active, talkative, try to do all of the task clear but fast. You really worked hard. I really liked our lesson. All of you get excellent mark.
Your Hometask is ex. 5 p.81. Make your own project about a famous big building of our country.
Time is over. Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.
Look at these sentences. There are some gaps. We should put right words at these gaps. Work in pairs.
(5 мин)
Since 1889 to 1930 the Eiffel (Tower) was the tallest building in the world. It is (situated in) Paris, France. The tower is 300 (metre) high and (consists) of an open iron framework
The Empire State Building is the tallest buildings in New York and one of the largest (office spaces) in the world. The top floors are decorated with beautiful lights.
The Petronas towers is one of the most famous (architectural) structures in the world
it is known as the tallest of the (twin) towers in the world. The (total) height of the building from the ground to the apes is about 378.6m.
- Since 1889 to 1930 the Eiffel ------------- was the tallest building in the world. It is -------------- Paris, France.
- The tower is 300 m high and -------------- of an open iron framework
- The Empire State Building is the tallest buildings in New York and one of the largest ------------- --------------- in the world.
- -------------- floors are decorated with beautiful lights.
- The tower is one of the most famous --------------structures in the world.
- The --------------height of the building from the ground to the apes is about 378.6m.
1. Since 1889 to 1930 the Eiffel ------------- was the tallest building in the world. It is -------------- Paris, France.
2. The tower is 300 m high and -------------- of an open iron framework
3. The Empire State Building is the tallest buildings in New York and one of the largest ------------- --------------- in the world.
4. -------------- floors are decorated with beautiful lights.
5. The tower is one of the most famous --------------structures in the world.
6. The --------------height of the building from the ground to the apes is about 378.6m.
The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was designed by the French engineer and bridge builder Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) for the Paris Exposition (выставка) of 1889. The tower is 300 m (984 ft) high and consists of an open iron framework making it the highest manmade structure in the world at the time. It was the largest attraction at the Exposition and today it remains the most recognized structure in all of Europe.
The Petronas towers
The Petronas towers is one of the most famous architectural structures in the world. It is located in the center of the city of Kuala Lumpur. The Petronas towers or the Petronas Twin towers, as it is known, is the tallest of the twin towers in the world. The total height of the twin tower from the ground to the apes is about 378.6m. Along with the antennas height, the tower will be as high as 451.9 meters.
The building was completed in the year 1998, and the cost of construction of the building was about 1.6 billion dollars. There are about 88 floors in the building and there are 78 lifts in the building that are used each day by millions of people who work in many of the offices in the tower.
The Empire State Building
- The Empire State Building is the tallest buildings in New York. It is 443 metres high and has got 103 floors. It was built in 1930, and it took one year and forty-five days to complete. The ESB is one of the largest office spaces in the world, but it also has many shops and restaurants inside.
The ESB has 73 super fast lifts. The fastest of these travel from the ground to the 80th floor in only 45 seconds! If you choose to walk to the top, you need to climb 1860 steps.
The Eiffel Tower The Empire State Building
The Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel
for the Paris Exposition (выставка) of 1889.
The tower is 300 m (984 ft) high.
It’s consists of an open iron framework.
It was the largest attraction at the Exposition.
Today it remains the most recognized structure
in all of Europe.
The Building is the tallest buildings in New York.
It is 1472 feet high and has got 102 floors.
It was built in 1930.
It is one of the largest office spaces in the world.
It also has many shops and restaurants inside.
The ESB has many super fast lifts.
Was built in | high | architectures | Is situated in |
1889 | 300 metres | Gustave Eiffel | Paris |
1930 | 443 metres | New York. |
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