"Healthy Way of Life"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)
Урок в 7 классе по УМК ""Rainbow English".Авторы О.В.Афанасьева ,И.В.Афанасьева .Тема урока "Здоровый образ жизни".Цель урока-закрепление лексического и грамматического материалов,формирование навыков здорового образа жизни,активизация всех видов речевой деятельности,употребление лексики по еме;закрепление знаний лексико-грамматического материала по теме "Word Building",использование суффиксов -ness,-th,-un,-ly,-tion,-y.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ф.И.О. учителя Кадиевой Ларисы Ивановны
Класс: 7
УМК: “Rainbow English” 7 класс. Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений
Тема урока: “Healthy Way of Life”
Цели урока:
1) Обучающая: закрепление лексического и грамматического материала.
2) Развивающая: развитие и усовершенствование навыков, обучающихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.
3)Воспитательная: воспитать интерес к иностранному языку, как к средству общения.
Задачи урока:
1) активизировать во всех видах речевой деятельности употребление лексики по теме;
2) закрепить знания грамматического материала по теме ;
3) обучить вести диалог – расспрос;
4) совершенствовать навыки устной речи;
5) развить умения обучающихся работать самостоятельно и в парах, умение слушать и понимать друг друга.
Планируемые образовательные результаты:
Личностные: формирование навыков здорового образа жизни
формирование навыков взаимодействия с окружающимися при работе в паре; формирование культуры поведения.
Метапредметные: формирование и организация целеполагания, планирования, анализа, рефлексии учебной деятельности; формирование навыков самооценки и взаимооценки; формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
Предметные: активизация во всех видах речевой деятельности, употребление лексики по теме; закрепление знаний лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Word Building», использование суффиксов –ness, -th, -un, -ly, -tion, -y;; научится вести диалог – расспрос по теме; понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников.
Технологии, применяемые на уроке: сотрудничество: совместное составление мини диалогов:
здоровьесберегающие: смена видов деятельности.
Этап урока | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность ученика | УУД |
I. Мотивация к учебной деятельности (1-2 мин) Цели: погружение в языковую среду | Настраивает учащихся на работу, вводит в атмосферу иноязычной речи. - Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please. How are you today? - Let’s begin our lesson. | Настраиваются на работу урока. - Good morning teacher! - We are fine! | Умение слушать и слышать. Выражение своего настроения. |
II. Формулирование темы урока, постановка цели (3 мин) Цели: организация совместного открытия темы урока | Подводит учащихся к открытию темы урока через беседу - Well, today we’re going to talk about … Let’s guess. Look at the blackboard, please. This is the motto for today’s lesson. Read the proverb, please. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. What other proverbs on the problem do you know? - What’s our theme today? - What are we going to talk about today? - You are right! Today we’ll have a talk about healthy way of life. Well,I send you two presentation on this topic and I'Id like to discuss this problem now.I have two assistants.They will help me today.They are ..... -Do you think you are a healthy person? Why? Why not? -Well, I see you are ready to work. | Называют тему и цели урока. -Today our theme is' Healthy way of life'. - We’re going to talk about how to be healthy and live a long life. - Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. - Health is better than wealth. - A sound mind in a sound body. - Yes, I get a cold one or two times a year. - Well, I feel healthy. | Прогнозирование. Умение выражать свои мысли. Умение отвечать на вопросы |
III. Актуализация лексического материала (10 мин) Цели: - совершенствование владения языковым материалом по теме; - создание коммуникативной ситуации; - стимулирование внутренней активности | Предлагает продолжить фразы: Now it’s time to remember the golden rules of healthy living. Your task is to complete my sentences filling the gaps. (раздает карточки, приложение 1) Try to add some arguments to explain why it is important. Ruslan and Maria,read the rules of healthy living. - Take a lot of (exercise). - Begin your day with (morning exercises) - Be sporty. Join (a sports club) or go (to the gym) - You need eight hours of (sleep) - Spend some time (out of doors every day) -Limit the time (you spend in front of the TV or computer) - Keep to (a healthy diet). - Don’t eat (unhealthy food) - Always say “no” (to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs) -Do you follow these rules? -Well done! | Выполняют задание, расширяют высказывание с элементами аргументации. Приложение 1 Take a lot of (exercise). Physical activity is good at any age. - Begin your day with (morning exercises). They give you a lot of energy. - Be (sporty). Join (a sports club) or go (to the gym) - You need eight hours of (sleep) to feel well. - Spend some time (out of doors every day). Fresh air is good for you. -Limit the time (you spend in front of the TV or computer) - Keep to (a healthy diet). - Don’t eat (unhealthy food) - Always say “no” (to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs) Предполагаемый ответ: -Yes, I do. I always do morning exercises and go to the swimming pool twice a week. | Работа с информацией. Умение слушать и слышать, умение высказывать свои мысли. Активизация лексических единиц в речи. Развивать умение выражать свое личное отношение, давать оценку фактам |
IV. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков (3 мин) Цель: закрепление знаний по теме «Word Building | Организует выполнение упражнения . Проверяет выполнение упражнения. Now we'll see how well you can write all these rules. (Учитель раздает карточки) (Приложение 2) | Выполняют упражнение на закрепление словообразования. Читают предложения. Приложение4 | Умение применять изученную грамматику. Умение работать в парах и самостоятельно. |
V. Проверка домашнего задания(7 мин)_ | Проверяет домашнее задание It's a pity but these rules are not always followed. I know that most of you are very fond of fast food restaurants. Now let’s check your homework. Well,your hometask was to watch 2 presentations about MacDonald and KFC chain of restaurants. Maria will work with KFC group and Ruslan with MacDonald one. Answer their questions.
6.What is the slogan of the MacDonald and KFC? It's finger lickin' good (so delicious that you can lick your fingers), which was replaced by Nobody does chicken like KFC (No one cooks chicken like KFC), MacDonald..... | Ученики отвечают на вопросы ассистентов | Умение применять изученную лексику в речи. Умение работать в парах и самостоятельно |
VI. Физкультминутка(3 мин) | Учитель призывает уч-ся встать и провести минуту отдыха.We have a guest. It's a Turkish singer Tarkan. Just follow him. | Ученики повторяют движения за "певцом". | |
vii. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Сюжетно-ролевая игра “A visit to a doctor” (5-7мин) | Sometimes we have health problems. Today the doctor is here. Some of you are not well. Meet our doctor . Раздает карточки
| Разыгрывают сценку “A visit to a doctor” Приложение 3 | Умение работать в паре, Активизация и совершенствование тематической лексики. Воспитание культуры общения. |
VII. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке (3 -5мин) Цели: организация понимания ценности выполненной деятельности. Развитие самостоятельности. | 1.Организует рефлексию учащихся, предлагая высказать свое отношение к проблеме здорового образа жизни. Our lesson is coming up to the end. I’d like you to tell me if you agree that “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. 2.Объясняет домашнее задание. Next lesson you’re going to write a test. Be ready for the dictation ex 10 p 122 3. Выставляет и комментирует оценки. The lesson is over, good-bye. Thanks for your active work. | 1.Анализируют результаты урока, высказывая свое мнение по проблеме. 2.Получают домашнюю работу, при необходимости уточняют его. | Анализировать личные достижения по теме. Осуществлять самоконтроль. Проявлять самостоятельность. |
Приложение 1
- Take a lot of ______ (exercise).
- Begin your day with ______ (morning exercises).
- Be sporty. Join ________ (a sports club) or go________ (to the gym).
- You need eight hours of ________ (sleep).
- Spend some time _________ (out of doors every day).
-Limit the time _______ (you spend in front of the TV or computer).
- Keep to _________ (a healthy diet).
- Don’t eat _________ (unhealthy food).
- Always say “no” __________ (to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs).
Приложение 2
Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text.
Keeping Fit A healthier and happier lifestyle is within reach of everyone. You should (1) simply follow sensible and easy rules. To enjoy a high level of (2) ______ it is important to eat adequate food, have enough rest and (3) _______. Every (4) _______ person needs to do morning exercises and (5) ________ exercise to keep (6) ________ fit. Then you will improve the work of your lungs, heart and blood (7) _______ . (8) _______ speaking, aerobic exercises may give you very good results. |
Dialogue 3
Doc: Hi Philip! What’s the matter with you this time, young man(young lady)?
Philip: I feel some pain here. Is it the heart, doctor?
Doc: Let me examine you. I’ll listen to your heart and lungs. Could you breathe deeply? Does it hurt to breath?
Philip :No, not really. Is it serious?
Doc: I don’t think there’s something seriously wrong with your heart. But you should sleep more, have a walk before going to bed and eat more vitamins.
Philip:Shall I take any medicin?
Doc:I'll prescribe you something for your heart and lungs.Take them 3 times a day with water.
Philip:And when I will be able to go to school?
Doc:I hope you will recover within a week.
Philip :Thank you, doctor
Dialogue 3
Doc: Well, what seems to be the problem?
Patient: I think I have a sore throat.
Doc: So, it hurts to swallow, doesn’t it?
Patient: Yes, I practically can’t do it.
Doc: I would like to examine your throat. Open your mouth, please. Well, it’s rather red. Do you have a headachache?
Patient: Yes, doctor.
Doctor: Then, let’s take your temperature.
Patient: Is it high?
Doctor: Not very high. But you should stay in bed. I’ll prescribe you some medicine for your sore throat and temperature.
Patient: Thank you, doctor.
Приложение 4
Kentucky Fried Chicken (from English — "Fried chicken from Kentucky"), abbreviated KFC is an international chain of public restaurants specializing in chicken dishes. The company is in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC is the second largest cafe chain in the world, second only to McDonald's. As of 2019, 820 thousand employees and more than 15 thousand outlets in 134 countries of the world worked under the KFC brand.
KFC was founded by Harland Sanders, who started selling fried chicken dishes during the Great Depression. Discovering the franchise potential of the company, Sanders began selling licensing rights in other states; the first cafe outside of Kentucky opened in 1952 in Utah. Thanks to the efforts of the company, chicken dishes have become an integral element of fast food cuisine, competing with the hamburger — the main symbol of fast food. Sanders himself, better known as "the Colonel," has become an important figure in American cultural life. His image is still widely used in KFC advertising campaigns. However, the rapid development of the business forced Sanders to sell the company in 1964; the rights to the brand passed to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown Jr. and Jack K. Massey.
The company became one of the first players in the fast food industry to reach the international level. By the mid-1960s, KFC cafes had opened in the United Kingdom, Mexico and Jamaica. Over the next two decades, the company changed owners several times. Finally, the conglomerate sold KFC to the food company PepsiCo. On the other hand, the foreign cafe chain continued to develop. So, in 1987, the company was the first among Western competitors to open a cafe in China. Currently, the Chinese division of KFC is the largest section of the company. In 1997, PepsiCo restaurant chains were separated into Tricon Global Restaurants Corporation, later renamed Yum! Brands.
The original KFC product is fried chicken pieces in breadcrumbs consisting of eleven herbs and spices. The components of this mixture, developed personally by Sanders, are a trade secret. Large portions of this dish are served in a branded cardboard bucket(фирменный картон) — basket, invented by the first KFC concessionaire (буфетчик) Pete Harman in 1957. Since the early 1990s, the cafe's menu has been supplemented (дополнено)with chicken fillet burgers, sandwich rapes(рапс) , salads, French fries and soft drinks, usually produced by PepsiCo. The company uses the slogan It's finger lickin' good (so delicious that you can lick your fingers), which was replaced by Nobody does chicken like KFC (No one cooks chicken like KFC), and then So good (Very tasty). Then the slogan was changed back to the first one.
Приложение 3
Use the derivatives of the words on the right to complete the text.
Keeping Fit A healthier and happier lifestyle is within reach of everyone. You should (1) simply follow sensible and easy rules. To enjoy a high level of (2) ______ it is important to eat adequate food, have enough rest and (3) _______. Every (4) _______ person needs to do morning exercises and (5) ________ exercise to keep (6) ________ fit. Then you will improve the work of your lungs, heart and blood (7) _______ . (8) _______ speaking, aerobic exercises may give you very good results. | 1. simple 2. well 3. relax 4.health 5.regular 6. physical 7.circulate 8.general |
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A Healthy Way of Life
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