the quiz The United Kingdom
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Спиридонова Елена Андреевна

Презентация игры-викторины (своя игра) по теме "Соединенное Королевство" для 5 классов, созданная с помощью программы Power Point


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The quiz « Great Britain »

Слайд 2

Who ? What? Where? How many? 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

Слайд 3

Who? 100 points. Who lives in Buckingham Palace?

Слайд 4

200 points Who? Who built Londinium?

Слайд 5

Who? 3 00 points Who is the Head of State in Britain ?

Слайд 6

Who? 400 points Who does the real power in Britain belong to?

Слайд 7

Who? 5 00 points Who can discuss, change and delay laws?

Слайд 8

What? 100 points What is the first name of London ?

Слайд 9

What? 2 00 points What river does London stand on?

Слайд 10

What? 3 00 points What languages are spoken in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?

Слайд 11

What? 4 00 points What tower did William the Conqueror build in the 11 th century?

Слайд 12

What? 500 points What is the Union Jack?

Слайд 13

Where? 1 00 points Where do black ravens live?

Слайд 14

Where? 2 00 points Where did William the Conqueror come from?

Слайд 15

Where? 3 00 points Where did the Great Fire start?

Слайд 16

Where? 4 00 points Where do the English people keep the Queen’s crown?

Слайд 17

Where? 500 points Where does Elizabeth II live?

Слайд 18

How many? 1 00 points How many houses does the British Parliament have?

Слайд 19

How many? 2 00 points How many main islands does the UK consist of?

Слайд 20

How many? 3 00 points How many crosses does the British flag consist of?

Слайд 21

How many? 4 00 points How many people live in Britain?

Слайд 22

How many? 500 points How many parts are there in the UK?

Слайд 23

Thank you!

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Quiz : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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