Quiz (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland) 5-9 классы
занимательные факты по английскому языку (6 класс)
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Quiz (The UK)
Which is the Great Britain capital?
- New York City
- Bonn
- London
- Moscow
2. What is the national symbol of England?
- The shamrock
- The rose
- The daffodil
- The tulip
3. What kind of state is the United Kingdom?
- republic
- monarchy
- democratic party
- parliamentary monarchy
4. What is the flag of Great Britain?
5. What is the name of the London's residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
- Windsor Palace
- Kensington Palace
- Buckingham Palace
- St. James's Palace
6. What title does Prince Charles, the oldest son of the British Queen, have?
- Prince of Northern Ireland
- Prince of England
- Prince of Scotland
- Prince of Wales
7. Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
- Admiral Nelson
- General Washington
- Former prime minister Winston Churchill
- Abraham Lincoln
Speaker: I am very tired. And you? Let's have a rest. The literature pause.
The second part
Speaker: Let's continue our game!
1. What is the oldest university of Great Britain?
- Oxford
- Cambridge
- Exeter
- Governor
2. What river is London situated on?
- The Nil
- The Volga
- The Themes
- The Mississippi
3. What is a population of Great Britain?
- 35 mln
- 45 mln
- 55 mln
- 65 mln
4. Where is the map of Great Britain? (границы государств)
5. Show, please, one of the famous monuments of London (4 репродукции)
6. What are these: The Guardian, The News of the world, The Independent?
- TV programs
- newspapers
- towns
- radios
7. You must go to school in Great Britain...
- from the age of 5 until you are 16
- from the age of 6 until you are 17
- from the age of 7 until you are 18
- from the age of 3 until you are 14
8. How many letters are there in the English ABC?
- 33
- 27
- 26
- 31
1. Queen Elisabeth II has got...
- 4 children
- 3 children
- 2 children
- 1 child
2. Name the English city:
- Odessa
- Madrid
- Nice
- Manchester
3. What is the town where William Shakespeare was born?
- Sheffield
- Coventry
- London
- Stratford-on Avon
4. William Shakespeare was...
- artist
- doctor
- writer
- sportsman
5. What theatre was organized by William Shakespeare?
- Globe Theatre
- Old Vic Theatre
- Royal Theatre
- Dall's theatre
6. Who is the architect of the famous ST. Paul's Cathedral?
- Michelangelo
- Sir Christopher Wren
- Rastrelly
- Admiral Nelson
7. Who was the first Englishman to come to Australia?
- Admiral Nelson
- Captain Janise Cook
- Captain Drake
- Armstrong
8. What is the nickname of London's Underground?
- Metro
- Subway
- The Tube
- Underground
9. How many London’s Underground stations do you know?
1. 200
2. 250
3. 270
4. 300
10. Translate into English: Век живи - век учись!
- Better late than never.
- Two heads are better than one.
- First think, than speak.
- Live and learn.
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