Презентация к фрагменту урока английского языка в 7 классе "Обучение аудированию на основе лексического материала по теме «Благотворительность» (УК Кузовлева В.П.)"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Альбина Александровна Поротникова

Презентация к фрагменту урока английского языка в 7 классе "Обучение аудированию на основе лексического материала по теме «Благотворительность» (УК Кузовлева В.П.)"


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Слайд 1

«Благотворительность» 7 класс УМК Кузовлева В.П. Разработала учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №2 г. Татарска Поротникова А.А.

Слайд 2

Listen and repeat homeless, lonely, needy, disabled, elderly, orphans, nursing homes, donate, show sympathy, support, make a difference, give a helping hand

Слайд 3

What are we going to speak about?

Слайд 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 2 4 5 6 7

Слайд 5

c l o k c h t a p a p e l a r b b t i i c e c r e m a e t a y e l l o w

Слайд 6

C l o c k H a t A p p l e R a b b i t I c e c r e a m T e a Y e l l o w

Слайд 7

UNICEF United Nations International Children's Fund – an organization that helps needy children all over the world. Help the Aged - It is a British Charity Organization which collects money and helps old people Children in Need - It is a charity organization which raises money and helps children in Britain and all over the world Mother Teresa - an organization that helps needy people

Слайд 8

a charity, a volunteer, donation, nursing home, the Aged, sympathy, patients, caring person, make a difference

Слайд 9

Match the words with their definitions charity nursing home donation the Aged volunteer patient caring person to make difference a place where very old people live money, that somebody gives to help a person or organization an organization that helps poor people a person who helps without any money a person who is receiving medical care A person who is kind and gives emotional support old people when considered as a group to improve a situation

Слайд 10

Answer the questions. How many people are speaking? What is this text about? Find out the synonym to the word «the elderly people»

Слайд 11

Help the Aged on … Local nursing … Become more caring… Showing … to other people I don`t get … I make a … Saturdays home person sympathy money difference

Слайд 12

LISTEN TO THE TEXT ONCE MORE AND FIND OUT ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS TO WORDS: Волонтер дом престарелых пациент заботливый человек проявлять сочувствие изменять ситуацию Volunteer Nursing home Patient Caring person Showing sympathy Make a difference

Слайд 13

USE THE WORDS TO COMPLETE THE STORY: DIFFERENCE, READING BOOKS, CARE FOR, NURSING HOME, MONEY, SUPPORTING, VOLUNTEERS. My mum _________ for Help the Aged on Saturdays. She looks after elderly people at the local _____ _____ . Something my Mum asks me to help her. I help by getting the patients the things they need or by ___________ to them. It`s great when I walk in the room and they smile! ___________ elderly people is also helping yourself. You learn about people`s feelings and needs, and become a more caring person. We`ll be old some day and will need people to _____ ____ us. Showing sympathy to other people is really good. I enjoy doing something that helps others. I don`t get _____. But I feel good when I know that I make a ________. volunteers nursing home reading books Supporting care for money difference

Слайд 14

IF YOU THINK IT IS CORRECT, PUT A TICK IN THE BOX UNDER T (TRUE). IF YOU THINK IT IS NOT CORRECT, PUT A TICK IN THE BOX UNDER F (FALSE). 1. Hilary works at the local nursing home. 2. Hilary helps her father. 3. You become a more caring person when you help other people. 4. Hilary gets money for her work. 5. Hilary feels good when she makes a difference. 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T

Слайд 15

PUT A TICK IN THE CORRECT BOX FOR EACH QUESTION 1. Hilary`s mum volunteers for a) Help the Aged b) Save the Earth c) People in Need 2. She looks after elderly people at a) the hospital b) the local nursing home c) the school 3. Hilary shows to elderly people a) aggressive b) amazing c) sympathy 4. Her mum volunteers on … a) Saturdays b) Wednesdays c) Fridays

Слайд 16

PUT A TICK IN THE CORRECT BOX FOR EACH QUESTION 1. Hilary`s mum volunteers for a) Help the Aged b) Save the Earth c) People in Need 2. She looks after elderly people at a) the hospital b) the local nursing home c) the school 3. Hilary shows to elderly people a) aggressive b) amazing c) sympathy 4. Her mum volunteers on … a) Saturdays b) Wednesdays c) Fridays

Слайд 17

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS How does Hilary help her Mum at the nursing home? What makes Hilary volunteer at the nursing home?

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