КТП 6 класс
календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку (6 класс)
Класс: 6
Учитель: Рыжова Ольга Александровна
Количество часов:
Всего: 102 часа; в неделю: 3 часа.
Плановых контрольных уроков: 5.
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Английский язык. 6 класс в 2 частях: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений – М.: Дрофа, 2015. – 136с.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Рассмотрено на заседании МО учителей английского языка руководитель МО __________/Затомская О.А._/ Протокол №1 от «27» августа 2021 г. | Согласовано заместитель директора по УВР ________/Дунаева С.В. «__»___________ 2021 г. | Утверждаю Директор МОУ ИРМО «Оекская СОШ» _______ /О.П. Тыртышная/ Приказ № 209 от «31» августа 2021 г. |
по английскому языку.
Класс: 6
Учитель: Рыжова Ольга Александровна
Количество часов:
Всего: 102 часа; в неделю: 3 часа.
Плановых контрольных уроков: 5.
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Английский язык. 6 класс в 2 частях: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений – М.: Дрофа, 2015. – 136с.
Дополнительная литература:
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Английский язык. Диагностика результатов образования. 6 кл.: учебно-методическое пособие – М.: Дрофа, 2016. – 198с.
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М. Английский язык. 6 класс. Лексико-грамматический практикум. – М.: Дрофа, 2016. -143с.
с. Оек , 2021 год
№ п/п | Наименование разделов и тем | Всего часов | Дата | Корректировка |
1 четверть- 9 недель-27 часов Две столицы- 17 часов | ||||
1. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Большие города» | 1 | ||
2. | Неправильные глаголы в простом прошедшем времени: употребление в речи. | 1 | ||
3. | Неопределенные местоимения: употребление на письме | 1 | ||
4. | Достопримечательности больших городов | 1 | ||
5. | Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга | 1 | ||
6. | Входная контрольная работа « Повторение 5 класс» | 1 | ||
7. | Неопределенные местоимения: употребление в речи | 1 | ||
8. | Введение и активизация ЛЕ по теме «Путешествие по России | 1 | ||
9. | Составление диалога-расспроса по теме «Путешествие по России» | 1 | ||
10. | Передача содержания прослушанного по теме «Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга» | 1 | ||
11. | Краткое сообщение по теме «Моя страна» | 1 | ||
12. | Достопримечательности Москвы | 1 | ||
13. | Количественные местоимения: употребление на письме. | 1 | ||
14. | Словообразование глаголов | 1 | ||
15. | Словообразование имен прилагательных. | |||
16. | Глаголы «слышать» и «слушать»: сравнительный анализ. | 1 | ||
17. | Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «Две столицы | 1 | ||
Посещение Великобритании 17 часов | ||||
18. | Каникулы | 1 | ||
19. | Как я провожу свои каникулы | 1 | ||
20. | Посещение Британии | 1 | ||
21. | Составление диалога-расспроса по теме «На каникулах» | 1 | ||
22. | Словообразование имен прилагательных при помощи суффиксов | 1 | ||
23. | Пересказ «Великобритания» | 1 | ||
24. | Числительные «сто, тысяча, миллион»: правила употребления | 1 | ||
25. | Географические названия: употребление в речи. Подготовка к контрольной работе. | 1 | ||
26. | Контрольная работа № 1 «Словообразование» | 1 | ||
27. | Работа над ошибками. Закрепление пройденного материала. | 1 | ||
Итого за первую четверть 27 часов. 2 четверть 7 недель – 21 час. | ||||
28. | Введение и активизация ЛЕ по теме «Посещение Лондона» | 1 | ||
29. | Наречия «также», «тоже» в предложениях: правила употребления | 1 | ||
30. | Достопримечательности Лондона | 1 | ||
31. | Климат Великобритании | 1 | ||
32. | Города Великобритании | 1 | ||
33. | Ирландия | 1 | ||
34. | Систематизация и обобщении знаний по теме «Посещение Британии» | 1 | ||
Праздники, традиции, фестивали 17 часов | ||||
35. | Вопросительные слова в придаточных предложениях. | 1 | ||
36. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Традиции, праздники, фестивали» | 1 | ||
37. | Ознакомительное чтение по теме «Традиции, праздники, фестивали» | 1 | ||
38. | Общие вопросы в косвенной речи: правила употребления | 1 | ||
39. | Побудительные предложения в косвенной речи | 1 | ||
40. | Празднование Дня рождения | 1 | ||
41. | Мой День рождения | 1 | ||
42. | Составление диалога-расспроса по теме «Традиции, праздники, фестивали» | 1 | ||
43. | Подготовка к контрольной работе. | 1 | ||
44. | Контрольная работа № 2 « Косвенная речь» | 1 | ||
45. | Работа над ошибками. Повторение «Косвенная речь» | 1 | ||
46. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Празднование Нового Года» | 1 | ||
47. | Рождество в России | 1 | ||
48. | Рождество в Британии | 1 | ||
Итого за 2 четверть 21 час. 3 четверть – 11 недель, 33 часа. | ||||
49. | Предлоги времени: правила употребления | 1 | ||
50. | Написание поздравлений с Рождеством | 1 | ||
51. | Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «Традиции, праздники, фестивали» | 1 | ||
Страна через океан 17 часов | ||||
52. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «США» | 1 | ||
53. | Столица США | 1 | ||
54. | Простое будущее время: формы и значения | 1 | ||
55. | Глагол «Shall»: правила употребления | 1 | ||
56. | Предлоги после глагола «прибывать»: употребление в речи | 1 | ||
57. | Придаточные предложения времени: правила употребления | 1 | ||
58. | Придаточные предложения условия: правила употребления | 1 | ||
59. | Климат США | 1 | ||
60. | США сегодня | 1 | ||
61. | Города США | 1 | ||
62. | Нью Йорк | 1 | ||
63. | Географические названия США | 1 | ||
64. | Коренные жители США. | 1 | ||
65. | Просмотровое чтение по теме «США» | 1 | ||
66. | Монологические высказывания по теме «США» | 1 | ||
67. | Активизация ЛЕ по теме «США» | 1 | ||
68. | Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «США» | 1 | ||
Любимое времяпровождение 17 часов | ||||
69. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Любимое времяпрепровождение». | 1 | ||
70. | Обучение ведению диалога по теме «Погодные условия». | 1 | ||
71. | Погода в Лондоне | 1 | ||
72. | Погода в Москве | 1 | ||
73. | Погода в Лондоне и в Москве в разное время года и хобби | 1 | ||
74. | Особенности каждого времени года | 1 | ||
75. | Любимое хобби | 1 | ||
76. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Одежда на каждый случай». | 1 | ||
77. | Существительные, употребляющие только во множественном числе | 1 | ||
78. | Составление диалога-расспроса по теме «Одежда» | 1 | ||
79. | Подготовка к контрольной работе | 1 | ||
80. | Контрольная работа № 3 «США» | 1 | ||
81. | Работа над ошибками. Закрепление пройденного материала. | 1 | ||
Итого за 3 четверть 33 часа. 4 четверть 7 недель 21 час. | ||||
82. | Будущее время в изъяснительных придаточных предложениях: правила употребления | 1 | ||
83. | Монологические высказывания по теме «Одежда» | 1 | ||
84. | Покупки | 1 | ||
85 | Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «Любимое времяпрепровождение» | 1 | ||
Какие мы? 17 часов | ||||
86. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «То, как мы выглядим» | 1 | ||
87. | Модальные глаголы «Мочь», «Должен»: формы и значения | 1 | ||
88. | Модальные глаголы «Мочь» и его эквивалент: правила употребления | 1 | ||
89. | Введение и первичная активизация ЛЕ по теме «Строение человека» | 1 | ||
90. | Внешний вид человека | 1 | ||
91. | Характеристика человека | 1 | ||
92. | Модальный глагол «должен» и его эквивалент | 1 | ||
93. | Слова со значением «довольно»: правила употребления | 1 | ||
94. | Высказывания по теме «То, как мы выглядим» на основе плана | 1 | ||
95. | Модальный глагол «следует»: употребление в речи | 1 | ||
96. | За столом | 1 | ||
97. | Модальный глагол «may»: употребление в речи | 1 | ||
98. | Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «То, как мы выглядим» | 1 | ||
99. | Повторение по теме «Модальные глаголы» | 1 | ||
100. | Краткое сообщение на тему «То, как мы выглядим». Подготовка к контрольной работе. | 1 | ||
101. | Итоговая контрольная работа «Модальные глаголы» | 1 | ||
102. | Работа над ошибками. Повторение | 1 | ||
Итого 4 четверть-7 недель-21 час Итого за год-34 недели-102 часа |
Входная контрольная работа 6 класс
Variant I
I. Find the odd word.
- fireplace , sofa, armchair, cooker
- first,two,ninth, sixth
- cat,fox, pig, rabbit
II. Filling the gaps with pronouns.
- Mary is doing … homework.
- We have … English lesson in the evening.
- Mark is putting on … rain-coat.
- I often do … homework.
- This lady’s surname is Smith. What’s … first name?
- Please sit down. Is it … document?
- We have a cat. … is kind.
III. Write the words in plural form.
a child, a snake, a watch, a city, a day, a tomato, a wolf
IV. Rewrite sentences and choose the correct answer: am / is/ are.
1). I ____ Ben. 2). I _____ little and happy. 3). My dad _____ Tom. 4). He ______ big. 5). We _____ from Boston. 6). What _______ your name? 7). Where _______ you from?
V. Complete five sentences in the right form.
- like/you/do/tennis/playing (?)
- runs/morning/she/in/always/the (.)
- brother/his/play/Bill/does/with (?)
- usually/TV/Andy/watch/doesn’t (.)
- school/never/on/we/to/Sundays/go (.)
VI. Read the text and answer the questions.
The Browns live in London. They are a very big family – a father, his two sons, a grandmother, her sister, a grandfather, and their pets. Mr. Brown’s name is John. He doesn’t have a wife. His sons’ names are Andrew and Paul. Andrew is 1. Paul is 7. They like playing football, but hate playing volleyball. Their grandmother and grandfather like riding bikes in the morning. Grandmother’s sister Ann doesn’t like riding a bike, she likes running.
- How old is Andrew?
- Does Paul have a brother?
- Who is Ann?
- Does Paul like playing volleyball?
- Can grandfather ride a bike?
Входная контрольная работа 6 класс
Variant II
I. Find the odd word.
- fly, can, ride, drive
- plane, car, bus, bike
- living room, kitchen, flat, hall
II. Filling the gaps with pronouns.
- We have a big garden. … garden is young.
- The book is new. … is rather interesting.
- Jane is a nice girl. What’s … name?
- I’m Kathy Brown. … family is large.
- He has a lot of friends. … friends are also students.
- You are doing well. … marks are always good.
- This table is too small. What’s … length?
III. Write the words in plural form.
a street, a foot, a boy, a potato, a body, a shelf, a dress
IV. Rewrite sentences and choose the correct answer: am / is/ are.
1). I ____ Kate. 2) . I _____ from Rostov.3). My mum _____ Betty. 4). She ______ not old. 5). We _____ happy. 6). What _______ your name? 7).Where _______ you from?
V. Complete five sentences in the right form.dog/feed/always/my/I (.)
- doesn’t/a/Fred/car/drive (.)
- you/zoo/often/do/go/the/to (?)
- never/Mary/cars/plays/with (.)
- go/does/the/Lulu/swimming pool/to (?)
VI. Read the text and answer the questions.
Kate lives in Moscow in a big house. Its walls are red. The house is modern. Kate has a car. It is a dark green Opel, but she likes riding a purple bike. She likes going to the cinema, but she doesn’t like going to the shops.
Lena lives at the lake. She loves the lake, the trees and the flowers, but she doesn’t like roses. Lena has a small house. The walls are white. She can swim very well. She has a lot of pets. Her horse’s name is Snow. Lena likes riding a horse.
- Does Lena live in Moscow?
- Can Kate ride a bike?
- Is Opel Lena’s car?
- Does Lena like flowers?
- What colour is Kate’s house?
Контрольная работа № 1 « Словообразование»
I variant.
- Вставьте слова по смыслу.
Still other enemies century defend architect fairly
- I have no …, only friends.
- We all live in the 21st … .
- I can say that I know my home town … well.
- They want to travel to Great Britain and some … places.
- He is not a child but he … likes ice cream.
- This is my home and I must … it.
- My brother says he would like to become an … .
- Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.
- There are a lot of forks but … knives on the table.
а)little b) few
2. The task was difficult and I had … hope for my success.
а)little b) few
- Alec was very secretive; … of his friends knew about his problems.
а) little b) few
- Выбери правильный вариант
- The Urals are not very (high/tall).
- Can you (hear/listen to) attentively?
- She (hears/listens to) him in the dark (темнота), but not answers.
- Freddy doesn`t like to (miss/take) a plane. He is afraid.
- Sally wants to (miss/take) a train. She doesn`t like the idea of travelling.
4.Прочитайте текст и предложения после текста. Какие из предложений правильные (True), ложные (False) или таких предложений нет в тексте (Not stated).
Tsarskoe selo. The town of Hushkin.
The town of Pushkin is situated 25 kilometres south of ST Petersburg.It first appeared as the summer residence ['rezidsns] of the Russian tsars and had the name of Tsarskoe Selo. In 1918, the town got a different name — Detskoe Selo. Then in 1937, it became Pushkin. The history of the town of Pushkin goes back to early 18th century. At that time Tsar Peter I (1682—1721) gave this land to his favourite, Prince Alexander Menshikov, but later took his present back1 and gave it to his wife, Ekaterina Alekseevna, the future Empress2 Catherine I (1684—1727). In 1724 the first palace appeared. From that, time people began to name the place “Tsarskoe Selo”.The town of Pushkin got its name much later to honour3 Russia’s great poet. It has many places of interest. One of them is the Lycee [Ti:sei] Museum. The Lycee was the school where Alexander Pushkin spent six years, made some good friends and wrote many poems.
- The first name of the town of Pushkin was Tsarskoe Selo.
- The Lycee where Alexander Pushkin was a student was situated in St Petersburg.
- The Lycee opened its doors to the first students in 1811.
- During its history, the town of Pushkin changed its name three times.
Контрольная работа № 1 «Словообразование»
II variant.
- Вставьте слова по смыслу.
Moved appear fast banks columns monuments founded
- Every river has two … .
- In 1703 Tsar Peter … a new city near the Baltic Sea.
- The tall … make the theatre look very beautiful.
- Do you know that there are … to animals in different places of the world?
- The capital … from Moscow to St Petersburg and then back to Moscow.
- More and more new theatres and museums … in our city every year.
- Everything around us changes very … .
2. Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.
- Many people are coming to the party, but there are … chairs in the room.
а)little b) few
- Is there is much water in the bottle? - Oh, no. There is … water in it.
a) little b) few
3. There are … apples in the garden because there was little rain this summer.
а)little b) few
3. выбери правильный вариант
1. . The stars were (high/tall) in the dark sky.
2. Nobody (hears/listens to) anything. Everything was quiet (тихо).
3. They (hear/listen to) story badly, because they are too young.
4. Sam didn`t (miss/take) a taxi. He lived not far from his work.
5. Lily always (misses/takes) a bus. She is very slowly.
4.Прочитайте фразы (a-d) и текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте.
- large gardens around the palaces
- St Petersburg’s Winter Palace
- has not very many places of interest
- can see beautiful paintings
Tsarskoye Selo. The Town of Pushkin
During the 18th century, the Romanov tsars built two wonderful palaces at Tsarskoye Selo. There are (1) …. Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the architect of (2) ….built the so-called Catherine ['kaeGrin] Palace. It is very big. Visitors (3) …on the walls of the palace’s large halls. The Alexander Palace appeared later. Catherine the Great (1729—1796) decided to build it for her grandson, the future Tsar Alexander I (1777—1825). This neoclassical palace was the favourite home of the last Russian Tsar Nicolas II and his family The Alexander Park around the palace (4)….. The Catherine Park is richer and more interesting for tourists and it is very pleasant to be there in summer.
Контрольная работа № 2
«Reported speech.»
Name __________________________ form _____________________
Task 1. Open the brackets to complete the sentences
- Sam ______________(play) tennis for 6 years.
- He ________________(get up) early every day.
- It _________________(not rain) now.
- It __________________(shine) at 8 o’clock yesterday.
- ____________ she________________(go) to the cinema last week?
Task 2. Change the sentences into the Passive.
- Jane should feed the fish.
- I can’t draw animals.
- Liza must do her homework.
- People catch fish in all rivers.
- I will write a letter tomorrow.
Task 3. Write the same in the reported speech.
- Bob: “I like ice-cream.”
- Jane:”Where did he buy this book?”
- Nelly:”Will you bring me that book?”
- Polly:”Bring me a cup of tea, Mary.”
- Suzy:”I can’t play tennis.”_____________________________
Контрольная работа №3 « США. Погода»
1. Выпишите неподходящее по смыслу слово
pear, apricot, swamp, peach, berry, apple
humid, vast, hot, cold, dry, rainy
lady, stepmother, private, gentleman, storyteller, major
skyscraper, shore, beach, desert, farmland, grassland,
waterway, sea, ocean, swamp, river, hemisphere
- Вставить слова по смыслу, найти лишнее слово
mixture, except, to measure, chain, sandy, great-grandparents, trust
1) She has got a golden _________.
2) This salad is a ___________ of fruits.
3) Our ___________________ are very old.
4) His profession was ______________ land.
5) He is a gentleman. You may _________ him.
6) These shores are ___________.
3. Поставьте глагол в нужное время и определите его P.S., P.Cont., P.P.
1) While he (to sleep) yesterday, his sister (to clean) the house.
2) He (to travel) to the U.S.A. last year.
3) Yesterday by 6 o’clock in the morning the sun (to rise).
4) After the children (to enter) school, the rain (to begin).
5) 5 years ago my brother (to finish) school.
6) Yesterday at 5 p.m. I (to do) mathematics.
7) He (not to like) to read English texts yesterday.
8) Before the path (to end), we (to reach) the forest.
9) While his mother (to be) in the office, he (to work) in the garden.
10) Yesterday the children (to build) wonderful sand skyscrapers.
4. Выберите правильный ответ:
1. There are … states in the United States. a) 38 b) 50 c) 13
2. How many people live in the U.S.A?
a) about 500 mln people b) about 250 mln people c) about 300 mln people
3. What river is called the “father of waters”?
a) the Mississippi b) the Missouri c) the Thames
4. Why America is called the melting pot?
a) Because many people live there b) because there are many deserts
c) because people from different nationalities live there
5. The first President of the U.S.A. was
a) Abraham Lincoln b) John Washington c) George Washington
6. The first American president …
a) wrote the US Constitution b) signed the Emancipation Proclamation
c) served 3 terms
7. Abe Lincoln was the … American President.
a) 18th b) 16th c) 6th
8. Abraham Lincoln …
a) wrote The US Constitution b) was born in a rich family
c) signed the Emancipation Proclamation
9. Australia is in the …
a) Southern Hemisphere b) Northern Hemisphere c) Western Hemisphere
10. Australia’s capital is …
a) Queensland b) Canberra c) Sydney
Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс
1.Соотнесите начало и конец предложений.
1) I arrived at the airport after the plane had taken | a) in |
2) She's been looking after his turtle for 3 days and it's time to give it | b) for |
3) Steve hasn't done his homework yet and he has to stay | c) off |
4) We gave up remembering a fairy story and decided to make it | d) back |
5) This is the key you are looking | e) up |
2.Прочитайте текст и определите истинность высказываний 1 - 5. Свой ответ выберите из вариантов a и b.
Do animals matter?
We know about and can give names to about one million animals. But there are more than thirty million species of animals in the world. Every year some of these species disappear and we'll never see them again. But with thirty million different species, do one or two matter? Different people give different answers to this question, but more and more people are saying, "Of course, they do - they are all important!" So why do people think so?
One answer is this: animals make the world a richer place, a more interesting and a more beautiful place to live in. Secondly, animals help us in many important ways. They give us meat to eat and milk to drink, and we can make things to wear from their coats. Scientists learn a lot from animals and it helps them to understand people. Doctors take things from animals, alive or dead, to help sick people. Thirdly, it is natural for us to protect animals because we are animals too. Many of these living things are in danger. Without our help, a lot more animals are going to die. People and animals live in one world. Our land is their land; our trees are their trees; our rivers are their rivers. We want to protect animals because at the same time we are protecting our world.
a) true b) false
1) People know all the animals living on the planet Earth.
2) A few species become extinct every year.
3) There are several reasons proving that all animals are important.
4) Animals give us a lot of things that we use.
5) We protect animals only because we want to get useful things from them.
3.Выберите из скобок верный вариант.
1) When I (come / will come / came), my mom will be cooking.
2) Is it a (forgotten / forgot / forgetting) castle?
3) I saw my brother (cleared / clear / to clear) the table.
4) A new king (is / was / will be) crowned tomorrow.
5) We won't let our children (eat / to eat / eating) a lot of sugar.
6) Mammals (have been living / lived / are living) on the Earth for 240 million years.
7) Did he ask (they / their / them) to stretch the rope?
4. Соотнесите две части словосочетаний.
1) what a | a) on History |
2) in the east | b) big money |
3) such | c) exciting |
4) a book | d) in Math |
5) so | e) nice trip |
6) lessons | f) of Canada |
5. Соотнесите ряды слов и обобщающее понятие.
1) Queensland, the Great Sandy Desert, Brisbane | a) the USA |
2) Lowlands, Glasgow, Holyrood Palace | b) Northern Ireland |
3) York, the Fens, Kent | c) Australia |
4) island, Belfast, green valleys | d) Wales |
5) Cardiff, Celtic language, Swansea | e) England |
6) Philadelphia, the Niagara Falls, the Statue of Liberty | f) Scotland |
6. Ответьте на вопрос полным предложением.
1) What is the weather usually like in London?
2) Are there a lot of industrial cities in Wales?
3) What was William Shakespeare?
4) What American presidents do you know?
5) What is your favourite holiday? Why?
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