How to write an essay
занимательные факты по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)



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How to write an essay…(example)

Computer games: pros and cons  

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Some people think that instead of playing computer games teenagers should spend their free time on physical activities, whereas others do not agree. They believe that computer games are not bad at all.

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I think that there is nothing wrong with playing computer games. First of all, some of them are educational and interactive . Pupils can learn a lot of new information just playing computer games. Secondly, modern games are a lot of fun as well as relaxing and I would say even therapeutic. Nowadays, school boys and girls have plenty of homework and they need some quality time to relax. 

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At the same time there are people who believe that teenagers should spend more time doing physical activities. They think that playing computer games is nothing but a waste of time and it is far more important for them to develop physically.

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Actually, I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a few reasons.  I consider  playing computer games is not a bad thing in itself. People just need to learn to not over do it. If a person is disciplined, they can do both: play computer games with no harm to their health and do physical activities. It does not have to be all one and not the other.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that computer games have become a part of modern people's lives. A lot of educational programs have been integrated in those games and playing them has become more than just entertainment. Nevertheless, teens should make sure those games do not become their lives. Yet, I still support the idea of playing computer games since I see more pros in it than cons. 

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