Some Useful Prompts How to Write an Essay
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Some Useful Prompts How to Write an Essay
If you are going to write an analytical essay it will include the Introduction, Paragraphs (the main part) and Conclusion.
The aim of introduction is to grab the reader's attention. Very often an introduction may present an interesting fact, a surprising piece of information, an exciting quotation, a paradox, a short anecdote, a provocative question. The whole introduction should lead to the presentation of your main issue. State it in the end of your introduction, so that the reader will know what position you will take in your essay. Be careful not to go into details.
Paragraphs follow the introduction. Each paragraph should have a clear singular focus. You should develop the idea you began your paragraph with, but not switch from one idea to another. A paragraph is a unit of thought. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, describing the point of a paragraph. A paragraph can't be too short. Not to repeat the same things use the following techniques to develop a paragraph: illustrate your idea with examples; give a quotation; think of possible counterarguments and respond to them; back your idea with more evidence; offer another approach; elaborate on causes/effects, definitions, comparison/contrast. To connect the paragraphs use linkers (first of all, in addition, finally, opposite to, in conclusion).
Conclusion summarises your ideas in a clear manner. It restates the main idea in a fresh way. To impress the reader more you can give a thought-provoking quotation, describe a powerful image, talk about consequences, state what action needs to be done, explain why the topic is important.
Always think about the language and style. When you cite, quote only catchy and memorable sentences and phrases and try to keep your quatations short. Use a variety of cited sources. Follow up your quatation with commentary, interpretation or analysis of your own. To introduce the quatations use signal phrases, such as: according to Smith or Smith says ... Avoid personal references (I fell, I think) as it is a weak argument. Speak in general. Use correct words whith the meaning you want to convey. Always use the dictionaries to check those meanings. Vary your sentence length. Mix up short choppy sentences and long ones. Avoid sexist pronouns -he- or -she-, better use plural. Maintain a level of formality (do not be too informal). Also be cool-headed and objective, avoid emotionalism.
Mind your grammar! Sentences should be complete. There should be no run-ons (you can't blend two sentences into one without punctuation. Several independent clauses should be connected with conjunctions: but, or, so, nor, yet...) Observe Tense Shift, Subject-Verb Agreement, mind the agreement of pronouns.
The general criteria for a high school or college essay are:
Content - logic, evidence, development.
Organisation - focus, structure, unity.
Source integration - in-text integraty, in-text citation, cited works pointed out.
Language - grammar, clarity, style.
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