Срез знаний за 1 полугодие в 9 классе
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Евдокименко Юлия Александровна

Срез за 1 полугодие (раздатка) 9 класс в 2х вариантах с ответами


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Контрольный срез знаний в 9 классе

За I полугодие

Variant - I

  1. When Olga was a child, she ... a lot of books about sea monsters.
  1. used to have     b. was having    c. would have
  1. Imagine how … it would be to visit this town.
  1. excited      b. exciting        c. excite
  1. He is interested … learning about other cultures.
  1. for       b. in      c. at
  1. The kids … TV at the moment.
  1. are watching      b. is watching     c. were watching
  1. Kate is tired. She … since morning.
  1. is working       b. works        c. has been working
  1. Jane isn’t very …; she avoids meeting new people or being in public places.
  1. helpful        b. silly       c. sociable
  1. David … of dressing up as a pirate for the Halloween party on Saturday.
  1. thinks      b. is thinking    c. is going to think
  1. Olga will help me with my homework as soon as she …the phone.
  1. will get off     b. gets off       c. is getting off
  1. Anne … to fix it all morning and it still doesn’t work.
  1. has tried       b. has been trying      c. tries
  1.  Susan … skydiving before, and she was very excited about her first dive.
  1. Never tried         b. has never tried       c. had never tried

Контрольный срез знаний в 9 классе

За I полугодие

Variant - II

  1. It was a really ... party.

a. boring         b. bored          c. bore

  1. Mark, … cousin works on the ISS, wants to become an astronaut too someday.

a. who          b. whose          c. which

  1. My sister can’t wait … Christmas to come.

a. at            b. for           c. at

  1. Emma is on holiday, so I … after the cat.

a. ‘m looking         b. is looking     c. are looking

  1. This rose … nice and sweet.

a. smell           b. is smelling          c. smells

  1. Cake sales are a great way to … money for charities, as they are easy to organize and inexpensive.

a. win          b. attract          c. raise

  1. One of the most exciting events in Berin’s Carnival of Cultures is its colorful, four-day … .

a. march          b. parade          c. contest

  1. You can’t make George … his secret if he doesn’t want to.

a. to tell            b. tell             c. telling

  1. This time next month , the astronauts … the Earth.

a. are orbiting            b. will be orbiting           c. will orbit

  1.  You’d better save your documents  … the computer crashes.

a. So that              b. in order that          c. in case

Answers: 1-a, 2-b, 3- b, 4- a, 5- c, 6- c, 7- b, 8- b, 9- b, 10- c

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