Самостоятельная работа по теме Passive Voice
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Самостоятельная работа по теме "Passive Voice" для 10 класса(учебник Spotlight 10)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Fill in the gaps

1. The problem …………………. to the children. (explained / was explained) 2. Those pyramids ……………………. around 400 AD. (built / were built) 3. All the trouble ……………………….. by your mother. (has caused / was caused) 4. The visitors ……………………. (were shown / have shown) a collection of old manuscripts. 5. I …………………. him ten thousand pounds last year. (lend / lent / was lent) 6. She …………………… of spiders. (frightened / is frightened) 7. That picture …………………. by my grandmother. (painted / was painted) 8. I ………………….. by his attitude. (shocked / have shocked / was shocked) 9. Excuse the mess. The house ………………… (is painting / is being painted / has painted) 10. I knew why I …………………. (had chosen / had been chosen)

Change into Passive

  1. Ms Sullivan teaches us grammar.


      2. The teacher praised him. ____________________________________________________________________________________

     3. The firemen took the injured to the hospital. _____________________________________________________________________________________

     4. An earthquake destroyed the town. _____________________________________________________________________________________

     5. The boy’s work pleased the teacher. ____________________________________________________________________________________

    6. The fire damaged the building. ____________________________________________________________________________________

    7. Who taught you French? ____________________________________________________________________________________

    8. The manager will give you a ticket. _____________________________________________________________________________________

    9. Everyone will blame us. _____________________________________________________________

   10. The police caught the thieves. ____________________________________________________________________________________


  1. We are taught grammar by Ms Sullivan. 2. He was praised by the teacher. 3. The injured were taken to the hospital by the firemen. 4. The town was destroyed by an earthquake. 5. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work. 6. The building was damaged by the fire. 7. By whom were you taught French? 8. You will be given a ticket by the manager. 9. The streets were thronged with spectators. 10. We will be blamed by everyone. 11. The trees were blown down by the wind. 12. The thieves were caught by the police. 13. The letter was posted by Alice. 14. We were received by the hostess. 15. The snake was killed with a stick. 16. The minister was welcomed by the people. 17. He was found guilty of murder. 18. This house was built by John Mathews in 1991

1. The problem was explained to the children. 2. Those pyramids were built around 400 AD. 3. All the trouble was caused by your mother. 4. The visitors were shown a collection of old manuscripts. 5. I lent him ten thousand pounds last year. 6. She is frightened of spiders. 7. That picture was painted by my grandmother. 8. I was shocked by his attitude. 9. Excuse the mess. The house is being painted. 10. I knew why I had been chosen

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