Самостоятельная работа на тему "Passive Voice. Continuous group"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Вдовина Ирина Николаевна

Самостоятельная работа с двумя вариантами, в каждом из которых даны три задания. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice

Continuous group

Variant 1

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Passive.

1. The oranges _________________ (buy) now.

2. Sandwiches ___________________ (make) now.

3. The song _________________ (not/sing) now.

4. ______the candles ________________________ (light) now?

5. What lecture ____________________ (give) now?

2. Complete the answers to the questions using the Past Continuous Passive.

1. Did she return you the CD yesterday? – No, it __________________________ (listen) to.

2. Why didn’t you put that black shirt on? – It ____________________________ (wash).

3. Why didn’t he hear the doorbell? – The carpet ___________________________ (vacuum).

3.Translate into English.

1. Этим компьютером сейчас не пользуются.

2. Комнату сейчас убирают.

3. Доклад вчера слушали полчаса.

4. Ваш костюм вчера гладили 20 минут.

5. Ждут его?

Passive Voice

Continuous group

Variant 2

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Passive.

1. The letter ______________ (write) now.

2. Whose report ________________________ (listen) to at the moment?

3. ______ the news ____________________ (report) at the moment?

4. The newspaper ________________ (not/read) at the moment.

5. _______the interview________________________ (give) now?

  1. Complete the answers to the questions using the Past Continuous Passive.

1. Did they find a solution to that problem? – No, it ___________________________ (discuss).

2. Why didn’t you try the cake? – It ______________________________________ (bake).

3. Could he take the documents yesterday? – No, they_____________________________ (type).

  1. Translate into English.

1. Красили Вашу комнату долго вчера?

2. Обед готовят.

3. Пишут приглашения сейчас?

4. Мою машину вчера ремонтировали целый день.

5. Её сейчас спрашивают.

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