Изучение грамматики через просмотр видео Present Perfect
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
Изучение грамматики через просмотр видео Present Perfect
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Предварительный просмотр:
Never have I ever = Never ever have I – никогда- никогда раньше
Never-ever have I danced in the rain.
- Put the verb into the correct form.
- Never have I ever (steal) anything from a grocery store
- Never have I ever (use) someone else’s toothbrush.
- Never have I ever (say) a baby was cute when it was obviously ugly.
- Never-ever have I (be) to a nude beach.
- Never-ever have I (see) a ghost
- Never have I ever ( swallow) pool water by accident
- Never have I ever (dress) as the opposite sex.
- . Never have I ever (count) calories.
- . Never have I ever '(clean) up' by piling everything into a closet.
- . Never have I ever (watch) the "Gangnam Style" music video.
- . Never have I ever (scare) myself in a mirror.
- . Never have I ever (sing) in the shower.
- . Never have I ever secretly (wish) I were a wizard at Hogwarts.
- . Never have I ever (pretend) to laugh at a joke I didn't get.
- . Never have I ever (make) a duck face when taking a selfie.
- . Never have I ever (Google) my own name to see what comes up.
- . Never have I ever (pretend) I was running from zombies while on a run.
- Make a true sentence about you. Example. Never have I ever danced in the rain\I have danced in the rain.
have a slow dance in the moonlight.
be called arrogant.
dye my hair.
lie to my parents.
join the Dark side.
paint a room.
Dance on a table.
got a tattoo that I regret.
I lie to get a good
lie about my real age.
watch a full season of a TV show at one go.
- Watch the video of a talk show with Ellen and conduct the same interview in the class.
(98) 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Cast Plays Never Have I Ever - YouTube
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