Конкурс знатоков английской грамматики "Present Simple\ Present Perfect\ Past Simple"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Конкурсные задания для проверки знаний по теме "Present Simple\ Present Perfect \ Past Simple", внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке,6 класс.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конкурс знатоков английской грамматики. 6 класс
Цели:* обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (настоящее
неопределенное, прошедшее неопределенное, настоящее завершенное);
* закрепление грамматических навыков;
* тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.
Оборудование: грамматические задания на карточках, запись на доске.
Ход мероприятия:
Конкурс 1.
- Our topic is the tense English verb. The first task for you is to read the sentence and name the tense. You will have 5 minutes to do the task.
- I have never been to Great Britain.
- We play tennis every day.
- He usually goes to the shop in the evening.
- My uncle built his house 2 years ago.
- Bob has already done his homework.
- Nick was at school yesterday.
- Little children like to sledge in winter.
- I had 5 lessons оn Monday.
- They have lived in Moscow since Thursday.
- Present Perfect.
- Present Simple.
- Present Simple.
- Past Simple.
- Present Perfect.
- Past Simple.
- Present Simple.
- Past Simple.
- Present Perfect.
Конкурс 2.
- So we shall remember The Present Simple, the Present Perfect, the Past Simple. the next task for you is to answer my questions using these tenses.
- Do you have 5 lessons every day?
- Have you played tennis this week?
- Did you go to the shop yesterday?
- Did you have dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday?
- Do you usually play with your friends?
- Have you done your homework yet?
Конкурс 3.
- Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see the sentences and you will have to complete them.
Complete the sentences using the words DO/DOES, DID, HAVE/HAS, WAS/WERE
- …you like to play hockey? Yes, I …
- …your father clean his car 3 days ago? No, he …not.
- …she gone to school yet? Yes, she …
- They … done their homework.
- … you in the park yesterday? No, I …not.
- Helen …not have breakfast at 5 o’clock.
- Do, do.
- Did, did.
- Has, has.
- Have.
- Were, was.
- Does.
Конкурс 4. Конкурс капитанов.
- Now I want you to make questions from these sentences. You can use these words :
- I went to park with my brother yesterday.
- He has been to Africa with his sister this year.
- Who went to park with my brother yesterday?
- What did I do yesterday?
- Where did I go yesterday?
- When did I go to the park?
- With whom did I go to the park?
- Who has been to Africa with his sister this year?
- What has he done this year?
- Where has he been with his sister this year?
- When has he been to Africa with his sister?
- With whom has he been to Africa?
- It is time to count your score. Who is the winner of the game?
- Thank you for the lesson, children. Do you like the lesson? What do you like to do?
- It is time to say good-bye. Our lesson is over.
Task 1.
- I have never been to Great Britain.
- We play tennis every day.
- He usually goes to the shop in the evening.
- My uncle built his house 2 years ago.
- Bob has already done his homework.
- Nick was at school yesterday.
- Little children like to sledge in winter.
- I had 5 lessons оn Monday.
- They have lived in Moscow since Thursday.
Task 3.
Complete the sentences using the words DO/DOES, DID, HAVE/HAS, WAS/WERE
- …you like to play hockey? Yes, I …
- …your father clean his car 3 days ago? No, he …not.
- …she gone to school yet? Yes, she …
- They … done their homework.
- … you in the park yesterday? No, I …not.
- Helen …not have breakfast at 5 o’clock.
Task 4.
- Now I want you to make questions from these sentences. You can use these words :
- I went to park with my brother yesterday.
- He has been to Africa with his sister this year.
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