The Second World War (Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Литературно- музыкальная композиция по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Янгубаева В.С.
МБОУ «Школа - интернат С(П)ОО с. Арлан»
The Second World War
(Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку)
Цель: - воспитывать чувство патриотизма; гордости за нашу Родину;
- познакомить обучающихся с историей нашей страны в годы ВОВ;
- развивать речь учеников, раскрыть их индивидуальные творческие способности.
Оборудование: презентация PowerPoint, ресурсы Интернет (видеоролик, презентация, записи песен и музыки)
Форма: литературно-музыкальная композиция с использованием презентации.
Возрастная группа обучающихся: 8 – 11 кл.
Ход мероприятия
There are no victories great and small,
In war there’s but one victory.
One victory there is, as one love,
A single effort of the people…
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we’ll have an excellent chance to plunge in the atmosphere of Great Patriotic War. The Second World War was the largest military conflict in history. We will remember and speak about one of the greatest war on our planet it is the Second World war ( слайд1).
Pupil 1: Anna Akhmatova «Courage» (1942)
We know that our fate in the balance is cast
And we are the history makers.
The hour for courage has sounded at last
Our courage shall never forsake us.
We do not fear death where the wild bullets screech,
Nor weep over homes that are gutted,
For we shall preserve you, our own Russian speech,
The glorious language of Russia!
You free and pure utterance we shall convey
To new generations, unshackled you’ll stay
Teacher: On the 22nd of June 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. All people, young and old, stood proudly and fought together for motherland and her sons (слайды 2-3).
Villages burned, and cities blazed, leaving behind the ruins and ashes of lost fates. Fell soldiers, but rose, bleeding, and went on, went on to the Victory! ( слайды 4-6).
Песня «Священная война» (Translated by Aleksandr Artemov)
(сопровождается видеоклипом
Get up, the giant country,
Get up for mortal fight
With German horde uncounted,
With forces of the night
Let noble anger of the soul
Get boiled as a wave.
The people’s war, the holy war.
We’ll fight until the grave.
Let’s give repulse to oppressors
Of all the ardent thoughts.
To rapers and to murderers,
Let’s say the swear words.
We will not let the darkened wings
Fly over Motherland.
The native country spacious fields
Are not for fiend’s extend.
Teacher: What is the war? It’s death, pain, losts and tears. Broken lives, which will never see the sun, will never hug the children, will never feel the mother’s care, will never support their wives and husbands. There is no family in our country which didn’t lose somebody in this awful war (слайд 7).
Pupil 2: (“My Father» by O.Moisseyenko.)
“Who is your father,
My little lad?”
“My father is a hero
Of Stalingrad.
He fought for our country
With-fearless heart,
Was brave in the battle
When taking part.”
“My laddie, be worthy
To have his name!”
“My father serves Russia,
And I’ll do the same!
I’ll finish my school
And, later, become
A soldier, like Father,
And march to the drum!
Like him I’ll be brave and
On duty I’ll stand
Proud of my people,
My Motherland!
Teacher: Many Soviet people displayed outstanding heroism and courage. All young and old men fought shoulder to shoulder for every town and village. A lot of people lost their lives on the battle – fields. Some of them were titled Heroes of the Soviet Union, others were awarded medals and orders. The slogan of that time was “Everything for the front. Everything for victory!” Our country was turned into a military camp. True, it was women who had to do most of the work. They took over from their husbands and sons who had gone off to fight. Often old people and teenagers also worked at factories, sometimes, round the clock. Hundreds of thousands of people performed heroic deeds (слайд 8).
Pupil 3: He did not groan.
He only frowned
And deeply drank. And from the book there peered
Two hollow eyes.
Warm drops of blood dropped down
Into the iron dipper from the beard
Not playing hide -and- seek with death or for,
He strode on through these forests fool of gloom
Such men into the flame of battle speechless go;
And speechless to great miracles perform.
Песня «Катюша» («Katyusha» music by M.Blanter, words by M.Matusovsky,translated by Walter May).
(сопровождается видеоклипом
1. Apple-trees and pear-trees were a-blooming,
Mists were floating on the river deep,
And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming,} twice
On the river bank so high and deep
2. She went out, and sang so sweet and clearly,
Of the soft grey eagle of the steppes,
Of the one, the lad she loves so dearly,} twice
Of the one whose letters stills she keeps.
3. Song, oh maiden song above the water,
Fly forward the sunset bright and fair,
To the soldier on the distant border,
Bring Katyusha’s greetings on the air. } twice
4. May he think of her, so young and lovely,
May he hear her sing her song above,
May he guard and keep his native country,} twice
As Katyusha guards and keeps her love.
Teacher: The Soviet people won the Great Patriotic War against a powerful enemy, Nazi Germany and its allies, because our people were fighting a just war to liberate their own country.
The people of the world should remember that our country played the main role in the victory over fascism. We lost 27 million of our people and saved the world from fascism.
It was a very long and hard war for our people. But on the roof of the Reichstag the banner of victory waved in the spring skies over defeated Berlin on May, 1945 ( слайды 9-11).
Pupil 4: (L.N. Martinov «With soldiers coming back from war»)
With soldiers coming back from war,
All around clock the troop – trains roar,
The soldiers coming back from war,
As in a dream through Moscow pour.
Now back from war the old men come
And fathers, who are still quite young.
Back to Siberia they come,
The men who fish and trap and hunt.
Who drive machineries, who know
In peaceful valleys what to grow –
The giant – people now return…
The victor – people
Forward go!
Песня «День Победы» («Day of Victory» Words bу Vladimir Кharitonov. Music bу David Tukhmanov. Translated bу Тоm Botting)
(сопровождается видеоклипом
1. Day of Victory! Oh, how far away it seemed!
Like а daying ember, hope once hardly gleamed.
Scorched and choking, dusty, weary miles were those!
We аll did our best to bring our Victory close.
Oh, that Day of Victory! Cordite in the air,
Day so youthful,
Silver threads in golden hair.
Day of beauty,
Tears of joy gleamed everywhere.
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
Day of Victory!
2. Night and day your molten steel would light the skies,
Yоu, our land, our Mother, never closed your eyes.
Nights and days of struggle, bitter days were those!
We аll did our best to bring our Victory close.
3. Mother, darling, though not аll returned to уоu,
Let us run barefooted, racing through the dew!
Half the roads of Europe every soldier knows
We аll did our best to bring our Victory close.
Teacher: Dear children, a Victory day is a great day! This is the most important day in our country. It has been more than 75 years ago, but we know and remember those who died for us, who gave us life and hope for the peace and love. Very soon there will be no one who participated in the war ( слайды 12-15).
So our duty is to keep memory. Don’t forget those millions which are not with us, but in our hearts.
Let’s stand up and keep a minute’s silence to honour those who died in the war (слайд 16)
Pupil 5: «My Wish»
1. Реасе to уоu, people!
Under уоu feet
Мау Earth never shudder
Like а ship at sea.
2. Реасе to уоu, people !
Мау never the snow Catastrophically boiling
You’re fields overflow.
- Мау your lives bе brimful
Of good things, I pray
Your tomorrow bе better,
Тhаn yesterday.
Песня «Пусть всегда будет солнце» («May there always be sunshine!»)
(сопровождается видеоклипом
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