статья по английскому языку (9 класс)
информация о том, как правильно оформлять письмо на английском языке
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Предварительный просмотр:
Irina Lada
School No.23
It is well-known fact that English exam will be compulsory. To pass an exam successfully pupils should not only do exercises in Reading, Listening and Use of English but also write a personal letter to a friend who lives in one of the English-speaking countries. Thepersonal letter should have an appropriate amount of words, a certain contents and organization.
I would like to focus your attention on ways of training of our pupils in writing the personal letter.
Before pupilsstart writing the letter, theyshould remember the following rules:
1. Read attentively not only the task, but also a fragment of the English-speaking friend’s letter.
2. While reading the fragment pupils should point out three questions that English-speaking friend is asking.
3. Make up different types of questions for information request.
Writing the personal letter pupilsshould remember that:
1. The address and the date should be written in the right top corner of the letter.
2. Gratitude for the received letter and, perhaps, an apology that the answer wasn't written at once, is expressed in introduction.
3. The main part of the letter consists of the pupil’s answers to the questions asked by the English-speaking friend and three questions to the pen friend.
4. The conclusion of the letter includes mentioning of the future contacts and pupil’s signature.
It is necessary to begin to train children in writing the letter with the first steps of studying English. First of all, pupilsshould understand that there are certain rules of writing the letter. It consists of introduction, main part and conclusion.
Here is the model of the letter to the English-speaking friend:
Thanks for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you.
I’ll be happy to answer your questions.____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
That’s fantastic news about _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
That’s all for now.Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
What exercises can be used for training pupils in writing the letter?
- Match the parts of the personal letter to their arrangement on the scheme:
1) date;
2) beginning of the letter (introduction):
a) gratitude for the received letter;
b) an apology that the answer wasn't written at once;
3) signature;
4) the phrase about mentioning of the future contacts;
5) main part of the letter;
6) the finishing phrase;
7) address to the English-speaking friend;
8) address of the pupil.
- Draw the scheme of the personal letter.
- Write the name of the each element of the scheme.
- Arrange parts of the letter in the correct order:
A. Jack
B. Unfortunately, its happiness didn't last long. It had a terrible stomachache and we took it to the vet. What a great man! He wasn't afraid of Bobby's sharp teeth and gave that naughty dog a real treat.
C. Dear Mike,
D. Anyway, I'd better go now. Mum wants me to help with the shopping before I do my homework.
E. Best wishes,
F. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! I'm really glad your dog's much better now.
G. Well, you know the kids in my class are really friendly and we often have parties together. Three days ago I was at a birthday party. We had a lot of fun. We were dancing, listening to music, playing games. When we sat down to have a birthday cake we didn't find it on the table! But believe me, there was a very happy dog under the table!
- Count the number of words in the letter and make changes.
- Choose addresses to the friend which can be used in the personal letter:
Dear Richard,
Dear Madam,
Dear Aunt Mary,
Dear Mr Fountain,
Dear Alice,
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir,
Dear Editor.
- Choose the finishing phrases which can be used in the personal letter.
- Read each phrase and define where it can be used at the beginning or at the end of the letter.
- Find and correct the mistakes in the letter.
It will be very useful to write an example of the letter which will help pupils to get ready for the exam.
- Бондарева В.В. Обучениеписьмунаиностранномязыке: назревшаянеобходимость. - ELT, Dinternal, 1999.
- Гальскова Н.Д. Современнаяметодикаобученияиностраннымязыкам. – М.: АР – КТИ, 2000г.
- Маслыко Е.А. Настольнаякнигапреподавателяиностранногоязыка. – Минск, 2004.
- Пассов Е.И. Обучениеписьму: учебноепособие. – Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002г.
- Соловова Е.Н. Обучениеписьму. - ELT, Dinternal, 2000.
- Филатов В.М. Методикаобученияиностраннымязыкам в начальной и основнойобщеобразовательнойшколе. -Ростов –на –Дону: Феникс, 2004г.
- Электронный ресурс:
- Электронныйресурс: k_gia.uchimsya_pisat_pismo._trenirovochnye_uprazhneniya.docx.
- Электронный ресурс: http://егэша.рф/news/letter/2012-05-15-112.
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