Environmental Protection in Khabarovskij region as an example of Question Formulation technique at English lessons.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Головко Анастасия Борисовна

Topic: Environmental protection in Khabarovskiy Region.


  • to search the information about different kinds of pollution in our region (water pollution, air pollution, for example) and ways of their reducing.

  • to develop specific research skills (including obtaining and accessing information, evaluating the usefulness of resources, and planning collaboratively) as well as better reading, writing, and thinking abilities.

  • to activate lexicon on this topic and develop grammar skills.


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Environmental Protection in Khabarovskij region as an example of Question Formulation technique at English lessons.

By Anastasia Golovko

Liceum №33,


Khabarovskij region


Subject: English language.

Topic: Environmental protection in Khabarovskiy Region.


  • to search the information about different kinds of pollution in our region (water pollution, air pollution, for example) and ways of their reducing.
  • to develop specific research skills (including obtaining and accessing information, evaluating the usefulness of resources, and planning collaboratively) as well as better reading, writing, and thinking abilities.
  • to activate lexicon on this topic and develop grammar skills.

In the past, when I assigned research projects to help my students develop those skills, many students struggled or even disengaged from the process. So I want to try to use the Question Formulation Technique at various points in my instruction.

The following example demonstrates how, in one 45-minute lesson, I'm going to deploy the technique at the beginning of my environmental protection unit to help my students develop divergent, convergent, and metacognitive thinking abilities.

Step 1.

I understand that my students are differ in their prior knowledge, so I decided to use a barebones question focus - just the types of the environmental pollutions I want my students to learn about. I don't know what my students will do with these them, but it's interesting for me to see what questions they will ask as they begin their study.

Step 2.

I'm going to ask my students to ask as many questions as they can, not to stop to judge, discuss, edit, or answer any question, write down every question exactly as it was asked and change any statements into questions.

I want to split the students into small groups of three or four.  I have created a RealTime Board for this project and now my students should write their question focus there. I give them ten minutes for this task.  Here are the initial questions that can be produced by one group of students, whose focus is air pollution:

  1. What causes air pollution?
  2. What types of air pollution are there in Khabarovskiy Region?
  3. What can we do to reduce air pollution in our region?

Step 3.

As my purpose is to create questions for further research, I ask my students to choose three open-ended questions they want to use in their research and to think about which questions would be most interesting and productive to explore. Then my students will discover answers for these key questions and public their researches with pictures and may be video at our RealTime Board.


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