Конспект урока Present Simple V Present Continuous 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Поливода Надежда Леонидовна

Конспект урока в соответствии с ФГОС , практически направленный, урок ведется на английском языке


Microsoft Office document icon present_simple_or_present_continuous.doc1013 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon polivodan_lesson_planning.doc58 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Complete the sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous


Векторный клипарт девочка с медведем

Векторный клипарт девочка с мальчиком

Векторный клипарт девочка с кружкой

Векторный клипарт девочка с кошкой







Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan


Nadezhda Polivoda







Spotlight 5





45 min


Main Aim: Students will be able to use the appropriate tense Present Simple or Present Continuous to describe different situations in their lives. And explain why.

Skills Aims: Students will be able to read short dialog for gist, for specific information and write down the sentences in Present Continuous from the dialog. Students will be able to speak accurately and fluently about actions happening now and daily routines/habits.

Functional Aims: Students will be able to describe their photos of holidays or their lifestyles.

Lexical Aims: Students will be able to use the lexical set of the words connected with clothes in a variety of contexts.

Structural Aims (receptive): Students will be able to analyze and differentiate between Present Simple and Present Continuous

Structural Aims (productive): Students will be able to use Present Simple or Present Continuous correctly while speaking about their lifestyles.


  1. Spotlight 5 Student’s book
  2. Spotlight 5 class CD
  3. Extra printables – a communicative game
  4. Presentation Present Simple Vs Present Continuous
  5. Exercises with pictures

Anticipated Problems

  1. Students may be unfamiliar with pronunciation of Present Simple and Continuous tenses.
  2. SS may be unfamiliar with the time expressions.
  3. SS may have problem to understand the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous.
  4. SS may have difficulties with understanding the rules of the communicative game.

Planned Solutions

  1. Use the PPP structure.
  2. Elicit the words fast or skip the stage of presentation.
  3. Drill the usage Present Simple and Continuous tenses.
  4. words in various contexts, come back to the most difficult ones at the end of the class.
  5. Change interaction patterns. Allow SS to work individually due to their personal learning styles.
  6. Demonstrate by an example. Ask instructions checking questions.
  7. Provide the student with a set of extra printables.

Stages and Aim


Interaction and Time

  1. Warmer

To warm the SS up and to collect their attention to start class.


To drill the pr-n of the sound /æ/, and the diphthong /eɪ/

II. Lead-in

To activate SS’ schemata for the topic of the lesson.

III. Vocabulary 

To present/revise and practice the time expression

A greeting.

SS answer the teacher`s hello.

(Hi, there children! How is it going? Everything goes well, thank you. How are you today? I`m OK, thank you.)

Task: Do you remember days of a week? Let`s name them, please. Ok, great.

Let`s name some opposites, like big-small, beautiful-ugly…

Tongue twister: A black cat sat on a mat And ate a fat rat.

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

A question-based discussion.

SS answer the following questions:

Can you describe, what clothes are you wearing now?

I`m wearing a nice, short, black dress. What about you?

SS answers.

But what are your favorite clothes? The ones you can wear every day. I often wear jeans. And you?

SS answers

Today we are going to talk about actions that you do every day or regularly and actions, which are happening now. Let’s start with some words.

1. New vocabulary. SS open their books at page 88. Focus on the clothes vocabulary ex.N2 and the example at the bottom of the page. In pairs, Sts describe the people`s clothes.

 Paircheck. Focus on the words with difficult pronunciation; drill the pronunciation of the words.

2. Time expressions of Present Simple and Present Continuous. Eliciting.

SS answer the following questions:

When we use Present Simple and when we use Present Continuous??

SS continue the teacher`s sentences.

We use Present Simple to describe actions, which happen …… regularly.

What time expressions do you know? …… every day, usually and so on.

I often meet my friends.

We use Present Continuous to describe actions,… which happen at the moment of speaking. What time expressions do you know? … now, at the moment, and so on.

Presentation slide N7 (There are many examples of time expressions for  Present Simple and Present Continuous)

Let`s read it all together.



3-5 min


5 min




5 min



5 min

Stages and Aim


Interaction and Time

IV. Focus on form. Grammar

To present/revise and practise the usage of the Present Simple and Present Continuous

VI. Skills.

Reading and speaking.

To provide SS with ideas and initiate a discussion on the topic of the lesson.

VII. Consolidation

To review the target language


3. The structure of the sentence in Present Simple and Present Continuous. 

T elicits What type of sentences do you know? (Affirmative, negative, interrogative).

OK, you know, that the English sentence has the direct word order.

T elicits What we have to put on the first place in the affirmative sentence?

Yes, you are right it will be …. the subject or the doer, on the second place will be … the verb or predicate.

Ok, look at the whiteboard, please. ( There is a table Present Simple Vs Present Continuous)

T elicits time expressions in Present Simple … in Present Continuous ….

To form affirmative sentences we need …..

To form negative and interrogative we need ….

OK, now, write down your own examples in Present Simple and Present Continuous Please give affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.

If you have no ideas, you can take our examples.

The next task will be write sentences into your notebooks from these cards. (Students receive two cards with the pictures). Paircheck.

4. C0ntrolled Practice.


OK, Let`s have a look at this presentation. (slideN8,9) We have to choose the right form of the verbs. Please start reading one by one. Students controlled and correct to each other.


 Ss go to page 89 ex.4

1. Predicting

Focus on the photos and the title, and read the introduction aloud.

Ask Sts to predict anything that they think. Elicit possible answers.

2. Pre-teaching of the vocabulary

Elicit getting on (People don’t want to be late… so they are … in a hurry.)

hanging up (you are talking with your friend, After the phone call is over you are hanging up)

4. Scanning.

SS do ex.4. and answer the questions.

5. Post-reading discussion.

Ask the class if people in their country live healthily like the people in the three countries in the article. Elicit things which are similar or different.

6. Communication.

Read the dialog to each other.

A communicative game.

Function practiced: N30 talking about habits and routines,

                                 N37 describing what`s happening.

SB page 89 ex.N4,6

WB page 50



5 min


7 min


5 min



3 min




5 min




10 min


3 min


3 min)



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