Present Simple versus Present Continuous. Spotlight 4. 6 урок
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация по грамматике: Present Simple versus Present Continuous. Spotlight 4. 6 урок
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I dive. I play the violin. I skate. I ski. I surf. I sail. I am div ing . I am play ing the violin. I am skat ing . I am ski ing . I am surf ing . I am sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
You dive. You play the violin. You skate. You ski. You surf. You sail. You are div ing . You are play ing the violin. You are skat ing . You are ski ing . You are surf ing . You are sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
He dive s . He play s the violin. He skate s . He ski s . He surf s . He sail s . He is div ing . He is play ing the violin. He is skat ing . He is ski ing . He is surf ing . He is sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
She dive s . She play s the violin. She skate s . She ski s . She surf s . She sail s . She is div ing . She is play ing the violin. She is skat ing . She is ski ing . She is surf ing . She is sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
It dive s . It play s the violin. It skate s . It ski s . It surf s . It sail s . It is div ing . It is play ing the violin. It is skat ing . It is ski ing . It is surf ing . It is sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
We dive. We play the violin. We skate. We ski. We surf. We sail. We are div ing . We are play ing the violin. We are skat ing . We are ski ing . We are surf ing . We are sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
You dive. You play the violin. You skate. You ski. You surf. You sail. You are div ing . You are play ing the violin. You are skat ing . You are ski ing . You are surf ing . You are sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
They dive. They play the violin. They skate. They ski. They surf. They sail. They are div ing . They are play ing the violin. They are skat ing . They are ski ing . They are surf ing . They are sail ing . Present Simple Present Continuous
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Present Simple versus Present Continuous
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Present Simple versus Present Continuous
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