План конспект дистанционного урока в 9 классе по теме “ Massmedia. WatchingTelevision”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Конспект дистанционного урока
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План конспект дистанционного урока в 9 классе по теме “ Massmedia. Watching Television”
Учитель: Зунгруева Е.Г.
Цель: развитие навыков говорения и аудирования по теме: «Средства массовой информации. Телевидение».
1. Образовательный аспект: введение новой и повторение активной лексики по теме: «Средства массовой информации. Телевидение», формирование навыков аудирования.
2. Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к логическому изложению, к формированию выводов.
3. Воспитательный аспект: познакомить учащихся с культурами других народов, учить уважительному отношению к интересам других людей.
4. Создание благоприятных здоровьесберегающих условий для обучения ребенка-инвалида.
Оснащение урока: компьютер (телефон) ученика и компьютер учителя, Интернет, упражнения в курсе i – школы, карточки с заданиями.
Рекомендации учителю. При проведении уроков с детьми, страдающими ДЦП, необходимо использовать на уроке физкультминутки. Проведение физкультминуток – это эффективный способ поддержания работоспособности учащихся, поскольку во время физкультминутки обеспечивается отдых центральной нервной системы, а также скелетных мышц, испытывающих статическое напряжение из-за длительного сидения за партой. Для того, чтобы физкультминутка оказывала универсальный профилактический эффект, она должна включать упражнения на расслабление и напряжение для различных групп мышц и для улучшения мозгового кровообращения. У детей с диагнозом ДЦП, как правило, уроки английского языка не вызывают особых затруднений. Обладая хорошей памятью, они успешно усваивают правила, грамотно пишут. И основная трудность заключается в том, что скорость работы за компьютером во время дистанционного урока очень незначительна. Очень важно терпение учителя. Не стоит торопить, необходимо давать возможность отдохнуть руке, делать короткие перерывы для массажа пальчиков или упражнения для кистей рук. Систематические упражнения по тренировке движения пальцев наряду со стимулирующим массажем являются, по мнению В.В. Кольцовой, "мощным средством повышения работоспособности головного мозга".
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
T: Hello, Artyom. How are you? I’m glad to see you again. Are you ready to start our lesson? OK, let’s start then. 35
II. T: First of all I want you to guess the theme of the Unit and the lesson. Look at the letters I’ve sent you by the Skype. Copy the letters starting with the last one to get some words. Ssamaidem; noisivelet Well, what are these words? Suggested answer: Ssamaidem - mass media; noisivelet – television T: Yes, you are right: Do you know the meaning of the first word? Suggested answer: It means «средстваинформации»/ No, I don’t. Can you translate it for me?
III. Введение новой лексики
T: Now look at the list of words which can be new or difficult to understand for you. mass media - средствамассовойинформации; fast developing –быстроразвивающийся; entertain – развлекать; advantages –преимущества; disadvantages – недостатки; Quizz – викторина; Variety show – варьете, эстрадноепредставление, эстрадныйконцерт.
IV. Говорение и письмо
T: Have you done it? Now look at Speaking. Answer the Questions.
Активизация лексики in your course.
Answer the questions, please. 1. What mass media do you know? 2. Which is the most popular of them? 3. What makes the Internet a fast developing kind of the mass media? 4. What newspapers and magazines do you read? 5. For what categories of people is the radio important? 6. The mass media give us information and entertain us.Which of the two is more important for you?
T: Well, you’ve answered all the questions. Can you change anything in your answer to the first question? Well done. Let’s continue our lesson. The next task is the following: look at the questionnaire you’ve got by the Zoom. Fill it, you’ve got 5 minutes.
1. How many hours a week do you spend watching television?
a. less then 5 hours b. 5-10 hours c. 10-15 hours d. more then 20 hours
2. What do you usually watch on TV?
a. the news 36 b. films c. talk shows d. sports programmes e. musical programmes f. others 3. Are there any sorts of programmes you don’t like? Like Dislike
The news Discussion programmes Documentaries Plays Films Quizz shows Classical music programmes Pop music programmes Children’s programmes Variety shows
4. What is your favourite programme?
5. What advantages does television have? What disadvantages does television have?
6. What does television give you?
T: Are you ready? Tell me you opinion on the topic. Good job!
V. Упражнения для улучшение мозгового кровообращения
И. п. - сидя, руки на поясе. 1 - поворот головы направо; 2 - и.п., 3 - поворот головы налево; 4 - и. п.; 5 - голову наклонить вперед, 6 - и. п. Повторить 4-6 раз. Темп медленный. Упражнения для снятия утомления с мелких мышц кисти И. п. - сидя, руки подняты вверх. 1 - сжать кисти в кулак; 2 - разжать кисти. Повторить 6-8 раз, затем руки расслабленно опустить вниз и потрясти кистями. Темп средний. Физкультминутка для глаз (по материалам офтальмолога В. Ф. Базарного - специальный комплекс из пяти простейших упражнений, получивший название «Физкультминутка для глаз»). Исходное положение каждого упражнения - стоя или сидя.
Упражнение 1. Сделайте 15 колебательных движений глазами по горизонтали справа-налево, затем слева-направо.
Упражнение 2. 15 колебательных движений глазами по вертикали - вверх-вниз и вниз-вверх.
Упражнение 3. Тоже 15, но круговых вращательных движений глазами слеванаправо.
Упражнение 4. То же самое, но справа-налево.
Упражнение 5. Сделайте по 15 круговых вращательных движений глазами вначале в правую, затем в левую стороны, как бы вычерчивая глазами уложенную набок цифру
8. T: Now look at Lessson 1. Watching Television. Мои любимые передачи in your course. You have got the description of three people’s television likes and dislikes. Look through them. Is everything clear?
VI. Аудирование.
T: OK. Now listen to the tape and decide which channel these people were likely to watch. Mind the key words and phrases. Start listening, please. a) Alice Radcliffe has recently visited China, Japan and Vietnam. She has fallen in love with the culture and traditions of these countries. Never misses a TV show devoted to them. (Channel 3) b) Will Smith is fond of travelling. He has been to many European countries but has never visited any country of the Pacific or Indian Oceans. He wants to know more about flora and fauna of that region. (Channel 1) c) Christina Bruce has been travelling over the world since her childhood. She is very much interested in the exotic traditions and customs of different peoples. (Channel 2)
T: Good for you. Which key words and phrases helped you to guess? Suggested answer: Channel 1 - New Zealand; kiwi bird Channel 2 - an Afro-American festival; culture Channel 3 - eastern countries; eastern churchmen
T: OK. Listen to the tape again and decide which of the statements are true (T) and which of them are false (F). Look through the sentences before listening.
Lesson 1. Watching Television. True or False? Мои. Channel 1 1) New Zealand is the same size as the USA. (F) 2) New Zealand is often called a natural park. (T) 3) The kiwi bird is New Zealand's national symbol. (T) 4) All birds in New Zealand are nicknamed kiwi. (F) 5) The kiwi bird will be protected by the government of the country. (T) Channel 2 1) Kwanzaa is celebrated in spring. (F) 2) Kwanzaa is a theatre performance. (F) 3) Kwanzaa is celebrated in Africa. (F) 4) Kwanzaa is very popular among some African people living in the USA. (T) 5) Kwanzaa means «favourite fruit» in Swahili. (F) Channel 3 1) The Channel showed the programme about spring celebration in the East. (T) 2) In spring Easter is celebrated in Europe. (T) 38 3) In spring eastern churchmen walk barefoot on fire during the Nagatoro Fire Festival. (T) 4) Chocolate rabbits and eggs are symbols of the Nagatoro Fire Festival. (F) 5) The Nagatoro Fire Festival is celebrated once in two years. (F).
VII. Подведение итогов.
T: Good for you. Have you learned anything new and interesting at the lesson? What was difficult for you? What did you like most of all? Your mark for the lesson is… Your home task is to do ex. “hot potatoes”. You’ll have to match the questions with the answers. Match the questions with the answers Match each pair, and then click the Check button. Check 1. What mass media do you know? 2. Which is the most popular of them? 3. What makes the Internet a fast developing kind of the mass media? 4. What newspapers and magazines do you read? 5. For what categories of people is the radio important? 6. The mass media give us information and entertain us. Which of the two is more important for you? 7. What do you usually watch on TV: the news, films, talk shows, sports programmes, musical programmes or others? 8. Do you watch a lot of television? What does it give you? a) For me entertainment is more important. b) Radio is important for those who live alone. c) I’m afraid I really watch a lot of television. I get a lot of fun. d) More and more people use the Internet. e) I usually watch the news and talk shows. f) I think TV is the most popular of mass media. g) I never read newspapers. Sometimes I read some magazines. h) Radio, TV, the Internet, newspapers and magazines. Приложение 1. Script of the text Yesterday Channel 1 showed the programme “We Travel around the World”. It was devoted to New Zealand. New Zealand is a small country. It’s about the same size as California, but it has white beaches, deserts, volcanoes, rainforests, mountains, and farmlands, too. Some people call New Zealand a natural park because of its amazing geography. Some part of the programme was devoted to the kiwi bird which is New Zealand’s national symbol. By the way, Kiwi is a nickname for someone who is from New Zealand. Unfortunately, the bird has become an endangered species. Animals like dogs and cats are killing one kiwi every two hours. Now the government is planning to make 10 special areas in New Zealand to keep animals away from the kiwi. 39 Channel 2 showed a programme about an Afro-American festival. Its name is Kwanzaa. It is celebrated in December when Europeans celebrate Christmas and New Year. Thousands of families celebrate this festival. It started in the 60ies of the previous century when many black people who lived in America wanted a special way to celebrate their culture. Kwanzaa means “first fruit” in the African language Swahili. It isn’t a religious festival but it is about helping other people and working together. Channel 3 prepared a programme devoted to celebrating spring. A lot of Europeans celebrate Easter in spring. A lot of British people give chocolate eggs and rabbits to their family and friends. Rabbits and eggs are symbols of new life and spring. But in eastern countries there is a different way to celebrate spring. Eastern churchmen walk barefoot on fire during the Nagatoro fire festival. The ceremony happens every year. The church people celebrate spring and hope for good luck and protection during the coming year.
Список литературы
1) http://iclass.home-edu.ru/course/view.php?id=598
2) Lessson 1. Watching Television. Моилюбимыепередачи
3) Lesson 1. Watching Television. True or False? Мои.
4) http://www.gimnazia40.ru/successful/sport.php
5) Английский язык 4-11 классы. Современные образовательные технологии. Конспекты уроков. Автор-составитель О.В. Захарьина, заслуженный учитель РФ – Волгоград.
6) T. Oschepkova, M. Prolygyna, D. Starkova Tech-Pack collection of up-to-date classroom techniques, Учебно-методическоепособие – Дрофа. Москва, 2
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