English language,Test
тест по английскому языку

Информационные системы и программирование, контрольная работа


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Контрольные вопросы (задания) для проведения срезовых работ

по иностранному языку (английскому) языку в группе 319-П

09.02.07. Информационные системы и программирование

Variant I

1. Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

IT Department Restructuring

DataPro Inc. is growing, and so our workload is increasing. But our IT department is not dealing  with this increase effectively. So I am dividing the  IT department into three sections: quality assurance, data processing and information security. The responsibilities of each section are:

Quality Assurance : Testing hardware, providing technical support

Data Processing: Writing code, organizing data

Information Security

Encoding online data transfers

Updating security software

These changes are not simple or easy. But smaller groups deal with tasks more efficiently than larger ones. See your supervisors for your new section assignment.

Thoma Jenkins,

CEO DataPro Inc.

1 _ The IT Department is increasing.

2 _ Data Processing employees now encode data.

3 _ Supervisors know the employees' new assignments.

2. Read the sentence and choose the correct word.

1. My (PDA / mainframe) notifies me when I have a meeting.

2. I have a (laptop / supercomputer) to do work on the plane.

3. John has a (server / desktop computer) because he only uses simple programs.

4. This (computer / server) runs programs, but doesn't have Internet access.

5. A (workstation / handheld PC) is smaller than a laptop, but still has a keyboard.

6. Connect to the (server / PDA) to use that printer.

7 A (supercomputer / handheld PC) is the most powerful machine in the world.

3. Check the sentence that is true.

1. A A keyboard reads documents.

     B.USB cable connects computers and devices.

2. A. A peripheral is the main part of a computer.

     B. A printer creates documents and pictures.

3.  A. An input device enters information.

     B. A microphone creates sounds.

4.  A. A monitor inputs sound.

     B. A touch screen does not need a mouse.

5.  A. A scanner displays pictures and words.

     B. A peripheral is a device that is added to a computer.

4. Listen to an IT professional talking with a customer about setting up a network. Choose the correct answers.

1.What does the woman want to buy?

A. a LAN           C. router

B. a WLAN        D. a CAT-5 cable

2 Why does the woman choose a wireless network?

A. She does not have CAT-5 cables.

B. Her computers are not close to each other.

C. She does not like her present network.

D. Her router doesn't support a LAN.

5. Listen again and complete the conversation.

IT Professional: Hi. Can I help you find something?

Customer: Oh, please. I need a 1……..

IT Professional: Well, there are a few types. What kind of  2……….do you have?

Customer: I don't have one yet, but it's tor the computers in my home.

IT Professional: Do you want a LAN or a WLAN? Some routers don't 3……… both types.

Customer: What's the difference?

IT Professional: A WLAN connects computers wirelessly. A LAN 4……… with CAT-5 cables.

Customer: My computers are tar 5……….. I'd need a WLAN.

6. Using the conversation from Task 5, fill in the network description sheet.


Location of network: ………………………

Type of network: …………………….

Components needed: ……………………….

7. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

1) I often ….. (buy) food on Fridays.

2) Nick …. (not/go) to the Caucasus last year.

3) My sister ….. (clean) the kitchen now.

4) I ….. (do) my homework last Monday.

5) My grandfather usually ….. (work) in the garden in the morning.

6) Sorry! I … (be late).

7) Sometimes Maria ….. (cook) lunch for herself.

8) I ….. (be) in the Crimea last summer.

9) The manager is busy. He …..(talk) with a customer

Variant II

1.Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answers.

Assembly Instructions

Step #1: First, gather your parts. These include motherboard, power supply, processor, case, heat sink, fan, RAM, expansion cards, hard drive and disk drive.

Step #2: Next, Attach the motherboard to the case. Then connect the processor to the motherboard’s primary socket.

Step #3: Attach the heat sink and cooling fan to the processor.

Step #4: Insert the RAM card into an open memory slot. Put any expansion cards into the expansion slots.

Step #5: Connect your hard drive to the motherboard and power supply.

Step #6:Close the case and connect the power supply.

1.What is the guide mostly about?

A .putting together a computer

B. problems with  computer parts

C. uses of expansion  cards o  repairing  a broken computer

2.When should  the hard drive be installed?

A. Step #1

C. Step #3

B. Step #5

D. Step#6

3 .According to the guide,  what is NOT an assembly step? 

A. collecting parts

B. opening the case

C. connecting the drives or installing the RAM card

2.Match the words (1-10) with the definitions (A-J).

1.     software                                                6.      online

2.      code                                                      7.    technical support

3.      hardware                                               8.      data

4.       data processing                                     9.    quality assurance

5.      information security                              10.     Encoding

A. putting secret information into code

B. the physical parts of a computer

C. connected to the internet

D. numbers entered / held in a computer

E. checking products for problems

F. the act of using information

G. programs / instructions added to computer

H. helping people use / understand technology

I. program language

J. the act of protecting information

3. Write a word that is similar in meaning to  the underlined part.

1.Spinning blades keep the computer from overheating. f …   …

2 The electrical source directs power throughout  the computer. … … w…r      … …p p … …

3 Joey purchased a protective bag for his computer. c … … …

4 Can the coded disk reader play DVDs?  d … … …d … …v…

4. Listen to a telephone conversation between an employee and a business owner. Check each item that the employee suggests.

1. Monitor                                 4. Mouse

2. Touch Screen                         5. Printer

3. Keyboard                               6. Scanner

5.Listen again and complete the conversation.

A:Computers International, can I help you?

B: Yes. My firm's computer system needs an 1………

A: What type of business is it?

B: A restaurant. Here's the problem. Customer's orders take too long to 2……..  

A: Then, I suggest our new 3 _____

You just move the data on the screen with your fingertip.

B: That sounds good. I want to create menus, too.

Do you have 4                f or that?

A: Well, I recommend a new 5 ___. The new ones print as well as a professional service.

B: Great. Let's talk about prices.

6. Using the conversation from Task 5, fill in your feedback on the form.

1.Was our employee helpful?


2 Did our employee make suggestions?


3 What products were you interested in?

4 What peripherals did our employee recommend?

7. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

1) My sister ….. (clean) the kitchen now.

2) I often ….. (buy) food on Fridays.

3) Nick …. (not/go) to the Caucasus last year.

4) My grandfather usually ….. (work) in the garden in the morning.

5) I ….. (do) my homework last Monday.

6) Sometimes Maria ….. (cook) lunch for herself.

7) Sorry! I … (be late).

8) The manager is busy. He …..(talk) with a customer.

9) I ….. (be) in the Crimea last summer.

Эталоны ответов на контрольные вопросы (задания)

Variant I

1.Read the statement from the DataPro Inc. CEO. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).




2.Read the sentence and choose the correct word.

1. PDA

2. laptop

3. desktop computer

4. server

5. handler PC

6. server

7. supercomputer

3. Check the sentence that is true.

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. B

4. Listen to an IT professional talking with a customer about setting up a network. Choose the correct answers.

1. C

2. B

5. Listen again and complete the conversation.

1. router

2. network

3. support

4. connect computers

5. apart

6. Using the conversation from Task 5, fill in the network description sheet.

1. home


3. Wireless connection / CAT – 5 cables

7. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

1. buy

2. didn’t go

3. is cleaning

4. did

5. works

6. am late

7. cooks

8. was

9. is talking

Variant II

1.Read the technology guide about computer assembly. Then, choose the correct answers.




2.Match the words (1-10) with the definitions (A-J).











3. Write a word that is similar in meaning to  the underlined part.


2.power supply


4.disk drive

4. Listen to a telephone conversation between an employee and a business owner. Check each item that the employee suggests.

Printer, Touch Screen

5.Listen again and complete the conversation.



3.touch screen



6. Using the conversation from Task 5, fill in your feedback on the form.





7. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

1. is cleaning

2. buy

3. didn’t go

4. works

5. did

6. cooks

7. am late

8. is talking

9. was

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