Разработка урока "Что бы ты сделал, если..?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 8
Тема: Что бы ты сделал, если...?
- тренировка в употреблении условных предложений;
- развитие навыков аудирования.
- Оборудование: учебник «Enjoy English» 8класс;
- компьютер;
- проектор;
- экран;
- диск (к учебнику);
- доска;
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
Hello, students. It’s nice to see you! How are you today? Who is on duty? What date is it today? And what day of the week is it? What is the weather like? We will do a lot of tasks to learn to use conditional sentences. For example, we'll listen to and learn a poem.
II. Фонетическая разминка
We will begin with the poem. Listen to it for the first time. Say t the poem expresses. ( The poem expresses somebody's wishes even dreams. They are unreal as the author uses conditional sentences.) , you are perfectly right. Open your books at p. 46, ex. 23.
Listen and read the poem after the speaker. Translate it into Russian. Compare your translation with that one Marshak. Read the poem together with the speaker.it in pairs. At home learn the poem by heart. You may write own poem if you wish , either in Russian or in English
III. Речевая разминка
Can you use the Conditionals? Then read your sentences from your homework to each other. Compare your answers. Correct s mistakes if you have any.
Read the sentences aloud one by one. Translate them into Russian.
IV.Совершенствование грамматических навыков
— On your cards you have some sentences. Open the bracket using the necessary form of the verb. Mind the type of the Conditional.
1 . If you (finish) in tune you wouldn't have been late.
2. The day (be) fine if they hadn't argued.
3. If we (recycle) the litter the environment (be) cleaner.
4. If you (not, come) so early they (not, get up). 5 . What you (do) if you (win) a lottery?
6. If I (be) you I never (ask) him for help.
7. What you (do) if the computer hadn't worked?
8. It (be) better if you didn't go there.
1 . If you had finished in tune, you wouldn't have been late.
2. The day would have been fine if they hadn't argued.
3. If we recycled the litter, the environment would be cleaner.
4. If you hadn't come so early, they wouldn't have got up.
5. What would you do if you won a lottery?
6. If I were you, I would never ask him for help.
7. What would you have done if the computer hadn't worked?
8. It would be better if you didn't go there
We are running, (бег на месте)
We are jumping, (прыгаем на месте)
Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)
We are skipping, (перескакиваем с ноги на ногу на месте)
Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)
We are flying like a real jet. (руки в стороны, показывая самолёт)
We are hopping, (прыгаем на месте на одной ноге потом на другой)
We are climbing (как будто карабкаемся вверх)
Like a funny cat. (рисуем в воздухе усы как у кота)
Mew. (садимся на место)
VI.Закрепление грамматических навыков
— Open ex. 24, p. 46. In writing complete the sentences using your imagination.
1. If you gave it a try, you would be a success (you would have the best result, you wouldn't have any problems).
2. She would send for the doctor if she had somebody nearby (she were you, had time).
3. What would you do if you were the president (you won a million dollars, you lived in Alaska).
4. If I had thought about threats, I would have been more careful (I wouldn't have gone there, I wouldn't have let her go there)-
5. The scientists would have told about the serious problem if they had made a research (they had had enough money, somebody had asked them to do it.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- At home learn your dialogues and then role play them at the lesson.
- When do we use Conditional II and III? Was it difficult to understand the actors in the film? Thank you for your work. Your homework is to learn a poem. Your marks is…
Домашнее задание
p. 46, ex. 23.
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